News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS







These are unregistered EOS Token holder page

如果页面信息显示Sorry, we could not find your address on the mainnet snapshot(抱歉,我们不能在主网快照上找到您的地址),那么您的钱包就在未映射名单上。


EOS Authority完成了最后一版快照文件,现在该文件在EOS主网链上使用。所有未映射的钱包和账户余额都在snapshot_unregistered.csv文件上。这会反映您在我们网站上看到的内容。您的账户余额是安全的,它被存放在主网上。只是,因为他们没有对应的EOS密钥,所以谁到不能提取。




2018年7月21日—请等待!我们在首尔和BP们做了面对面会议。会议中,EOS官方提出的解决方案中包括EOS Argentina的系统合约。我们的下一步是在21个首席BP中取得共识,然后在EOS主网装载该合约。
2018年8月13日—请等待!在测试环境下可行的终端解决方案首次实现。该解决方案模拟真实世界的场景:用户利用Metamask在浏览器上提供以太坊签名,然后提交给EOS测试网络。该解决方案能够完全保证安全并需要零信任,因为用户浏览器中签署过的信息被智能合约验证,转移过程中不会被篡改。我们把代码递交给EOS Argentina(BP)让他们检验和初始版本的代码变化。只要该方案通过其团队的同行检验,并证明那个能够以最高250ms的交易时间工作,它就会给提交给更大的BP社区审核、进入EOS区块链。
2018年8月30日—请等待!今天,EOS Argentina和我们(EOS Authority)共同开发的终端解决方案发表在一个测试网(CryptoKylin)上。该测试网是真实的EOS主网的克隆版,它有自己的BP,也是交易时间的真实世界测试。如果顺利,下一步就是把解决方案公布给EOS主网。和之前的测试一样,本页面会不停地更新。

今天早上,我们成功地和EOS Argentina合作,在CryptoKylin完成了终端测试。我们可以现在可以创建一个网页交互页面,用户可以提交账户名称和EOS公钥。提交时也需要用以太坊私钥进行加密签名,一方面为了证明所有权,另一方面也是为了避免数据篡改。因为我们可以从用户提交的信息创建EOS账户,这也就完成了我们的测试。下一步就是正式把该解决方案提交给其他BP批准让该智能合约进入EOS主网。我们觉得我们现在又向前走了一大步。请密切关注本页面。
2018年10月2日—接受BP审核!我们现在已经把未做映射用户解决方案提议的正式版本提交给EOS BP做审核。EOS Argentina发表了该事项,21个首席BP中至少需要15个能批准该方案,对此我们拭目以待。点击此处跟踪进度。请给BP一些时间审核提议的解决方案,但也请尽管直接联系BP们,直接获得新消息。
BP们已经通过了该议案。未映射的用户可以根据本页的步骤进行(包含视频指导): 请注意:这是免费资源;你也不需要把私钥交给任何人。




What are unregistered EOS Tokens?

Registration or “Mapping” was the process to move your ERC-20 tokens from your ethereum wallet to the EOS Mainnet when it launches. A tiny fraction of the Supply balance 0.3% to be exact did not complete registration, nor did they have fallback applied to them. All of the unregistered tokens, have moved over to the mainnet. There is however no account created for these wallets and there is no associated EOS Key. The tokens affected by this are only a small fraction of the 1 billion EOS token supply but we are still committed to help these users access their tokens.

How do I confirm that my tokens are unregistered?

Go to and enter your ETH address. If you get shown a page like this.

These are unregistered EOS Token holder page

If the message says: Sorry, we could not find your address on the mainnet snapshot. It means that you are one of the few wallets that are on the unregistered list.

What has been done so far?

EOS Authority generated the final snapshot files which are now being used in the EOS Mainnet chain. All of the unregistered wallets and their account balances are listed on the snapshot_unregistered.csv file. This should reflect what you see on our website. Your account balance is safe and on the Mainnet. It is just not accessible by anyone as they don’t have EOS Keys associated with them.

What should I do?

As of 18th June 2018 – Please Wait!
As of 28th June 2018 – Please Wait!
The Block Producers are discussing this on every meeting since 21st June.
As of 6th July 2018 – Please Wait!
There is now a solution that works in early testing. We will need the larger BP community to review codes and then we can agree on next steps.
As of 12th July 2018- Please Wait!
Very productive Block Producer conference call today. It feels like we might have a solution unregistered token holders can use in 3 weeks.
As of 21st July 2018- Please Wait!
We had a meeting in-person with Block Producers in Seoul. During the meeting EOS Authority presented the solution which includes system contract from EOS Argentina. Our next step is to get consensus from the top 21 Block Producers to load this contract into the EOS Mainnet.
As of Aug 13th 2018- Please Wait!
We have an end to end solution working in the test environment for the first time. This solution simulated real world scenario of an user providing Ethereum signature on the browser with Metamask and then submitting it to the test EOS network. This solution was fully secured and requires zero trust as the signed message from the user browser is verified by the smart contract and cannot be tampered with on transit. We submitted the code to EOS Argentina (Block Producer) to review the code changes to their original idea. Once it is peer reviewed by their talented team and proven to work within 250ms max transaction time, it will be opened to wider BP community for approval into EOS chain. 
As of Aug 30th 2018- Please Wait!
Today, the end to end solution developed by EOS Argentina and us (EOS Authority) was published to a TestNet (CryptoKylin). The TestNet is a clone of the real EOS Mainnet with its own Block Producers and is a real world test of transaction times. If things go well, the next step is to open the solution to the public on the EOS Mainnet. As usual the page will be constantly updated. 
As of Sep 13th 2018- Tests complete, wait for BP approval!
This morning, we managed to complete our end to end tests with EOS Argentina on the CryptoKylin test net. We were able to create a web interface that an actual user would submit an account name and EOS public key. This submission will also be cryptographically signed with the Ethereum Private key to both prove ownership and make it tamper proof. This completes our tests as we were able to create EOS accounts from this user submission. The next step is to formally present this solution to the other Block Producers to accept the smart contract into the EOS Mainnet. We feel we are much closer now. Keep a close eye on this page. 
As of Oct 2nd 2018- Under BP Review!
We now have the formal proposal of the solution for unregistered users published to the EOS Block Producers for review. EOS Argentina have published the transaction and we are now waiting for 15 of the Top 21 Block Producers to approve it. Track the approval progress here. Please give the block producers some time to review the proposed solution. Feel free to contact the block producers directly for an update.

As of Oct 10th 2018- Success – ready for use!
The block producers have now approved the proposal. Unregistered users are asked to follow the steps on this page (includes video instructions) Two important notes, this is free and you don’t have to hand your private keys to anyone. 

We will update this web page with further instructions as soon as we agree with the other Block Producers on a course of action. As the network has just launched, there are also other pressing issues that have come up that requires attention of the BPs.Please do not give your private key to anyone, we won’t need it either. 

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