News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

fractally致大众的一封信—第一版/Fractally Newsletter — 1st Edition



2022 Bits and Bytes Recap of Q1 and Q2 2022年Q1、Q2回顾






2022 CODE 大会 — 大回应

Daniel Larimer在韩国参加C.O.D.E大会

我们的创始人Daniel Larimer在韩国“2022年CODE大会——大回应”第二部分发表演讲,演讲中他介绍了fractally,其主题是“Web3和DAO的新世界”。

할 수 있어요! (我们可以!)


John Williamson参加布里斯班举行的加密会议

宣传fractally不单单是创世记分形社区的目标,我们的团队也在积极参与。John Williamson在澳大利亚布里斯班举行的加密会议中宣传了fractally,这个会议定期举行,目标是要创造一个支持代币的社区。



Go ƒractally网站

Genesis Fractal是fractally的第一个有机分形社区。fractally白皮书发表几天之后,我们就有了这个草根行动,现在我们整个热情的社区正带领它发展。目前来看,整个过程大体上还是手动的,我们暂时利用Hive区块链记录共识、贡献等级、ℝespect币分配以及fractally贡献者协议


在这封信中了解更多fractally UI的消息!


Genesis ƒractal Statistics创世记分形社区数据

看看创世记成员Matt Langston制作的Genesis 分形社区面板。你还可以浏览他详细记录的分形社区前12周的数据等。



ractally突破性的新数据库已经超过了LMBDX/EOS/ Hive/Chainbase/ RocksDB



 Daniel Larimer在新区块链数据库创新会议上说

fractally突破性的新数据库已经超过了LMBDX/EOS/ Hive/Chainbase/ RocksDB

fractally.com区块链会利用这个新的数据库结构,到时候,它就能实现更加去中心化、规模化、成本有效、简化的基础架构,能够更好的发展Web3适应分形治理的未来。”— Daniel Larimerƒractally 创始人

ƒractally App UI/UX 先睹为快!

fractally UX(使用者体验)和前端团队在幕后辛勤工作。他们不断构思不断应用,为我们的社区带来了符合人们预期的、身临其境的视频会议和超前的用户体验。(我们很高兴能获得这种体验!)


Fractally UI 演示 1 预览 – Hive


留心我们近期会公布的更多fractally app UI演示视频。


点击ƒractally blog获得我们的知识库,以下是我们最新和点击率最高的文章




“分形民主让人们可以自我治理,而不用受到隐藏的、非民主的权力结构束缚。这本身不是意识形态观点。威廉·丘吉尔曾说过“民主是最糟糕的治理模式——只不过过去其它模式更糟糕而已。”但如果还有很多种方式衡量民众的意愿,那么……” 点击本处继续阅读

发现: fractally—下一代的DAO







悦读:虚无证明 作者James Mart


悦读:殊途同益 作者James Mart



作者Daniel Larimer



作者:Daniel Larimer

“……社区可以根据每周会议、团队、超级节点、社交媒体内容、流动性奖励、质押量等动态调整通货膨胀中它要发行多少股份,而不会影响到稳定和可预见的货币供应。” 点击此处阅读更多




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2022 Bits and Bytes Recap of Q1 and Q2

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but building on the new.“ — Socrates (470–399 BC), Philosopher

The year 2022 so far required much wisdom, bravery, and strength for the ƒractally team as we; rebranded, released our White Paper, launched a new website, hosted another Eden election, participate in the first community-launched Fractal named “Genesis,” initiated experiments in new Blockchain-focused database structures and continued to spread the message of fractal governance as the foundational answer to next-generation DAO governance, web3, and beyond.

Our 2022 focus for Q1 and Q2 was a continuous iterative cycle of researching, releasing, and gathering feedback. This phase resulted in insightful data which led us to new developments and pivotal considerations related to DAO ownership status, regulatory climates, ongoing checks & balances of power in a DAO, as well as, sustainable governance and blockchain scalability.

We discovered new opportunities for technological innovation in each of these areas and are thrilled to incorporate them all in an easy to use App and protocol that aims to put the user and developer first.

Global Appearances

CODE Conference 2022 — The Great Response

Daniel Larimer at C.O.D.E. Conference in Korea

Our Founder Daniel Larimer is speaking about ƒractally and “The New World of Web3 and DAO” in Session 2 at CODE Conference 2022 — The Great Response in Korea.

This event brings together the experiences and insights of visionaries and innovators, founders and adventurers, digital experts, and industry leaders who are leading innovation. The focus of this conference is, “The world that C.O.D.E. changes, the great response, the new change, and adaptation…”
할 수 있어요!

Fractally in Brisbane, Australia

John Williamson presenting at Crypto meetup in Brisbane, Australia

Spreading ƒractally worldwide is not only the goal of the Genesis ƒractal, our team has been actively carrying this torch as well. John Williamson presented ƒractally at the crypto meetup in Brisbane, Australia, which meets regularly with the goal to create a token-permissioned community.

First ƒractal — Meet the “Genesis ƒractal”

Interim ƒractal Genesis logo

Go ƒractally

The Genesis Fractal is the first organic ƒractal of ƒractally. This grassroots effort kicked off only a few days after the Fractally Whitepaper release and is spearheaded by our passionate community. For now, the process has been mostly manual and temporarily utilizes the Hive blockchain for documenting consensus, contribution levels, ℝespect allocations, and the Fractally contributor agreement.

Our community site is currently offering a social network experience for the interim while our team finalizes the Fractally UI and backend code.
More on the ƒractally UI in this Newsletter!

ƒractal Genesis Community — Start Here

Genesis ƒractal Statistics

Check out the Genesis Fractal Dashboard created by Genesis ƒractal member Matt Langston and read his detailed write-up on the statistics of the ƒractal in the first 12 weeks and beyond.

Weekly ℝespect
Join the discussion and start earning ℝespect weekly at our Genesis Consensus meetings every Saturday! The opening discussion starts at 3:30 pm UTC, with official Consensus rounds starting 30 mins later.

Check out the ƒractally contributor agreement and feel free to reach out to our Hosts, Gregory or Joshua at goƒractally if you have any questions about the process.

Fractally’s Groundbreaking New Database Outperforms LMBDX / EOS / Hive / Chainbase / RocksDB

Our Blockchain Database research quickly led our Founder into development. After a month of nothing but coding, here are his first database testing results.

“Techniques used by traditional databases to accelerate write performance via multi-threading result in non-determinism and are not suited for blockchains. This greatly limits the performance that can be extracted from traditional databases and makes their write benchmarks and parallel read benchmarks irrelevant for understanding the sequential read-modify-write performance access pattern required by all smart contract platforms I am aware of…”

— Daniel Larimer on New Blockchain Database Innovation

Fractally’s Groundbreaking New Database Outperforms LMBDX / EOS / Hive / Chainbase / RocksDB

“…with this new database structure, our upcoming blockchain for should be well-positioned to enable a more decentralized, scalable, cost-effective, and simplified infrastructure for developing the future of Web 3 and fractal governance.” — Daniel Larimer

, Founder of ƒractally

ƒractally App UI/UX Sneak Peeks

The ƒractally UX and frontend development teams diligently work behind the scenes. From ideation to implementation, they’re putting together an intuitive in-meeting video conferencing and ranking experience for our community. (And we’re pretty excited about it!)

Check out the ƒractally Consensus UI demo teaser recently shared with the Genesis ƒractal below.Fractally UI Demo 1 Preview – HiveThe ƒractally team recently recorded a demo of a decentralized consensus ranking meeting. The video streams are fully…

Be on the lookout for more ƒractally App UI demos in the near future.

ICYMI — In Case You Missed It…

Check out the ƒractally blog to access our Knowledgebase, below are a few of our latest & most popular articles.

LEARN: What is the Legal Standing of a DAO?

“Since then the concept of DAO’s has gone viral and people around the world are starting DAOs powered by smart contract platforms. In the process, many have failed and people have started to file lawsuits under various legal theories. This uncertainty around the legal standing of DAOs may discourage people from…” READ MORE

LEARN: What is Fractal Democracy?

“Fractal Democracy enables a group of people to govern themselves without being captured by hidden, non-democratic, power structures. It does not make any ideological claims. Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of government — except for all the others that have been tried”, but what if there are a multitude of ways to measure the will of the people…”

DISCOVER: Fractally — The Next Generation of DAOs

“Decentralized Autonomous Organizations powered by fractal governance invert the pyramid of power and direct value back to those who produce it. These DAOs are the ideal way to organize people to produce goods and services that benefit a community and are otherwise difficult to produce by private, autocratic, businesses…ƒractally utilizes a revolutionary process to tap the wisdom of the crowds and decentralize power…” READ MORE

LEARN: What is a DAO?

“We can therefore say that a DAO is pure information, the value of which is judged by the market. A DAO only depends on the freedom of speech and the open source software to deterministically interpret that speech into a shared consensus…” READ MORE

LEARN: What is a Smart Contract?

“A smart contract is computer code that deterministically executes an algorithm to determine property rights according to the signed statements of individuals. They enable a community to efficiently and unambiguously reach a shared consensus on who owns what…ƒractally utilizes smart contracts to govern decentralized autonomous communities and encourages everyone to understand the paradigm shift created when a community builds their governance and dispute resolution on top of the theory of smart contracts…” READ MORE

🧐 Fractally Team Thoughts 🤔

Our Team includes brilliant minds that enjoy thinking deeply about matters technically, philosophically, economically, and politically. As we design thoughtful solutions for a more resilient and sustainable future, we tend to enjoy sharing along the way. Here are some articles by Fractally Teammates.

ENJOY: Proof of Nothing by James Mart

“People often imagine that the basis for consensus mechanisms is an objective proof that some work was done, or that some objective amount of value is at stake, but this is not the case…” READ MORE

ENJOY: Mutually Benefitting from Misaligned Goals by James Mart

“No visionary has a fully comprehensive description for what they think the future should look like, as there’s always some ambiguity in their goals. They also may not know the optimal set of steps to realize that vision. But if one wants to maximize the probability that one’s goals are realized, one ought to…”

ENJOY: Rethinking Transactions as Proof of Stake (TaPoS) by Daniel Larimer

“TaPoS is a technique for securing a network by preventing transactions from being applied to forks other than the one seen by the user at the time they signed the transaction. This protects a network against long-range reorganizations and protects the user from signing a transaction based upon a false…For these reasons, I believe that TaPoS should be a feature of every blockchain regardless of the consensus algorithm used.” READ MORE

CONSIDER: Fractally White Paper Addendum 1 by Daniel Larimer

“…A community can then dynamically adjust how it issues shares in the inflation across weekly meetings, teams, block producers, social media content, liquidity rewards, and staking without impacting the bigger picture of a stable and predictable currency supply.” READ MORE

Watch the Keynote presentation of our White Paper by our Founder

Parting Thoughts

Our mission is to create free market solutions that secure life, liberty, and property for all. We believe the governance of public goods and services is best placed in the hands of those served. Visions and values should be derived from the community, and not proxied to the State. Incentives should be available to all and designed to ensure the sustainability of the public good as well as to encourage its optimal success. We achieve this as we arrive at consensus on the value of our contributions to the community. We exist to serve communities seeking solutions that embody radical transparency coupled with a shared incentive structure.

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原文链接/Original URL:

ƒractally Newsletter — 1st Edition | Fractally | goƒractally (

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