
- 简介
- 背景介绍
- 理论依据
- 常见问题解答
- 1. 什么是 EOS 网络风投(ENV)?
- 2. 为什么要将 ENV 作为一个独立的实体来启动? ENF 不能承担同样的职能吗?
- 3. ENV 最初是如何获得资金的,目前 ENV 代币由哪个账户持有?
- 4. 谁将负责指导管理 ENV?
- 5. 谁是 ENV 的决策者?
- 6. 什么是 EOS 基金管理 (EFM)? 谁是 EFM 多签成员,为什么选择他们?
- 7. 谁是管理ENV的普通合伙人(GP)和有限合伙人(LP)?
- 8. EOS 生态系统中的 ENV 和相关机构的结构和运作模式是什么样的?
- 9. ENV 将在哪里注册?
- 10. 在规划这一举措时,与社区的沟通情况如何?
- 11. ENV 将对 EOS 社区带来什么影响,其愿景是什么?
- 12. ENV 将如何对代币持有者负责?
- 其他信息
EOS 网络基金会(ENF)是一个非营利组织,负责协调生态财务及非财务资源支持,鼓励并推动 EOS 网络的成长和发展。ENF 由负责日常管理和行政运营的核心团队组成,并由七名成员组成的 EOS 基金会顾问委员会监督,以保障各项工作有序开展。
2021 年 8 月 25 日,EOS 区块生产者(BP)多签通过提案批准创建了 eosio.grants 账户,以 2% 的通胀率重新激活 eosio.saving,并批准将约 340 万 EOS 转移到 eosio.grants 账户,表明他们对 ENF 的全力支持。
通过这笔资金,前三个资助支柱得以创建,分别是 Eden、Pomelo 和直接资助框架,然而围绕第四个支柱EOS 网络风险投资公司(ENV)的讨论在过去的八个月时间里一直在进行,从 2022 年 1 月 25 日首次公布 ENF 季度工作报告时,ENV 就已经被公开列入了发展路线图,并在 2022 年 3 月 3 日由 Yves La Rose 在视频中进行了解释(最初被称为 ENF 风险投资)。 ENV 的概念在随后数月的 EOS 围炉谈话中进行了深入讨论,最终向 EOS 网络提出了多签提案。
2022 年 11 月 7 日,ENF 首席执行官 Yves La Rose 在链上提起了一项多签提案,以创建 eosio.fund 账户,并向该账户发行 68,277,906.6221 枚 EOS,该提案等待获得 21 个 EOS 区块生产者中至少 15 个的批准。该提案中的备忘录内容为「ENV Fund」。
11 月 9 日,ENF 宣布已经发起了一项提案,启动 1 亿美元的生态系统基金,该基金由 EOS 网络风投(ENV)管理。
我们在短时间内看到了几项重大进展,与此同时,EOS 社区也会有许多问题值得进一步思考。
随着 EOS 生态系统的成熟和深化发展,跟踪所有许多不同的实体以及他们正在进行的开发变得越来越困难。 我们创建此常见问题解答是为了更清楚地说明最新提议的实体 EOS 网络风投(ENV)的作用、发行约 6800 万 EOS 的原因,并解答社区提出的许多问题。

要解释发行这一特定数量的 EOS 背后的原因,我们必须首先简要回顾一下 EOS 历史上的一些重大事件。
根据白皮书内容,EOS 启动时的年通胀率为 5%,其中 1% 的通胀直接用于 BP,其余 4% 直接进入 eosio.saving 账户。
回顾 EOS 历史,曾发生两次将 eosio.saving 账户中累积的 EOS 废除或使用 [retire] 操作「销毁」的事件。
第一次出现此类事件是 2019 年 5 月 7 日,EOS BP 达成共识,销毁当时 eosio.saving 账户中积累的所有代币,总计 34,171,037.4625 枚 EOS,价值超过 1.65 亿美元。
然而,通货膨胀率保持不变,并且该账户继续将 EOS 通胀部分的 80% (但仍然缺乏流动性)存入 eosio.saving 账户。
2019 年 5 月 31 日,有人提出「将 EOS 的年通货膨胀率从 5% 改为 1%」的公投。关于该事件的一篇文章中写到:
「8 个月过去了,大量 EOS 代币继续流入 eosio.saving 账户,且仍然没有确定的用途。 这些不断积累的代币现在已经变得过多,如果我们让它继续增长,它最终将成为吸引网络攻击的载体。」
经过几个月的审议以及参与投票的代币持有者几乎一致的支持,2020 年 2 月 25 日,EOS 网络验证者达成共识,调用了 [setinflation ]操作,将网络的通货膨胀率从 5% 降低到目前的 1%,并取消了之前进入 eosio.saving 账户的区块奖励,有效地消除了该账户在网络上的作用。
几小时后,EOS BP 再次达成共识,销毁 eosio.saving 账户中剩余的 34,106,869.1596 EOS 代币,当时价值近 1.4 亿美元。
在 2021 年 8 月 EOS 网络基金会启动后,这些以前没有作用的 EOS 有机会重新发挥作用,它们可以被重新部署并造福 EOS 生态。
这两次 EOS 销毁行动共计将 68,277,906.6221 枚 EOS 从总供应量中移除。2022 年 11 月 12 日,EOS BP 就重新发行约 6800 万枚代币达成共识,有效地取代了之前被销毁的代币。
ENF 和 EOS 区块生产者意识到,这种规模的代币发行可能会被某些人视为是存在争议的,因此为了充分证明本次事件是一次性事件,各方就此达成共识,发行的金额不应超过之前已销毁的金额。
2019 及 2020 年代币「销毁」提案,和 2022 代币发行提案中投票 BP 的重叠也值得注意。 签署多签的 BP 中,有 12 位过往至少参与了一次代币销毁的提案签署。
即使发行了 6800 万枚 EOS,EOS 网络仍远低于白皮书中提出的通货膨胀限制,白皮书要求 WPS 工人提案系统的资金来自 eosio.saving 的 4% 通货膨胀。
从其他角度来看,值得考虑的是,如果没有 BP 先前的干预,两次「销毁」EOS 并调用 [ setinflation ] 将网络通货膨胀从 5% 降低到 1%,那么从 2018 年 6 月 6 日 EOS 网络推出到现在,网络运行 4.45 年,初始十亿代币供应持续复合 5% 的通货膨胀,将使总供应量额外增加约 2.425 亿美元的 EOS。
1. 什么是 EOS 网络风投(ENV)?
EOS 网络风投(ENV)是一个提议成立的风险投资基金,其使命是吸引资本投资,并将这些资本用于促进整个 EOS 网络的利益正向增长。EOS 网络风投(ENV)将对 Web3 领域的科技初创公司进行战略性的股权和代币投资,包括 GameFi、元宇宙、电子竞技、NFT、金融科技 Web3 企业以及在 EOS 公共区块链上建设的企业家,这些都属于 ENV 的投资范围。
值得注意的是,ENV 尚未正式成立,目前已经采取的唯一步骤是通过了一个多签提案,正式表明了对该机制存在的愿望。目前所提供的关于 ENV 的任何信息都是推测性的,代表了 ENF 对生态系统领导人在这一新机制正式化时所倡导的意向理解。
2. 为什么要将 ENV 作为一个独立的实体来启动? ENF 不能承担同样的职能吗?
EOS 网络基金会和 EOS 网络风投(ENV)都是独立的实体,两者共同为 EOS 网络服务但各自任务不同、形成互补。
EOS 网络基金会是一个非营利组织,其使命是让企业、开发者和个人能够在 EOS 网络上进行建设。它负责 EOS 软件堆栈的维护和开发,通过生态信息材料代表网络,并为生态系统内的公共产品提供资助。
虽然所有这些领域对网络的未来发展都很重要,但它们并没有提供任何机制来向网络注入资本,并通过营利性的举措获得投资回报。这将是 ENV 在 EOS 生态系统中的作用。
ENV 将作为一个独立的营利性实体来补充 ENF 的工作,该实体能够促进合作伙伴关系,并吸引外部资本投资于有利于 EOS 生态系统的项目,同时为网络创造利润。
3. ENV 最初是如何获得资金的,目前 ENV 代币由哪个账户持有?
2022 年 11 月 7 日,ENF 首席执行官 Yves La Rose 在链上提起了一项多签提案,以创建 eosio.fund 账户,并向该账户发行 68,277,906.6221 枚 EOS,等待获得 21 个 EOS 区块生产者中至少 15 个的批准。该提案中的备忘录内容为「ENV Fund」。
2022 年 11 月 9 日,该提案以网络区块生产者的 15/21 共识获得通过,表明网络打算启用这种新的融资机制,并创建了 eosio.fund,并根据 4/7 多签合约持有约 6800 万 EOS 代币。
4. 谁将负责指导管理 ENV?
如前所述,ENV 当前尚不存在。 由于该实体尚未正式确定,因此无法提供有关谁将管理和为 ENV 工作的具体信息。 签署将为 ENV 提供资金的多签提案是为 ENV 聘请领导层的先决条件。 EFM 基金的批准为开始推进业务运营等后期工作创造了必要条件。
值得注意的是,该领域的知名专业人士和其他主要基金对此做出了一些承诺。 在接下来的几个月里,这些关系将正式确定并公开宣布。
5. 谁是 ENV 的决策者?
ENV 将有自己的独立领导层,他们将在接受管理该基金的职位后尽快公开。任何在这方面有经验的专业人士都可以与 EFM 的成员联系,探讨潜在的参与可能性。
与前面的问题类似,一旦 ENV 实体存在了,这些细节将变得更加清晰。目前,任何细节都是概念性的,但它们提供了一个有网络支持的想法,并概述了我们社区正在努力创建和运作的内容。
它将像传统的风险投资结构一样运作,其任务是利用 EOS 进行投资。这也是推动该提案的生态系统领导人将倡导的内容。
6. 什么是 EOS 基金管理 (EFM)? 谁是 EFM 多签成员,为什么选择他们?
EOS 基金管理公司将作为 EOS 网络风投(ENV)有限合伙人(LP)的资金保管人。eosio.fund 是链上基金账户,由许多行业领袖和受信任的社区成员管理,他们是基于可靠的行业经验和EOS社区内的可信声誉而被选为 EFM 多签的签名者。
- atticlabeosb:Attic Lab,Everstake 背后领先的行业金融科技专家。 Everstake 是最大的去中心化质押提供商,拥有超过 600,000 名用户和超过 62 亿美元的质押资产。
- aus1genereos:GenerEOS,澳大利亚领先的区块链基础设施和去中心化应用程序构建机构。 Scarce NFT Studio 和 GenPool 背后的团队,GenPool 是 EOS 上第一个质押奖励平台,EOS 质押金额超过 5900 万美元
- big.one:Big.one 交易所,一个全球加密货币交易所,为交易区块链资产提供安全平台。
- hashfineosio:Hashfin,一个深度参与公链治理和开发的权益池。
- larosenonaka:Yves La Rose,EOS 网络基金会的首席执行官,其所带领的 EOS 网络基金会是一股积极的全球变革力量,通过去中心化和社区为 EOS 网络描绘了一个团结共赢的未来。
- msig1efmtony:Tony Tsao 是一名 OG 社区成员,自 EOS 区块链诞生以来一直参与其中,最初是 JEDA(日本 EOS 开发者协会)区块生产者。
- winston1efm1 – Wen Huaqiang,CryptoKylin 和 BOScore 的资深开发者和发起人.
7. 谁是管理ENV的普通合伙人(GP)和有限合伙人(LP)?
EOS 基金管理公司将是 EOS 资金的保管人,作为 EOS 网络风投(ENV)的一个 LP。值得注意的是,EFM 将不是唯一的 LP。 随着 ENV 的正式化,其他普通合伙人和有限合伙人将加入这一倡议。
ENV 的目的是让其他 LP 将外部资本也引入生态系统基金。 这将最大限度地减少 EOS 网络的财务负担,并将外部资本引入生态系统,以实现影响最大化。
8. EOS 生态系统中的 ENV 和相关机构的结构和运作模式是什么样的?
下图提供了 EOS 生态系统内各实体的高层次概述,以及对 ENV 可能结构的理解。还包括明确网络如何达成共识来表示对这些功能的支持。

9. ENV 将在哪里注册?
ENV 是一个独立的组织,它将自己决定在哪里以及如何注册。成立公司的过程只有得到多签批准后才会开始。
10. 在规划这一举措时,与社区的沟通情况如何?
在过去的一年中,已多次与社区讨论风险投资计划的概念。最初的名字是 ENF 风险投资,这个概念在 1 月份首次发布在 2022 年第四季度的路线图上。Yield+蓝皮书的第 61 页也讨论了潜在的资金来源。
这个想法随着时间的推移不断发展,最终成为 EOS 网络风投(ENV)。近几个月来,社区也通过多次 EOS 围炉谈话讨论了这一问题。然而,如果网络没有达成共识,没有通过多签批准表示支持,这一信息就无法正式确定。
11. ENV 将对 EOS 社区带来什么影响,其愿景是什么?
组建 EFM 的意图是,它可能成为 ENV 基金的少数 LP,大部分资金来自外部。EFM 赚取的利润将回馈给有利于 EOS 社区的计划。这可能包括回购和销毁等举措,或将利润分配给未来的投资。在做出任何最终决定之前,将与 EOS 社区讨论其他经济激励措施。
EOS 网络风投(ENV)的主要任务是为 EOS 生态系统吸引和增长价值。不使用 EOS 的项目将不予考虑,包括那些在 EOS 之外使用 Antelope 技术的项目。
12. ENV 将如何对代币持有者负责?
虽然 ENF 对 ENV 所做的决定没有直接影响,但我们主张在 ENF 结构的法律约束下,使其与我们自己的运作有类似的透明度。
除了季度报告等透明措施外,EOS 基金管理还将对 ENV 起到制衡作用。
关于与 Yves La Rose 和 EOS 社区其他成员对 EOS 网络风投(ENV)的深入讨论和现场 AMA,请参阅 11 月 16 日的 EOS 围炉谈话:
EOS 网络是区块链 3.0 时代的典范之作,由 EOS VM 提供支持。EOS VM 是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的 WebAssembly 引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS 网络专为 Web3 设计,致力于实现最佳的 Web3 用户和开发人员体验。EOS 是 Antelope 协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过 EOS 网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动 EOS 快速发展。
EOS 网络基金会
EOS 网络基金会是一个非营利性的组织,旨在倾听社区声音、传达社区意愿并扶持社区优质项目发展,成为 EOS 社区的信息共享桥梁,并为 EOS 生态提供资金、技术、运营、未来规划、生态构建等关键基础设施支持,进一步发挥 EOS 作为世界速度最快的治理型区块链的全部潜力。
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Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Background
- Rationale
- FAQs
- 1. What is EOS Network Ventures?
- 2. Why launch the ENV as an independent entity? Couldn’t the ENF take on these same functions?
- 3. How was ENV initially funded, and what account currently holds the ENV tokens?
- 4. Who will be directing the ENV?
- 5. Who are the ENV’s decision makers?
- 6. What is the EOS Fund Management (EFM)? Who are the EFM multisig members, and why were they chosen?
- 7. Who are the General Partners (GP) and Limited Partners (LP) managing ENV?
- 8. What is the structure and operating model of the ENV and related bodies in the EOS ecosystem?
- 9. Where will the ENV be incorporated?
- 10. What was the communication with the community in planning this initiative?
- 11. What is the vision for how the ENV will impact the EOS community?
- 12. How will the ENV be held accountable to token holders?
- Additional Resources
The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. Composed of a core team that is responsible for day-to-day management and administrative operations, the ENF is overseen by a seven member EOS Foundation Advisory Board that serves as an oversight function to ensure external stakeholder accountability is present.
On August 25th, 2021, EOS Block Producers (BPs) signaled their support for the ENF by approving the creation of the eosio.grants account, re-activating the eosio.saving bucket with 2% inflation, and approving the transfer of ~3.4m EOS to eosio.grants.
From this endowment, the first three pillars of funding, Eden, Pomelo, and the Grant Framework emerged. A fourth pillar: EOS Network Ventures (ENV) has been discussed over the past eight months, was included in the ENF public road map since the first published quarterly report on January 25, 2022, and was explained in a video by Yves La Rose on March 3, 2022 (originally referred to as ENF Ventures). The concept of ENV was later discussed on several EOS Fireside Chats over the months that followed leading up to the MSIG (multi-signature) being proposed to the EOS Network.
On November 7th, 2022, a multi-signature proposal was introduced on-chain by ENF CEO Yves La Rose to create the eosio.fund account and issue 68,277,906.6221 EOS to that account, pending approval by at least 15 of 21 active EOS Block Producers. The memo included in that proposal read “ENV Fund”.
On November 9th, the ENF announced that it had initiated a proposal to launch a $100m ecosystem fund to be managed by EOS Network Ventures.
We have seen several significant developments in a short period of time, and naturally, there are many questions from the EOS community that deserve further consideration.
As the EOS ecosystem matures and grows more complex it becomes increasingly difficult to track all of the many different entities and ongoing developments. We created this FAQ to bring more clarity to the role of the newest proposed entity, EOS Network Ventures, the reason for the issuance of ~68m EOS, and to address the many questions voiced by the community.

To explain the rationale behind the issuance of this particular number of EOS we must first make a brief review of these significant events in the history of EOS.
EOS launched with 5% yearly inflation, with 1% of inflation directed to the BPs, and 4% being directed to the eosio.saving account, as per the white paper.
In the history of EOS there have been two events where EOS that had been accruing in the eosio.saving account were retired, or “burned” using the [retire] action.
During the first such event, on May 7th, 2019, EOS BPs reached consensus to retire all of the tokens that had accumulated in the eosio.saving account up until that point, which amounted to 34,171,037.4625 EOS, valued at over $165 million at the time.
The inflation rate remained intact, however, and that account continued to accrue 80% of the newly issued (but still illiquid) EOS supply into the eosio.saving account.
On May 31st of 2019, a referendum was proposed “to change the EOS annual rate of inflation from 5% to 1%.”
“8 months have passed [sic] and there is still no defined use for this large quantity of EOS tokens that continues to flow into the eosio.saving account. This large quantity of accumulated tokens has now become excessive and if we continue to allow it to keep growing, it will eventually become an attack vector for the network.”
After several months of deliberation and near-unanimous support from token-holders who participated in the poll, on February 25th, 2020, EOS network validators reached consensus to call the [setinflation]action. This reduced the inflation rate of the network from 5% to the rate of 1% and eliminated the 80% of block rewards previously dedicated to the eosio.saving account, effectively eliminating the role of that account on the network.
Hours later, EOS BPs again reached consensus to retire the remaining 34,106,869.1596 EOS tokens, valued at nearly $140 million at the time, that were held in the eosio.saving account.
After the EOS Network Foundation launched in August of 2021, the mechanism by which these previously retired EOS could be deployed to benefit the network has since come into existence.
The net effect of both EOS retire actions was the removal of 68,277,906.6221 EOS from the total supply. On November 12, 2022, the EOS BPs reached consensus on issuing ~68M tokens, effectively replacing the ones that were previously retired.
The ENF and EOS Block Producers were aware that a token issuance of this magnitude could be seen as controversial by some, so to solidify the fact that this was a one time event, and remain well below the original intention of token issuance on EOS, consensus was reached that the amount issued should not exceed what was previously retired.
The overlap of voting BPs from the 2019/2020 token “burns” and the 2022 token issuance is also noteworthy. Twelve of the BPs who signed for the recent issuance were also involved in at least one of the token burns.
Even with this 68m EOS issuance, the EOS Network is still well below the limits on inflation proposed in the whitepaper which called for a worker proposal system to be funded by 4% inflation from eosio.saving.
For additional perspective it is worth considering that without the previous intervention by BPs in retiring EOS on two occasions and calling [setinflation] to reduce network inflation from 5% to 1%, a continuously compounding 5% inflation on the initial 1B token supply from launch of the EOS network on June 6th, 2018 until now, 4.45 years of network operation, would have added an additional ~242.5M $EOS to the total supply.
1. What is EOS Network Ventures?
EOS Network Ventures is a proposed venture capital fund whose mission is to attract capital investment and deploy that capital for the benefit of the EOS Network as a whole. Making strategic equity and token-based investments into tech startups across the Web3 space. This includes GameFi, the metaverse, eSports, NFTs, fintech Web3 businesses, and entrepreneurs building on the EOS public blockchain.
It is important to note that the ENV does not formally exist yet. The only step that has been taken is the formal signaling of a desire for this mechanism to exist via a multisig proposal. Any information provided regarding the ENV is speculative and represents the ENF’s understanding of what ecosystem leaders are advocating for as this new mechanism is formalized.
2. Why launch the ENV as an independent entity? Couldn’t the ENF take on these same functions?
The EOS Network Foundation and EOS Network Ventures will be independent entities with distinct but complementary mandates to serve the EOS Network.
The EOS Network Foundation is a non-profit with a mission to enable businesses, developers, and individuals to build on the EOS network. It is responsible for maintenance and development of the EOS software stack, representation of the network through informational materials, and distribution of grants for public goods within the ecosystem.
While all of these areas are important to the future growth of the network, they do not provide any mechanism to inject capital into the network and return on investment through for-profit initiatives. This will be the role of the ENV within the EOS ecosystem.
The ENV will complement the ENF’s efforts by serving as a separate, for-profit entity that is able to facilitate partnerships and attract external capital to invest in projects that benefit the EOS ecosystem, while generating a profit for the network.
3. How was ENV initially funded, and what account currently holds the ENV tokens?
On November 7th, 2022, a multi-signature proposal was introduced on-chain by ENF CEO Yves La Rose to create the eosio.fund account and issue 68,277,906.6221 EOS to that account, pending approval by at least 15 of 21 active EOS Block Producers. The memo included in that proposal read “ENV Fund”.
On November 9th, 2022, the proposal passed with a 15/21 consensus from the network’s block producers, signaling the network’s intention to enable this new funding mechanism, and the eosio.fund was created which holds the ~68m EOS tokens under a 4/7 multi-signature contract.
4. Who will be directing the ENV?
As noted earlier, the ENV does not currently exist. Specifics on who will be directing and working for the ENV cannot be provided as the entity has not yet been formalized. Signing the multisig that will fund the ENV was a prerequisite to hiring leadership for the ENV. Approval of the EFM fund has created the necessary conditions for operational logistics to begin moving forward.
With that noted, there are soft-commitments from notable professionals and other major funds in the space. Over the coming months these relationships will be formalized and publicly announced.
5. Who are the ENV’s decision makers?
ENV will have its own independent leadership who will be made public as soon as accepting positions to manage the fund. Any professionals with experience in this area should reach out to members of the EFM to explore potential involvement.
Similar to the previous questions, these details will become more clear once the ENV entity is in existence. Currently, any details are conceptual but they provide an idea that has the backing of the network and outline what our community is working towards creating and operationalizing.
It will operate like a traditional VC structure with a mandate for investments to leverage EOS. This is what ecosystem leaders that pushed forward the proposal will be advocating for.
6. What is the EOS Fund Management (EFM)? Who are the EFM multisig members, and why were they chosen?
The EOS Fund Management will be the custodian of a treasury acting as a Limited Partner (LP) in EOS Network Ventures. eosio.fund is the on-chain fund account and is administered by a number of industry leaders and trusted community members were chosen to be signers on the EFM multisig based on credible industry experience and trusted reputation within the EOS community.
The signing accounts are as follows:
- atticlabeosb: Attic Lab, the leading industry fintech experts behind Everstake. Everstake is the largest decentralized staking provider with 600,000+ users and $6.2 billion in staked assets.
- aus1genereos: GenerEOS, Australia’s leading blockchain infrastructure and decentralized application building agency. The team behind Scarce NFT Studio and GenPool, the first stake rewards platform on EOS with $59M+ EOS Staked
- big.one: Big.one Exchange, a global cryptocurrency exchange that provides a secure platform for trading blockchain assets.
- hashfineosio: Hashfin, a staking pool deeply involved in public chain governance and development.
- larosenonaka: Yves La Rose, CEO of the EOS Network Foundation, a force for positive global change, charting a coordinated future for the EOS Network through decentralization and community.
- msig1efmtony: Tony Tsao is an OG community member who has been involved with the EOS Network since its genesis, originally with the JEDA (Japan EOS Developer Association) block producer.
- winston1efm1 – Wen Huaqiang (Winston), ENF advisory board member, veteran developer, and initiator of CryptoKylin and BOScore.
7. Who are the General Partners (GP) and Limited Partners (LP) managing ENV?
The EOS Fund Management will be the custodian of the EOS treasury, acting as a LP in EOS Network Ventures. With that noted, the EFM will not be the only LP. Other GPs and LPs will join this initiative as the ENV is formalized.
The intention is for ENV to have other LPs bring external capital into the ecosystem fund as well. This would minimize the financial commitment from the EOS network and direct external capital into the ecosystem in a way that maximizes impact.
8. What is the structure and operating model of the ENV and related bodies in the EOS ecosystem?
The chart below provides a high level overview of the various entities within the EOS ecosystem and an understanding of how ENV may be structured. Also included is clarity on how the network reaches consensus to signal support for these functions.

9. Where will the ENV be incorporated?
The ENV is an independent organization and will be making its own decision on where and how it will be incorporated. The process for incorporation has only begun with the approval of the MSIG.
10. What was the communication with the community in planning this initiative?
The concept of a venture initiative has been discussed with the community on a number of occasions over the past year. Initially titled ENF Ventures, the concept was first released in January on the roadmap for Q4 of 2022. Potential funding sources were also discussed on page 61 of the Yield+ Blue Paper.
The idea evolved over time and eventually became EOS Network Ventures. This had also been discussed with the community over a number of EOS Fireside Chats in recent months. However, this information couldn’t be formalized without the network coming to consensus and signaling its support through the multisig approval.
11. What is the vision for how the ENV will impact the EOS community?
The intention of those forming the EFM is that it may become a minority LP in the ENV fund, with most capital coming in externally. Profits earned by the EFM will go back to initiatives that benefit the EOS community. This could include initiatives such as buy back and burn or profits being allocated to future investments. Other economic incentives will be discussed with the EOS community before any final decisions are made.
EOS Network Ventures’ primary mission is to attract and grow value for the EOS ecosystem. Projects that don’t leverage EOS will not be considered, including those leveraging Antelope technology outside of EOS.
12. How will the ENV be held accountable to token holders?
While the ENF does not have a direct impact on the decisions made by the ENV, we are advocating for a similar level of transparency to our own operations, within legal constraints of the ENF’s structure.
In addition to transparency measures such as quarterly reports, the EOS Fund Management will serve as a check and balance for the ENV.
Additional Resources:
For an in-depth discussion and live AMA on EOS Network Ventures with Yves La Rose and other members of the EOS community, please refer to the EOS Fireside Chat from November 16th:
EOS Network
The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the Antelope protocol, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation.
EOS Network Foundation
The EOS Network Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.
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