在目前EOS生态的重要发展阶段,一位长期深耕社区的重量级成员Nathan James宣布重返EOS生态并担任开发者关系总监职位,未来Nathan James将与EOS网络基金会深入合作,作为生态重量级技术开发人物,进一步推动EOS区块链的稳步增长。
让我们想象一下:如果我们建立了一种沉浸式互动方式,以吸引开发人员进入EOS生态系统,并为开发人员提供的一套专业、全面的课程,不管开发者处于什么技能水平,都能够通过这套课程获得答案与帮助,包括前端和智能合约演练、钱包集成示例、易于访问的API参考、开发框架 、指导计划和具有吸引力的激励措施等。这样一来,我们的生态会是什么样?
这不是白日梦,这是EOS网络基金会新任开发者关系总监Nathan James的愿景。
「我希望团队尽可能的去中心化」 ,他这样说,而我们可以相信他。
与EOS网络基金会目前正在进行的许多其他倡议一致,开发者关系是EOS成功的一个关键组成部分。摒除Static Libraries(静态库)和几页陈旧的文档之外,一个新的建设愿景正在成为焦点。
「我看到,创造者是对网络的健康发展影响最大的角色,他们可以是程序员、设计师、内容创造者、创意酿造者。 他们所创造的应用,他们所分享的情感故事,他们所传播的兴奋点,以及他们所捕捉到的创造力,才能达到生态发展最远的传播效果。 任何人都可以成为创造者,但我们需要建立激励措施,不仅要激发创造者开始创造的激情,更重要的是要激励他们持续下去。」
虽然细节尚未准备好透露,但Nathan设想了一个系统,能够很好的鼓励开发者去指导他人、创建教程、移植应用程序、发现教育工作者。 在这个系统中,领先的开发人员能够随着他们的进步为自己解锁新的机会。该系统将会成为 一个供EOS开发人员磨练技能、建立联系并共同创建公共开发资料的地方。
随着Trust EVM即将上线,Nathan直言说到,他希望Trust EVM能开启开发者进入EOS生态的大门。Nathan认为,那些被Trust EVM更高性能吸引而来的第三方开发者,将迷上EOS原生开发所具备的灵活性和强大性能。有了开发者中心,就有机会为来自特定区块链的开发者,提供定制的课程。
随着开发者社区的发展,与Eden、EOS网络基金会Grants和Pomelo合作的机会也在增加,Pomelo将在今年晚些时候整合一个赏金系统。在某种程度上,人们可以将其想象为与仍然是新生的EOS VC的融合点。
EOS网络基金会很高兴Nathan James能够加入我们的团队,并且相信他有能力将EOS的开发者关系带入一个全新的发展时代。
因此,让我们共同关注Nathan James提出的更多问题及看法,并让我们知道你对EOS这一令人兴奋的新发展的看法。
In a significant development for EOS, long time community member Nathan James makes his return as Director of Developer Relations, joining a steadily growing roster of blockchain developer heavyweights as he teams up with the EOS Network Foundation.
A full stack developer and originator of Scatter—the first wallet to run on EOS—Nathan is currently also a blockchain developer with EOSIO-based Ultra. Certainly no stranger to communications and deeply familiar with the challenges of development, Nathan is keen to reimagine the developer experience on EOS from the ground up and has been tasked with creating the kind of environment that EOS needs to attract, train, and retain top developer talent within the ecosystem.
The Current State of Developer Resources on EOS
One of many facets from The Core+ Blue Paper—the “EOSIO Infosphere Evolution”—gives us some clues as to the current deficiencies of the developer experience on EOS, as well as proposed remedies.
In reading through the analysis from Core+ one can see that the need for comprehensive documentation is just the tip of the iceberg. With existing developer resources generally consisting of a patchwork of EOS community generated tools and content, or the somewhat outdated and nearly abandoned EOSIO developer portal created by Block.one, developer resources have been inaccessible to all but the few brave souls who go where others fear to tread.
In addition to resources, EOS has long been missing any kind of coherent strategy for discovering talented developers, fueling their curiosity, onboarding them into the ecosystem, and providing the tools and incentives they need to do what they do best.
That’s all about to change.
Breathing Life into the Developer Experience on EOS
Imagine for a moment, an immersive, interactive way for developers to enter the ecosystem, a suite of courses for developers at every skill level, front-end and smart contract walkthroughs, example wallet integrations, fortified with easy to access API references, development frameworks, a mentorship program, and the right incentives. This isn’t some pipe dream, this is the vision of the ENF’s new Director of Developer Relations, Nathan James.
In advance of forming his team, in a methodically organized sea of mind-maps, Nathan is already charting the course as he sees it, mindful of his singular role and the need to scale his efforts. “I want to make it as decentralized as possible”, he says, and you believe him.
Nathan has lived through the myriad challenges of developing on EOS. He watched as the EOS developer community was becalmed under an absent leadership. He built, tirelessly, until nearly dead in the water, like many others in the EOS community he was compelled to seek opportunities elsewhere.
After the ENF formed, as it took shape and began demonstrating its value to the network, Nathan sensed the opportunity. When asked why he returned to EOS, he takes it all in, and simply says, “There’s unfinished business that weighs heavy on my heart.”
A Developer Hub, Reimagined
In concert with the many other initiatives now in motion from the ENF, developer relations is a critical component to the success of EOS. Moving beyond static libraries and pages of stale documentation, a new vision is coming into focus. An eminently curated and fully engaging developer hub is envisioned to be something of a collaborative space that will generate the kind of momentum the network needs to thrive.
“I’ve seen that it is creators who have the most impact on the health of a network. It is the programmers, the designers, the content creators, the idea brewers. It is the applications that they create, the emotional stories that they share, the excitement that they circulate, and the creativity that they capture, which reaches the furthest. Anyone can be a creator, but it takes incentives to not only fuel the passion to start the journey, but more importantly, to keep it going.”
–Nathan James
While the details are not yet ready to be revealed, Nathan envisions a system where people are incentivized to mentor others, to create tutorials, to port applications, to discover educators. A system where leading developers are able to unlock new opportunities for themselves as they advance. A place for EOS developers to hone their skills, make connections, and to co-create public-good development materials.
With Trust EVM about to come online, Nathan isn’t shy about his hope that it can act as a kind of gateway drug for developers. Third party developers who will come for the increased performance of Trust EVM, he reasons, will get hooked on the flexibility and performance of developing natively on EOS. And with the developer hub, there is an opportunity for courses that are custom tailored to developers coming from specific chains.
“I see it as a snowball effect,” he says, “the more developers we capture and the more things they build, the more users share EOS tech which leads to more developers”. And as the developer community grows, so too do the opportunities for engagement with Eden, ENF Grants, and Pomelo, which will be integrating a bounty system later this year. At some point, one could imagine a point of fusion with the still nascent EOS VC.
The EOS Hackathon Revival
Within the community, there’s been some renewed interest in Hackathons of late, and Nathan is a big advocate, but with a caveat. “Hackathons”, he says, “are an incredible tool for expanding the community, but first we need documentation, tooling, frameworks for building contracts, better tools for resource management, but most important of all, we need retention, without retention we are losing that first impression and making it impossible to get those developers back in the future.”
There will be some work required to create the conditions where EOS is ready to take full advantage of the energy generated from running hackathons, but preparations are being made, and hackathons are certainly on the radar. If you’re interested in leaving feedback about EOS Hackathons, you can fill out this survey.
The ENF is thrilled to have Nathan James on the team, and confident in his ability to bring developer relations into a whole new era on EOS.
As a fully fledged developer hub begins to emerge from its primordial state, Nathan will have his eyes and ears tuned to the developer community, assessing needs and helping to foster the success of new projects building on EOS.
So keep your eyes out for more questions from the man himself, and let us know your thoughts on this exciting new development for EOS.
And for now, as Nathan says, “Talk is cheap, let’s get to work”.
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