此前,EOS网络基金会 (ENF)、Telos、Wax和UX Network组成EOSIO+联盟,并将开发资源整合成一个具有共享属性的代码库。 随着优秀的联盟工程师、Object Computing和整个生态系统的其他贡献者的高效协作,所有人的不懈努力正在结出累累硕果。 对于许多EOS利益相关者来说,这是一项重大成就,是生态实现增长的基础,一个以社区为主导的发展的新时代即将来临。
今天我们很高兴地宣布 Antelope 诞生! 目前为止,所有的一切仅仅是一个开始,未来的旅程将更有意义。 如果您始终是这个非凡社区的一员,您可能希望提前了解一些信息,但我们一路走来的历史,信息量是非常丰富的。 这里只能做一个粗略的概述。
2021年8月,EOS区块生产者达成共识,成立EOS网络基金会并为其提供资金,授权EOS网络基金会代表网络向生态部署资源,EOS网络迈出了独立发展的第一步。 EOS网络基金会成立之初就发起了一系列紧急举措,为 EOS 生态系统重新注入了活力。
在进行这些努力的同时,EOS网络基金会也与Dan Larimer和Fractally签订了合同以推进EOSIO分叉相关工作,并启动一个名为「Mandel」的独立代码库。该计划随后被移交给EOS网络基金会工程技术团队及其技术伙伴,以继续增加新的功能和推进优化工作,同时为EOS网络的正式共识升级而努力。Mandel 升级启动小组的成立是为了协调这些工作,并开始定期举行会议,以沟通为EOS网络进行共识升级所需的人力、通信和测试。「Mandel」只是该独立代码库暂时的品牌名称,它在未来将取代EOSIO。
在为期数周的EOSIO+会议中,各团队讨论了合作模式、决策流程、财政支持和发展重点。2022年3月23日,EOSIO+工作组起草了一份宗旨说明,强调生态需要建立一个「允许依赖EOSIO的各方帮助资助、组织和优先考虑该软件的未来」的系统,并为这个系统列出了一个路线图,包含11个需要遵循的要点。3月24日,EOS和Telos同意加入EOSIO+联盟。3月31日,WAX和UX Network也加入了进来。
2022年4月,EOS、Telos、UX Network和WAX投票决定集中资源,并承担开发几乎所有基于EOSIO的区块链都依赖的EOSIO代码,并承诺提供资金预算支持。 随着四位成员对承诺的落实,EOSIO+联盟诞生了。
Antelope联盟由四个高性能Layer 1区块链组成,每个区块链具有不同的发展历史和各自特点,服务于独特的细分市场,并通过一个共同的网络框架进行关联。在凝聚网络资源的协同作用下,Antelope的发布,标志着EOS、联盟以及Antelope生态系统作为一个整体,朝着独立发展、自主决策方向迈出了重要一步。
- 操作返回值
- 能够从智能合约中检索当前的区块号码和部署在账户中的所有代码的哈希值。
- 智能合约可访问的新本机加密和数学函数。
Antelope 存储库托管在 AntelopeIO GitHub organization中。
之前EOSIO协议的主要C++实现从未被赋予明确的名称,这造成了一种混淆:我们是在讨论协议本身,还是协议的特定实现,Antelope 协议的第一个社区运行实现解决了这种歧义:Leap v3.1。
- 改进主观计费
- 能够自动重试交易
- 能够估计交易的资源消耗,而不将其纳入区块中
- 能够修剪区块和ship日志以减少其存储需求
欢迎加入我们!— 开发者请做好准备。
DUNE:一种对Leap程序、CDT和其他服务/工具进行抽象管理的工具,全称为Docker Utilities for Node Execution,对于EOS开发人员来说,DUNE将诸如节点管理、编译智能合约、运行测试以及其他一些开发者需要制作智能合约的常见任务,凝聚在一个对用户更加友好的内部界面,使开发者在执行这些任务时变得更加简单。
已弃用的 v1 历史插件现在已完全删除,以避免将过时的代码带到新的存储库中。 由于仍有一些集成依赖于已弃用的 v1 格式,因此我们准备了一份替代方案指南,让您可以继续使用当前的集成运行,同时让您有时间进行升级。 下面的链接是未来如何将集成升级到新格式的指南。
Antelope 联盟要感谢所有为此版本贡献代码和提交补丁的技术开发工程师:
@heifner, @brianjohnson5972, @oschwaldp-oci, @spoonincode, @ClaytonCalabrese, @jgiszczak, @766C6164, @larryk85, @arhag, @elmato, @ericpassmore, @swatanabe, @tbfleming, @nsjames, @linh2931
EOS网络是区块链3.0时代的典范之作,由EOS VM提供支持。EOS VM是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的WebAssembly引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS网络专为Web 3设计,致力于实现最佳的Web 3用户和开发人员体验。EOS是EOSIO协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过EOS网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动EOS快速发展。
- EOS网络基金会官网
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The EOS Network Foundation (ENF), Telos, Wax, and UX Network have combined resources into a coalition of blockchains with a shared codebase. With talented coalition engineers working alongside Object Computing and other contributors throughout the ecosystem, these tireless efforts are bearing fruit. For our many stakeholders, this is a major accomplishment that is foundational for growth. A new era of community-led development is upon us.
Today we are excited to announce Antelope! The story of how we got here is just the beginning, and the journey ahead will be even more rewarding. If you’ve been part of this remarkable community every step of the way, you may wish to read ahead, but the history of what brought us here is informative. Here is a cursory overview.
A Coalition with a Shared Vision
In mid-2021, Block.one ceased supporting EOSIO development, which put the future of EOS and all other EOSIO-based blockchains in jeopardy. These blockchains had always shared a common codebase, but each were pursuing increasingly separate evolutionary paths without any notable interchain collaboration. In August 2021, the EOS Network took its first steps towards independence when its block producers reached consensus to fund the EOS Network Foundation and empower it to deploy resources on behalf of the network itself. Upon its inception, the ENF launched a number of urgent initiatives, breathing life back into the EOS ecosystem.
In November of 2021, the ENF began directing resources to various working groups led by key network stakeholders. Leveraging the talent, intelligence, and passion of the developer community, these working groups produced a series of Blue Papers; research documents that outlined areas for improvement and specific recommendations that formed the building blocks for a series of RFPs (Request For Proposals). One such working group, EOSIO+, was formed to explore the possibilities of coordination among EOSIO-based blockchains, to preserve and advance the codebase that they all share in common. The EOSIO+ working group began outreach to all of the existing EOSIO blockchains in an effort to form a broad coalition.
In parallel with these efforts, the ENF had contracted Dan Larimer and Fractally to fork EOSIO to initiate a community-led independent codebase known as “Mandel”. This initiative was then handed over to the ENF engineering team and its technical partners to continue adding new features and improvements while working towards a formal consensus upgrade for the EOS Network. The Mandel Upgrade Launch Group was formed to coordinate these efforts and began meeting regularly to synchronize the manpower, communications, and testing that would be needed to undertake a consensus upgrade for the EOS Network. The codename, Mandel, came to be a placeholder for the yet to be decided new brand that would replace EOSIO.
Over several weeks of EOSIO+ meetings, the various teams discussed models for cooperation, decision making, financial support and development priorities. On March 23rd of 2022, the EOSIO+ working group drafted a statement of purpose, highlighting the need for a “system that allows parties that depend on EOSIO to help fund, organize, and prioritize the future of that software”, and laid out an eleven point roadmap for such a system to follow. On March 24th, EOS and Telos agreed to join the EOSIO+ coalition. On March 31st, WAX and UX Network also joined.
In April 2022, EOS, Telos, UX Network, and WAX voted to pool their resources and assume the development of the EOSIO code upon which nearly all EOSIO-based blockchains rely. With an initial budgetary commitment for core development and developer outreach the coalition was born.
In the intervening months, The EOSIO+ coalition retained a professional branding agency to assist in developing the new name and visual identity to replace EOSIO. In parallel, the group selected a handful of RFPs from a longer list of the top 22 priority items needed to improve the core protocol. They introduced weekly recorded meetings and set the tone for openness, collaboration and transparency.
The Leap Ahead!
Today, we embark on a new journey unlike any other in blockchain history. Introducing Antelope!
Antelope demonstrates how a community-led program with aligned goals and common visions can pool resources together to make a difference. The Antelope coalition is composed of four highly performant layer-one blockchains, each with distinct histories and characteristics, serving unique markets, and related by a common framework. Backed by the synergy of these combined network resources, the release of Antelope signifies a major move towards self determination for EOS, for the coalition, and for the Antelope ecosystem as a whole.
Antelope builds upon the significant strengths of EOSIO which has been battle-tested for over four years as the basis for some of the fastest and most secure blockchains in the world.
Antelope is not just a rebranding. It is an evolution of EOSIO.
The Antelope coalition is determined to carry the torch of open-source development for the whole ecosystem.
The Antelope protocol has branched off of an earlier version of the EOSIO protocol implemented in version 2.0 of the nodeos software. New features have been introduced to the protocol including:
- Action return values.
- Ability to retrieve from within smart contracts the current block number and the hash of any code deployed to an account.
- New native cryptographic and math functions accessible to smart contracts.
In the months ahead, Antelope will move into a class of its own, incorporating Faster Finality, Trustless Inter-Blockchain Communication between all Antelope based blockchains, a robust suite of Secure Smart Contract Libraries, SDKs, P2P Code Improvements, and other game changing tools and innovations.
Antelope repositories are hosted in the AntelopeIO GitHub organization.
Today, we are also revealing the name of the blockchain node software that implements the Antelope protocol.
The main C++ implementation of the prior EOSIO protocol was never given a distinct name which led to confusion regarding whether one was discussing the protocol itself or a particular implementation of the protocol. This ambiguity is resolved by the first community-run implementation of the Antelope protocol: Leap v3.1.
Beyond implementing the new features of the Antelope protocol mentioned above, the Leap software also introduces the following new features:
- Improvements to subjective billing
- Ability to automatically retry transactions
- Ability to estimate resource consumption of transactions without including them in blocks
- Ability to prune block and ship logs to reduce their storage requirements
Come With Us! — Developers Get Ready.
Current EOSIO-based chains who wish to benefit from the new community-run protocol, maintain parity with network upgrades, receive security patches, and gain additional features are highly encouraged to start using and testing the new software.
Leap: Blockchain node software and supporting tools that implements the Antelope protocol
CDT: A C/C++ toolchain targeting WebAssembly (WASM) and a set of tools to facilitate development of smart contracts to be deployed to Antelope blockchains
DUNE: A tool to abstract over Leap programs, CDT, and other services/tools to perform the functions of node management, compiling smart contracts, running tests, and several other common tasks developers need to make smart contracts
Important Note on History Solutions!
The deprecated v1 history plugin is now fully removed to avoid taking obsolete code to the new repository. Because there are still integrations which rely on the deprecated v1 format, we have prepared a guide for drop-in alternatives that will allow you to keep running with your current integrations, giving you time to upgrade. Linked below is a guide on how best to upgrade your integrations to a newer format in the future.
Goodbye Mandel
As of today, we are retiring the codename “Mandel”. All future documentation will refer to “Antelope” as the official name for the protocol and “Leap” as the name for the main C++ implementation of the protocol. Prior documentation will be updated to reflect the change without obscuring it.
Special Thanks
The Antelope coalition would like to recognize and give thanks to all the engineers who contributed code and submitted patches for this release:
@heifner, @brianjohnson5972, @oschwaldp-oci, @spoonincode, @ClaytonCalabrese, @jgiszczak, @766C6164, @larryk85, @arhag, @elmato, @ericpassmore, @swatanabe, @tbfleming, @nsjames, @linh2931
About Antelope
Antelope is an open framework for building next-generation web3 products and services. Its community-run codebase is behind some of the fastest, most secure, and user-friendly blockchains, reliably fulfilling millions of daily transactions with its innovative DPoS algorithm. Developers and businesses worldwide use Antelope for a diverse range of applications, from DeFi and supply chain management through to NFTs and games.
Learn more: https://antelope.io/
EOS Network
The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the EOSIO protocol, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).
EOS Network Foundation
The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.
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