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EOS Network基金会聘请Bart Wyatt担任首席技术官/EOS Network Foundation Appoints Bart Wyatt as Chief Technology Officer



领先的Web3开源技术基础框架提供商EOS Network的管理方,EOS Network基金会(ENF),今天宣布Bart Wyatt加入团队,担任首席技术官(CTO)。

Bart Wyatt, Chief Technology Officer at EOS Network Foundation
Bart Wyatt, EOS Network 基金会首席技术官







“能让Bart加入ENF团队,对EOS Network来说是一个巨大的胜利。他在区块链行业深刻的知识,尤其是他在Antelope代码库的一手经验,意味着他从第一天开始就能够扮演正确的角色。如果只有这样,那我们已经很幸运了,但同时,他还有在游戏开发和NFT上的经验,同时他还特别有天分,能够向每个人解释清楚复杂的技术信息,这些都让事情变得更有趣了。”

—Yves La Rose, CEO, ENF

Bart加入ENF之前是虚拟货物和元宇宙公司NFT42的CTO。在之前,他帮助成立了一个自助团队,这个团队推动了NFT和链上内容的边界,在21年的NFT Summer活动中,他还成功帮助启动了一些大型NFT项目。

此外,Bart之前也自主创业过,他是数字身份和验证公司Tobori的联合创始人和CTO。在Volition和Pavlov Media两个公司中,他有15年的工作经验,带领了不同的游戏行业技术人才。


关于 EOS Network 基金会

EOS Network基金会(ENF)是一个非营利性机构,它协调了经济和非经济支持,鼓励EOS Network的发展壮大。ENF是EOS Network的中心,它利用去中心化的力量,让它带来积极的全球变革、为EOS带来协作的未来。


EOS Network 基金会

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The EOS Network Foundation (ENF), stewards of the EOS Network, a leading Web3 open-source technology infrastructure provider, today announced that Bart Wyatt has joined the organization as Chief Technology Officer (CTO).

Bart Wyatt, Chief Technology Officer at EOS Network Foundation
Bart Wyatt, Chief Technology Officer at EOS Network Foundation

As the ENF enters a strategic growth phase, it is at a pivotal moment to help enable developers, businesses and organizations to build, run and scale their applications.

In his new role, Bart will oversee and collaborate with ENF engineers and partners across the ecosystem to deliver transformative blockchain solutions. He will work on the future direction of the EOS technology infrastructure and further its position in Web3. As an original contributor to the EOS and Antelope codebase, an ENF grant evaluator, and game developer, Bart is deeply familiar with the technology and the wider ecosystem. He will be instrumental in leveraging the existing strengths of EOS while unlocking its potential as an enterprise grade public blockchain with the performance and tooling necessary to realize the promise of Web3.

“We made EOS a L1 blockchain that is rock-solid, but we’ve yet to realize its true potential. We were ahead of the game in so many ways, and normally, you don’t get second chances like this. That we could be the first layer-one blockchain to survive the loss of its main patron, or founders, and for the community itself to be strong enough, and organized enough to take the reins and run with it, well it’s hard to say no to being a part of that.”

Bart anticipates the need for new applications and tooling on EOS, the “next few abstractions”, as he says, enabling new waves of developers to join the ecosystem.

“The ENF is not a traditional software product organization, this is an advocacy group. Some of the ways that we provide value to the network is through software, but distinct from every other blockchain project out there, this is truly community built and owned. We are helping to facilitate funding, engineering, and software getting into the right hands. This should be something in the very fabric of blockchain. What can we offer as far as thought leadership and also software innovation that would be the glue between community actors building other things; the shared infrastructure, the roads and bridges that make the community. We want to use the endowment that we have to build all the stuff that’s connecting, that facilitates those things in a secure and reliable way”

Bart will play a vital role in helping EOS mature into a best-in-class Web3 smart contract platform and blockchain ecosystem.

“Having Bart join the team of the ENF is a major win for the EOS network. His depth of knowledge in the blockchain industry, and specifically his hands-on experience with the Antelope codebase, means he’s ready to step right into the role from day one. If that was all, we’d be fortunate, but his additional background in game development and NFTs, combined with a unique gift for articulating complex technical information in a way that everyday people can understand is where things get really interesting.”

—Yves La Rose, CEO, ENF

Bart joins the ENF from the virtual goods and metaverse company NFT42 where he served as CTO. While there, he helped to bootstrap a team that pushed the boundaries of NFTs, on-chain content, and successfully helped launch some of the biggest NFT projects during the “NFT Summer” of 21’.

Additionally, Bart previously served as an entrepreneur, as a Co-Founder and CTO at Tobori, a digital identity and attestation company. He spent 15 years leading diverse teams of gaming industry technologists at Volition and Pavlov Media.

He is a true believer in the spirit of Web3 and the critical role the community plays as “fellow explorers on the blockchain frontier,” and that makes him right at home at the ENF, which is moving intently to bring together all the innovations that its community builds.

About EOS Network Foundation

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.

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