News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

EOSIO™软件发布——适用于Swift和Java的本地化开发工具包/EOSIO™ Software Release: Native SDKsfor Swift and Java




仅在很短的一段时间内,我们就见证了创新的EOSIO Web应用的爆炸式增长,其中很大一部分原因是诸如EOSJS这些库的增长。EOSJS每周有超过5000多次下载,它给JavaScript开发人员提供了他们和EOSIO区块链交互及向世界各地的区块链用户兑现承诺的工具。


正是基于上述因素,所以现在我们很高兴地宣布发布两个新的开源EOSIO工具的alpha版,它们将用以加强EOSIO上的本地移动应用发展,这两个工具是Swift的EOSIO SDK适用Java的EOSIO SDK






适用于Swift的EOSIO SDK和适用于Java的EOSIO SKD的核心库负责简化交易的生命周期。他们向开发者提供简单、常用的方法让他们向EOSIO节点创建和使用交易、收集必要的签名和准备及广播必要的交易。但是,大部分繁重的工作发生在插入的提供者身上。

The Signature Provider







获得更多关于签名提供程序概念的信息,请参考我们上期文章:EOSJS Major Update V20.0.0 Beta: Entrusting key management to signature providers for a more secure future of javascript development for EOSIO(EOSJS重大更新V20.0.0测试版:委托签名提供者进行密钥管理,为EOSIO提供更加安全的javascript开发未来

RPC, ABI和序列化提供服务程序

交易还配置了RPC, ABI, 和序列化提供服务程序

  • RPC提供程序负责向节点的所有RPC调用,以及一般的网络处理(可达性、重做和故障转移逻辑等)
  • 序列化提供程序处理ABI驱动的交易和动作序列化以及在JSON和二进制数据表示之间的反序列化。
  • ABI提供程序负责在序列化和反序列化时,获取和缓存ABI





尽管我们旨在安卓平台和iOS平台上分别测试了Java以及Swift的EOSIO SDK的alpha版本,但是当使用正确的平台兼容提供程序进行实例化的时候,核心库没有产生多少额外的工作量。我们欢迎社区能够在其它平台测试核心库,提出问题和情况,最终提高平台的兼容性。




为了帮助开发者开始使用这些新的SDK,我们创建了iOS安卓的示例应用。这些例子都能简单地展示如何利用EOSIO SDK和基于EOSIO的区块链集成。这些应用做两个事情:它们获取您账户的代币余额、发出转账动作。





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New Open Source Tools to Create First-Class Mobile Experiences on EOSIO™

In a very short period of time, we’ve witnessed an explosion of innovative EOSIO web applications due in large part to libraries like EOSJS. EOSJS, with over 5,000 weekly downloads, provides JavaScript developers with the tools they need for interacting with EOSIO blockchains, and for realizing the promise of blockchain technology for users around the world.

As we all know, however, users are spending more of their time on mobile devices in native applications. This is largely because native apps are often able to provide richer, more engaging experiences than their browser-based counterparts. Today, native mobile applications are a crucial component of consumer-facing product strategies.

It is for this reason that we are excited to announce the alpha release of two new open source EOSIO tools to enhance native mobile application development on EOSIO, an EOSIO SDK for Swift and EOSIO SDK for Java.

Developer Convenience, Flexible Architecture

These Software Development Kits (SDKs) provide native APIs for interacting with EOSIO blockchains; creating, signing and broadcasting transactions; handling keys and obtaining signatures; data serialization/deserialization, and more.

And by targeting both the Java and Swift programming languages, we’re bringing these capabilities to the most popular mobile platforms — Android and iOS — contributing to what we hope will be a proliferation of compelling, native EOSIO-powered experiences for mobile users everywhere.

These SDKs employ a conceptborrowed from EOSJS that provide a great deal of flexibility for a variety ofuse cases and environments — that of independent,interchangeable providers that plug into one core library.

The Core Libraries

The core EOSIO SDK for Swift and EOSIO SDK for Java libraries are responsible for facilitating the transaction lifecycle. They provide developers with easy and idiomatic ways of creating and working with transactions, collecting the necessary signatures, and preparing and broadcasting those transactions to EOSIO nodes. Much of the heavy lifting, however, takes place in the providers that are plugged into it.

The Signature Provider

The Signature Provider is arguably the most flexible of all of the provider abstractions. It is responsible for a) finding out what keys are available for signing and b) requesting and obtaining the signatures required for the transaction.

How it goes about executing that, though, is entirely up to the particular signature provider the developer has chosen to “plug in” for that transaction. By simply switching out the signature provider, signature requests can be routed in any number of ways.

A signature provider is able to carry out a number of useful functions. For example, anyone who needed a signature from keys in the platform’s key store or secure hardware signing element can simply configure the transaction with a signature provider that does it. The same goes for needing signatures from a wallet app running on a user’s device, which a signature provider can also perform.

This is great news for both app developers and users. For developers, this feature means that depending on their selection of signature providers, they no longer have to be on the hook for handling and securing a user’s private keys. For users, it means that the apps they love can easily work with the wallet or authenticator of their choice, creating a win-win situation.

Along with the core libraries, we are releasing the following signatures providers, in alpha.

As always, we encourage others in the community to create and open source other signature providers.

For more information about the signature provider concept, check out our previous article: EOSJS Major Update V20.0.0 Beta: Entrusting key management to signature providers for a more secure future of javascript development for EOSIO

The RPC, ABI, and Serialization Providers

Transactions are also configured with RPC, ABI, and Serialization providers.

  • RPC Providers are responsible for all RPC calls to nodeos, as well as general network handling (reachability, retry and failover logic, etc.)
  • Serialization providers handle ABI-driven transaction and action serialization and deserialization between JSON and binary data representations
  • ABI providers are responsible for fetching and caching ABIs for use during serialization and deserialization

While the need to swap these providers is less frequent, the abstraction is still quite valuable, especially when it comes to one of these SDKs’ other value propositions — support for platforms other than mobile.

Mobile and Beyond

It is important to note that both Java and Swift are general purpose programming languages, and that they are not restricted to running on mobile platforms. In fact, Java, with its “write once, run anywhere” philosophy, precedes Android and is virtually ubiquitous.

With that in mind, we have purposefully set out to make the core SDK libraries as generic and platform agnostic as possible, relegating any platform-specific code to the individual provider libraries.

While we have only tested the alpha versions of EOSIO SDK for Java on the Android platform and EOSIO SDK for Swift on iOS, when instantiated with the right platform-compatible providers, the core library should run with little additional effort. We welcome the community to contribute by testing the core libraries on other platforms and creating issues and pull requests that improve compatibility with those platforms.

Get Started and Get Involved

We have several resources for those interested in using these libraries and/or contributing.

Example Apps

To help developers get started using these new SDKs, we have created both iOS and Android example applications. These examples are simple demonstrations of how to integrate with EOSIO-based blockchains using the EOSIO SDKs. The applications do two things: they fetch your account token balance and push a transfer action.


Stay Connected

If you are interested in providing feedback and working more closely with our team to improve the EOSIO for developers, you can send our developer relations team an email at

You can also keep up to date with future updates by subscribing to our mailing list on the EOSIO Developer Portal. We are excited to be regularly improving the usability of the software for EOSIO developers as we continue to lay a foundation for the mass adoption of blockchain technology.

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