News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

EOSIO Labs™发布:EOSIO™ Explorer/EOSIO Labs™ Release: The EOSIO™ Explorer

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Block.one很高兴在此发布EOSIO Explorer,一款新的基于网络的图形用户界面,以此优化开发人员交互和监督开发中的EOSIO应用程序和网络的体验。

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此前,开发人员必须采用基于toolchain的命令行。此举固然有用,但却不易于操作,并且对于偏好视觉界面的开发人员而言并不友好。现在,通过EOSIO Explorer及其浏览器,开发人员便可以轻松浏览其开发节点所在区块,创造并管理自己的开发账户及钥匙,快速生成新的交易或者重新发送之前发送过的交易,采用图形的拖拉界面上传智能合约,并使用其他功能。

EOSIO Explorer以Block.one此前的发布内容为基础建立,旨在优化EOSIO的codebase,使其更易于用户使用,适合各种类型的开发人员。而最重要的是,这款工具通过多种途径,帮助开发人员减少EOSIO应用程序的开发时间,让EOSIO智能合约开发更加适合各类开发人员使用。

这款工具在构建中考虑到开发人员和开发团队,同时为智能合约开发人员和前端EOSIO应用开发人员提供支持。团队能够通过本地单节点的testnet(由该工具所提供),采用EOSIO Explorer,完成协同工作。

EOSIO Explorer功能

EOSIO Explorer的功能分为两组:



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与EOSIO Labs保持连接

通过EOSIO Lab,Block.one将继续发布此类有关EOSIO开发者社区的创意及研究。打造类似EOSIO Explorer的开发工具标志着优化EOSIO开发人员体验的又一进度。我们欢迎社区在优化此工具的过程中不断地提供支持,使其能成为开发工程中最具有价值的工具。

若您有兴趣提供反馈意见,并与我们团队更加密切地合作,共同为开发人员优化EOSIO Labs库,您可以在Gihub上提出问题和意见,或者给我们的开发者团队发送邮件


免责声明:Block.one作为EOSIO社区的一员,自愿做出自身贡献,并不对软件的总体性能及任何相关应用程序负责。对于此处所述版本以及相关GitHub版本或EOSIO软件,我们不作任何明示或暗示的陈述、保证、担保或承诺,包括且不限于提供担保,保证适销性或对某一特定目的和非侵权的适用性。在任何情况下,无论是合约操作、侵权行为或其他,亦无论是否与软件或文档相关,或由于软件使用导致,或在软件和文档上的其他交易导致的任何索赔、损害赔偿或其他债务,我们均不承担责任。任何测试结果或绩效数据具有指示性,无法反映所有情况下的绩效。任何对第三方或第三方产品、资源或服务的引用都不受Block.one的认可或推荐。对于您使用或信任这些资源的行为,我们概不负责,并且不承担任何责任和义务。第三方资源可能随时更新、变更或终止,因此此处的信息可能已过期或不准确。任何人使用或提供此软件向第三方提供软件、商品或服务应当就授权条款、免责声明和免责事项向该第三方提出建议。、EOSIO、EOSIO Labs、EOS、该七面体以及与其相关的商标皆为Block.one所有。此文中所有提及的其他商标皆为其所有者持有。

原文/Original: is pleased to announce the release of EOSIO Explorer, a new web-based graphical user interface to improve the developer experience of interacting and monitoring EOSIO-based applications and networks in development.

Previously, developers would have to use a command-line based toolchain that, while functional, is less user-friendly and more difficult for developers who prefer a visual interface. Using the EOSIO Explorer and their browser, developers can now easily explore blocks in their development nodes, create and manage their development accounts and keys, quickly generate new transactions or resend transactions sent previously, upload smart contracts via a graphical drag-and-drop interface and use other helpful features.

The EOSIO Explorer builds on previous releases from, aimed at making development on the EOSIO codebase more user-friendly and accessible to all types of developers. Most importantly, this tool helps developers reduce EOSIO app development time through a number of ways and makes EOSIO smart contract development more accessible to a diverse cohort of developers.

The tool has been built with developers and development teams in mind, supporting both smart contract developers and front-end EOSIO app developers. Teams are able to work together using the EOSIO Explorer via the local single-node testnet that the tool provides.

EOSIO Explorer Functionality

The EOSIO Explorer features are split into two groups:


Inspecting features allow developers to view connected blockchain information, individual block, transaction and action details, and accounts details with associated smart contracts. This is most useful for verifying data transmitted between an application and the blockchain and verifying functionality of a smart contract.


Interacting features allow developers to edit, import and create development accounts — with relevant public and private key pairings, upload and deploy smart contracts and generated ABIs, and push actions coded in smart contracts. This is most useful for user testing and verifying accounts interacting with your application.

Stay Connected with EOSIO Labs

Through EOSIO Labs, will continue releasing our thoughts and research on projects like this for the EOSIO developer community. Creating developer tools like the EOSIO Explorer marks another step towards improving the developer experience on EOSIO. We welcome continued community support in shaping how to grow this tool to be most valuable in the development process.

If you are interested in providing feedback and working more closely with our team to improve the EOSIO Labs repositories for developers, you can post issues and pull requests on GitHub or send our developer relations team an email at

You can also stay informed of future updates by subscribing to our mailing list on the EOSIO Developer Portal. We are excited to be regularly improving the usability of the software for EOSIO developers as we continue to lay a foundation for the mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Disclaimer: makes its contribution on a voluntary basis as a member of the EOSIO community and is not responsible for ensuring the overall performance of the software or any related applications. We make no representation, warranty, guarantee or undertaking in respect of the releases described here, the related GitHub release, the EOSIO software or any related documentation, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall we be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or documentation or the use or other dealings in the software or documentation. Any test results or performance figures are indicative and will not reflect performance under all conditions. Any reference to any third party or third-party product, resource or service is not an endorsement or recommendation by We are not responsible, and disclaim any and all responsibility and liability, for your use of or reliance on any of these resources. Third-party resources may be updated, changed or terminated at any time, so the information here may be out of date or inaccurate. Any person using or offering this software in connection with providing software, goods or services to third parties shall advise such third parties of these license terms, disclaimers and exclusions of liability., EOSIO, EOSIO Labs, EOS, the heptahedron and associated logos are trademarks of All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.

原文链接/Original URL:

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