
在实现大规模普及的前进道路上,EOS 生态系统取得了另一个重要里程碑,EOS 版本的 USDT 现已在 Binance 上线。
Binance 是世界上最大的加密货币交易所之一,注册用户超过 1.2 亿人,24 小时交易量超过 760 亿美元。能够在这样一个平台上实现原生稳定币集成,将使 EOS 生态系统能够接触到大量经济活动中,这在过去是从未有过的。
上线 Binance 是 EOS 网络基金会(ENF)推动主要交易所支持 EOS 原生 USDT 持续举措的重要一部分。关于这方面的更多消息,感兴趣的社区成员可以查看下方视频,ENF 首席执行官 Yves La Rose 最近对这一举措的介绍了更多最新消息。
Binance 支持 EOS 版本的 USDT 的益处
Binance 用户现在将能够在 EOS 网络中转入和转出 USDT,而不需要将其持有的资金转换为 EOS 或使用第三方桥梁。这种体验将与将 USDT 转移到任何其他主要区块链网络一样无感顺滑。
这一功能恰逢其时,因为诸如 Yield+ 等新推出的生态激励举措,旨在根据 EOS DeFi 中锁定的 EOS 和 USDT 的价值为依据,为 EOS DeFi 应用程序提供收益激励,从而提高网络的 TVL。
现在,EOS 生态系统可以更好地接触到那些可能想加入 Web3 应用的普通人,他们拥有了简单的入口和稳定的货币。
改善 EOS 工人薪酬体系
EOS 版本的 USDT 上线 Binance,也使得基于 EOS 建设的项目能够更容易奖励他们的员工,实现了用稳定币支付薪酬等,这对世界各地的用户来说是一个方便的法币出口,同时这也可能会吸引越来越多的项目进入 EOS 生态并基于 EOS 进行建设。
推动 EOS 成为 USDT 交易的首选网络
最令人兴奋的是,任何在 Binance 上持有 USDT 的用户,现在都可以利用 EOS 所拥有的强大优势来发送 USDT,包括极快的速度、极低的交易成本、极低的资源消耗等。基于这些优势,EOS 可以成为交易 USDT 的领先网络,从而鼓励其他主要平台开始接触并了解我们的技术。
随着 Antelope IBC 在不久将来顺利上线,这一里程碑也将使其他支持 Antelope 的网络受益。 EOS USDT通过 IBC 与其他 Antelope 链进行连接,未来将成为比传统桥梁更安全的 USDT 入口。
结语:稳定增长的 EOS 生态系统
USDT 是 EOS 生态系统内外 DeFi 格局的重要支柱。 虽然许多区块链都在其网络上拥有封装版本 USDT (wrapped USDT),但很少有提供官方 USDT 的,直接集成到 Binance 中的就更少了。 这是因为像 Binance 和 Tether 这样的主要行业参与者,在选择与哪些项目合作时有极高的标准,而这两个行业顶级项目都选择了以如此重要的方式与 EOS 网络合作,也能够充分说明 EOS 的很多优势。
毫无疑问,EOS 在 Web3 的竞争格局中越来越受欢迎,很高兴看到我们的社区最终获得应有的认可。欢迎大家在社交媒体上分享这篇文章,帮助我们向更广泛的区块链社区传播关于 EOS 的更多信息。
EOS网络是区块链3.0时代的典范之作,由EOS VM提供支持。EOS VM是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的WebAssembly引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS网络专为Web 3设计,致力于实现最佳的Web 3用户和开发人员体验。EOS是Antelope协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过EOS网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动EOS快速发展。
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The EOS ecosystem has achieved another major milestone on the road to mass-adoption, with the EOS version of USDT now listed on Binance.
Binance is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world with over $76 Billion in 24 hour trading volume, generated by over 120 million registered users. Having native stablecoin integrations on this platform exposes the EOS ecosystem to a massive amount of economic activity that hasn’t been available in the past.
This is part of an ongoing initiative by the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) to list EOS native USDT on major exchanges. Check out a recent update that ENF CEO, Yves La Rose, gave on this initiative below.
The Benefits of a Binance Stablecoin On-Ramp
Binance users will now be able to transfer USDT in and out of the EOS Network without needing to convert their holdings to EOS or use a third party bridge. The experience will be as seamless as moving USDT to any other major blockchain network.
This feature comes at a perfect time, as new initiatives such as Yield+ aim to increase the TVL of the network by offering yield incentives to EOS DeFi applications based on the value of EOS and USDT locked into their protocols.
The EOS ecosystem is now better exposed to lay-people that may want to engage in Web3 applications with a simple onramp and a stable currency.
Improving Worker Compensation on EOS
Being listed on Binance makes it easier for projects building on EOS to compensate their workers as well, enabling payment in a stablecoin which has a convenient fiat off-ramp for users around the world. This will likely result in an increased number of projects bringing their efforts to EOS.
Promoting EOS as a Go-To Network for USDT Transactions
Perhaps the most exciting is the fact that anyone holding USDT on Binace can now send USDT with all the benefits that EOS has to offer. This includes being extremely fast, cheap to transfer and low on energy consumption. With this in mind, EOS could become the leading network for transacting USDT, encouraging other major platforms to begin exposing themselves to our technology.
With Antelope IBC coming in the near future, this milestone will also benefit other Antelope powered networks. EOS USDT that is bridged to other Antelope chains through IBC will serve as a potentially more secure USDT on-ramp than traditional bridges.
Conclusion: Growth is Stable for the EOS Ecosystem
USDT is an important pillar of the DeFi landscape both inside and outside of the EOS ecosystem. While many blockchains have wrapped versions of USDT on their network, few offer official USDT and even fewer are directly integrated into Binance. This is because major industry players like Binance & Tether have extremely high standards when it comes to which projects they choose to engage with.
It speaks volumes that both of these projects have chosen to engage with the EOS Network in such a prominent way. There is no doubt that EOS has been gaining traction within the competitive landscape of Web3 and it’s exciting to see our community finally getting the recognition it deserves. Help us spread the word about EOS to the broader blockchain community by sharing this article on social media.
EOS Network
The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the Antelope protocol, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).
EOS Network Foundation
The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.
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