News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

EOS POP代币指南 | 参与EOS社区活动获得POP代币!/ How To Earn POP Tokens By Participating in EOS Community Events!




POP是Proof of Participation(参与证明)的缩写,POP代币是一个基于NFT形式的奖励计划,旨在通过POP NFT的形式,将价值回馈给参加在线活动的EOS社区成员。





  1. 在EOS围炉谈话活动期间加入语音频道。
  2. 进入「pop-bot-chat」频道,位置就在语音频道的上方。
  3. 输入您的EOS账户名称,以 $ 符号开头。例如,$myeosaccount










25x月度奖杯NFT(每个价值10 EOS)

没有中奖? 我们还准备了其他奖品!

所有未能赢得奖杯的参与者,都将收到一个派对饼干NFT,其中包含.gems奖励池中30多个EOS NFT系列中的一个随机NFT。部分NFT相当有价值,所以获得派对饼干NFT也和中奖一样惊喜! 



好消息! POP代币奖励计划现已开放,并可供任何人申请。 如果您的活动受到EOS社区的欢迎,我们很乐意根据您活动的平均出席人数,按比例分配一部分POP代币给您。

请在此处登记,填写Pop 代币分配表


EOS网络是区块链3.0时代的典范之作,由EOS VM提供支持。EOS VM是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的WebAssembly引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS网络专为Web 3设计,致力于实现最佳的Web 3用户和开发人员体验。EOS是EOSIO协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过EOS网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动EOS快速发展。




POP Token Guide

What is the POP Token?

The POP Token, short for Proof of Participation, is an NFT-based reward program that aims to drive value back to EOS community members who attend online events.

How do I earn POP Tokens?

The most popular place to earn POP Tokens is the weekly EOS Community Fireside Chat, hosted every Wednesday on the EOS Community Discord at 19:00 UTC.

To sign up for your POP Token reward, you need to interact with the POP Token bot.

It’s simple—just follow these steps:

  1. Join the voice channel during the EOS Fireside Chat.
  2. Go to the “pop-bot-chat” channel (right above the voice channel).
  3. Type your EOS account name, starting with a $ sign (for example, $myeosaccount). 

That’s it!

Once you’ve submitted your name, the bot will respond that you’ve been added to the snapshot and you’ll receive your POP Token airdropped into your account after the event!

Monthly raffles

POP tokens can be accumulated over time and once you’ve collected 4 of them, you can redeem them for a POP Raffle Ticket. You’ll redeem your POP Tokens using NFT blending mechanics.

Blend your POP Tokens for POP Raffle Tickets HERE

Once you have the ticket, all you need to do is wait.

We’ll do a snapshot of all accounts holding that month’s Raffle Tickets and airdrop prizes to the lucky winners.

The draws take place on the first Wednesday of the month, after the EOS Community Fireside Chat.


25 x Monthly Trophy NFTs (each backed with 10 EOS)

Didn’t win the raffle? We got you!

All participants who missed out on winning one of the trophies will receive a Party Cracker NFT, which contains a random NFT out of the 30+ EOS NFT collections represented in the .gems reward pool. Some of these are quite valuable so the Party Cracker NFTs are like a raffle within a raffle! 

Hosting an EOS community event? Apply for a POP Token allocation!

Want to host an EOS community event and reward participants with POP Tokens?

Great! The POP Token reward program is now open for anyone to apply. If your event is appreciated by the EOS community, we’re happy to allocate a portion of POP Tokens to you proportional to the average attendance of your event.

Sign up here on the Pop Token Allocation form.

EOS Network

The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the EOSIO protocol, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).

EOS Network Foundation

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.

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