
EOS 网络基金会的使命是让开发人员、企业和个人能够在 EOS 上进行构建。 作为一个中心化实体,ENF 能够快速行动并分配资金,以促进去中心化生态系统的发展。 这一使命的一个关键部分是为公共产品提供资金,公共产品是一种可以使每个人受益的生态系统资源,但缺乏足够的商业模式来激励其发展。
如果您是个人、小型团队或公司,正在寻求资助为 EOS 生态系统做贡献,那么这是一个完美的起点。
在本文中,我们将详细讨论什么是公共产品,以及您应该关心其发展的原因,然后我们将讨论一些可用于资助此类工作的途径。 如果您的时间不够,您可以直接跳至本文底部,了解从哪里开始您的 EOS公共产品建设之旅。
公共产品在我们的日常生活中一直发挥着不可或缺的作用,但直到最近才开始在网络社区中得到认可。 您可能听说过「公共利益」一词,但不知道实际含义或为什么需要它们。 在下一节中,我们将涵盖所有这些内容,让您可以清楚的开始在 EOS 上构建公共产品。
我们都同意 EOS 的成功需要很多东西,但直到去年仍然是建设资金不足,导致几乎没有完成任何工作。 这主要是因为此类解决方案产生的收入,一开始不太可能覆盖创建它们的成本。 这方面的例子包括改进 UX/UI、资源管理、开发人员工具、营销和教育材料等。
现实世界中公共物品的例子包括公园、公共基础设施、清洁空气和其他类似的公共资源。 在 Web3 经济体中,公共物品可能包括开源协议、API、开发人员工具、教育材料等。
然而,有一种方法可以克服这一障碍,那就是培育以可持续方式资助公共产品为使命的协议。Gitcoin是以太坊生态系统中强大的公共产品资助机制的一个例子。它已向为 Solidity 用户构建公共产品的项目分配了超过 7100 万美元的资金。
长期以来,EOS 网络缺乏类似的资金工具来支持生态系统的发展,但随着 EOS 网络基金会的建立及其初始资金支柱的推出,这一切在 2021 年发生了变化。
EOS 网络基金会是推动全球积极变革的力量,通过去中心化和社区为 EOS 网络规划一个协调一致的未来。 为了完成这一使命,ENF 从 EOS 网络获得资金,通过相关计算的方式重新分配。 这促进了去中心化的增长和多样化的建设者社区,并通过集中实体调动资源提供了效率。
在公共产品方面,ENF 定期向资助此类工作的平台分配资金。 如果您在 EOS 网络上进行建设,您可能有资格从这些来源获得资金,前提是您的工作被视为公共产品。 在下一节中,我们将探讨其中两个平台,并解释如何为您在 EOS 上的工作申请资助。
Pomelo 是一个开源平台,正在成为一个自筹资金、社区驱动的门户网站,旨在使用二次融资机制为基于 EOS 的项目提供资助。 许多人认为二次资助是民主资助公共产品的最佳数学方式。 它结合了几个基本原则来实现这一结果。
首先,通过 NFT 销售等举措和 EOS 网络基金会等匹配合作伙伴建立匹配池。 那些建设公共产品的人可以在季度筹资赛季提交资助请求,以从该匹配池中获得资金。 即使有了这种资金分配,社区如何决定哪些项目获得资金,以及获得多少资金的问题仍然存在。 这就是二次融资公式发挥作用的地方。
匹配池建立后,将开启一轮众筹,允许社区成员将自己的部分资金捐赠给他们最喜欢的项目。 这有助于影响匹配池的分配方式,而不是由一个集中化的实体来决定分配。
二次资助的独特之处在于,它衡量的是有多少个人捐助者为项目做出了贡献,并且比项目筹集的资金总额更重要。 例如,从十个不同捐助者那里获得 1000 美元的项目,将比从单个捐助者那里获得 2000 美元的项目获得更多的匹配池资金。
Pomelo 第 4 季
Pomelo 第 4 季正在如火如荼进行中,自11月14日开始接受资助申请,在12月7日之前可以对已批准的资助进行捐款! 如果您想参与其中,请查看 Pomelo 团队最近发表的这篇文章,了解如何起草您的资助申请。 然后前往 Pomelo 网站开始行动吧!
ENF 的资助框架提供了一种更传统的直接资助方式,具有明确的指导方针、申请流程、多阶段批准流程和基于里程碑的支付系统。 资助的目的是使开发人员、企业和个人能够在 EOS 上进行构建。
「营利」和「公益」实体均可获得资助,目标是所有资助都将有利于 EOS 生态系统发展。 但是,我们将优先考虑那些具有强大的技术性并能明显增加公共利益的项目。
10,000美元以下的小额资助,要求最低,但金额越大,要求就越多。最值得注意的是,如果金额超过 10,000 美元,则必须参加过上一季 Pomelo 资助。即使是较小的资助请求,参加Pomelo并有先前的作品展示,也可以大大增加您获得资助的机会。因此,如果您是这个生态系统的新手,建议先通过Pomelo申请资助,然后再向ENF资助框架申请进一步资助。
EOS 上的公共产品
这两种资助机制都在促进 EOS 上有影响力的公共产品发展方面发挥了重要作用。 如果您正在考虑开始在 EOS 上构建公共产品,您可能会寻找 Web3 领域中什么才算公共产品的清晰解释。
如前所述,公共产品最明显的例子是交付成果可供用户访问和其他项目修改的工作。 这包括在知识共享中获得许可的开源代码和媒体资源等。 话虽如此,还有其他方法可以在您的项目中发现出公共利益,即使它不属于这些定义。
- 基础价值观层面:它支持你的社区所关心的价值观。
- 具有持久性:它是可以实现和维持的。
- 创造积极的外部性:它能使公众受益,而不仅仅是直接的用户群体。
结尾:在 EOS 上资助和建设公共产品
EOS 网络是区块链 3.0 时代的典范之作,由 EOS VM 提供支持。EOS VM 是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的 WebAssembly 引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS 网络专为 Web3 设计,致力于实现最佳的 Web3 用户和开发人员体验。EOS 是 Antelope 协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过 EOS 网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动 EOS 快速发展。
EOS 网络基金会
EOS 网络基金会是一个非营利性的组织,旨在倾听社区声音、传达社区意愿并扶持社区优质项目发展,成为 EOS 社区的信息共享桥梁,并为 EOS 生态提供资金、技术、运营、未来规划、生态构建等关键基础设施支持,进一步发挥 EOS 作为世界速度最快的治理型区块链的全部潜力。
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Coordinating resources and distributing funding is one of the biggest hurdles limiting growth in Web3. New individuals enter the space everyday, eager to contribute their skills and there’s certainly no shortage of work that needs to be completed. However, the decentralized nature of the industry makes it difficult to efficiently mobilize funding to where it’s needed the most.
Block rewards are an effective way to fund network validation, but other work like dApp development and education often goes underfunded. For many years the EOS ecosystem was faced with this dilemma. Innovation was stagnant and ecosystem contributors worked largely on a volunteer basis, without any effective models for cooperation. That is, until the EOS Network Foundation was founded and began working on a solution to these coordination failures.
The EOS Network Foundation’s mission is to enable developers, businesses and individuals to build on EOS. Acting as a centralized entity, the ENF is able to move quickly and distribute capital to foster the growth of a decentralized ecosystem. A key part of this mission is the funding of public goods: ecosystem resources that benefit everyone but lack a sufficient business model to incentive their development.
If you’re an individual, small team or company looking for funding to contribute to the EOS ecosystem, then this is the perfect place to start.
In this article, we’ll go over what a public good is exactly and why you should care. Then we’ll talk about some of the avenues that are available to fund this type of work. If you’re short on time, jump to the bottom of this article for the TL;DR on where to go to begin your journey building for the public good on EOS.
Public Goods and Their Role in Web3
Public goods have always played an integral role in our physical environments, but they’ve only recently begun to be acknowledged in online communities. You may have heard the term “public good” thrown around but have no idea what that actually means or why they’re even needed. In this next section we’ll be covering all of that, so you can get started building public goods on EOS.
Tragedy of the Commons
There are many things that we can all agree are needed for EOS to succeed, but nevertheless they remained underfunded until last year, with little to no work being completed. This is largely due to the fact that the income generated by such solutions are very unlikely to cover the costs of creating them in the first place. Examples include improvements to UX/UI, resource management, developer tooling, marketing, and educational materials.
Even though all of these initiatives have a valuable impact on our community, many lack a value capture mechanism, meaning that users are not incentivized to maintain them. This is a common economic problem known as the Tragedy of the Commons, a dilemma that occurs when individuals have reason to consume a public resource for their own gain and at the expense of everyone else.
With no funding mechanism in place to sustain or regulate the resource, it can ultimately deplete overtime. To the average user, overcoming this hurdle may seem like a lost cause, but there are solutions presented in traditional economies that we can build upon to foster sustained growth in these areas.
Public Goods vs Private Goods
Private goods are those things that need to be purchased in order to be consumed. This limits how many people can use them and creates an inherent funding mechanism that allows the production of the good to be sustained. In the traditional economies, examples of private goods include food, clothes, cars and other consumer goods.
Due to the limiting nature and ability to generate a profit, private goods are not susceptible to the tragedy of commons described above. However, on the other side of the spectrum are public goods, which often succumb to this dilemma.
Public goods are items that are non-rivalrous and non-excludable. Non-rivalrous means that one person’s use of the good doesn’t substantially affect or diminish the supply. Non-excludable means that you can’t limit anyone from accessing the resource, it’s open to anyone to consume.
Examples of public goods in the physical world include parks, public infrastructure, clean air and other similar public resources. In Web3 economies, public goods might include open source protocols, APIs, developer tooling, educational materials and more.
The Need for Public Goods Funding Mechanisms
Now that you know what a public good is and understand the tragedy of the commons which limits growth, you can start to see the problems that arise when it comes to effectively developing our online ecosystems. When you pair this with the decentralized nature of Web3, it gets even more difficult to coordinate meaningful development of the tools that benefit all of us.
However, there is a way to overcome this hurdle by fostering protocols with a mission to fund public goods in a sustainable way. Gitcoin is an example of a powerful public goods funding mechanism in the Ethereum ecosystem. It has distributed over $71M in funding to projects building public goods for Solidity users.
For a long time, the EOS network lacked a similar funding vehicle to support ecosystem development, but that all changed in 2021 with the launch of the EOS Network Foundation and it’s initial funding pillars.
ENF’s Role in Supporting Public Goods on EOS
The EOS Network Foundation is a force for positive global change, charting a coordinated future for the EOS Network through decentralization and community. In order to fulfill this mission, the ENF is receives funding from the EOS network that can be redistributed in a calculated manner. This fosters decentralized growth and a diverse community of builders, with the efficiency offered by a centralized entity mobilizing resources.
When it comes to public goods, the ENF regularly distributes capital to platforms funding this type of work. If you’re building on the EOS Network, you may be eligible for funding from these sources, provided that your work is considered a public good. In the next section we’ll explore two of these platforms and explain how you can receive funding for your work on EOS.
Pomelo is an open-source platform that is becoming a self-funded, community-driven portal designed to fund EOS-based projects using a quadratic funding mechanism. Quadratic Funding is considered by many to be the mathematically optimal way to democratically fund public goods. It ties together several basic principles to achieve this outcome.
First, a matching pool is established, through initiatives such as NFT sales and matching partners like the EOS Network Foundation. Those building public goods can submit grant requests to receive funding from this pool, during quarterly funding seasons. Even with this allocation of funds, the problem persists as to how a community can decide which projects receive funding and how much. This is where the quadratic funding formula comes into play.
After the matching pool has been established, a crowdfunding round is opened up, allowing community members to donate some of their own funds to their favorite grants. This helps influence how the matching pool is divided, without a centralized entity deciding on the distribution.
What’s unique about quadratic funding is that it measures how many individual donors contributed to a grant and weighs that higher than the total amount of money a grant raises. As an example, a grant that receives $1000 from ten different donors would receive a much larger portion of the matching pool than one which receives $2000 from a single donor.
This is important because it incentivizes community members to support important projects, regardless of how much they can donate. It also mitigates dynamics where those with the largest amount of capital have the most control over how resources are utilized.
With the magic of quadratic funding, project supporters can have a meaningful impact even with donations as small as $1. Better yet, they can watch as their donations are magnified to be worth much more once the matching pool is distributed. If you’re still confused, head over to WTFisQF.com, a site dedicated to explaining this concept with tools that demonstrate the process in action.
Pomelo has played an integral role in encouraging decentralized development of the EOS ecosystem. The platform has distributed over $2M in the first 3 Seasons alone. Funding seasons are run every quarter, so if you’ve got a project that you’re building and you think it would qualify for funding be sure to check them out and get involved in the next season!
Pomelo Season 4
Pomelo Season 4 is in full swing with grant applications open since November 14th and contributions to approved grants can be made until December 7th! If you’d like to get involved, check out this recent article from the Pomelo team to learn how to craft your grant application. Then head over to the Pomelo website and get started!
ENF Grant Framework
The ENF’s Grant Framework offers a more traditional direct approach to grant funding with clear guidelines, an application process, a multi-stage approval process, and a milestone based pay-out system. The purpose of the grants is to enable developers, businesses and individuals to build on EOS.
Grants are available to both “for profit” and “public good” entities, with the goal that all grants will benefit the EOS ecosystem. However, preference will be given to those with strong technical aspects that clearly add to the public good.
Through the ENF grant framework, individuals, small teams, and companies are all able to receive funding for their work in the ecosystem. Grant categories include but are not limited to Core Antelope Chain / Sub-modules, Development Tools, UI Development, Backend Development, and Cryptography.
Small grants of up to $10,000 have minimal prerequisites, but the requirements become more involved with larger amounts. Most notably, for any amount over $10,000, it’s necessary to have participated in a prior season of Pomelo. Even with smaller requests, participating in Pomelo and having prior work to show can greatly increase your chances of receiving funding. So, if you’re new to the ecosystem, it’s recommended to begin funding your work through Pomelo, then approach the ENF Grant Framework for further funding.
Public Goods on EOS
Both of these funding mechanisms have played an important role in fostering the development of impactful public goods on EOS. If you’re thinking of getting started building public goods on EOS, you may find yourself looking for clarity on what qualifies as a public good in the Web3 realm.
As previously noted, the clearest example of a public good, would be work where the deliverables are made available for users to access and other projects to modify. This includes open source code and media that’s licensed in the creative commons. With that said, there are other ways to find the public good in your project even if it doesn’t fall under these guidelines.
Here are some tips to keep in mind, a valid public good…
- Is values-based: it supports values your community cares about.
- Has longevity: it’s achievable and maintainable.
- Creates positive externalities: it benefits a public beyond an immediate set of users.
Find more tips on how to build for the public good in this guide from the Pomelo team. The ecosystem has already seen a slew of innovative projects contributing in this manner.
Conclusion: Fund & Build Public Goods on EOS
The EOS Network Foundation recently turned one year old and, not surprisingly, there is a stark difference in where the EOS ecosystem is currently and where it was a year ago.
This is partially due to the ENF’s role as a vehicle for distributing resources to public goods initiatives like Pomelo and the ENF’s Grant Framework. However, even more credit goes to our dedicated community of builders and innovators, actively contributing to the growth of the network and building for the future of Web3.
The excitement surrounding this exponential growth is palpable and it all started with users and enthusiasts like you. With all that’s been achieved in one year alone, one can only imagine where our network will be in another year, as the positive externalities of open and transparent innovation compound.
With Pomelo Season 4 ramping up, there’s no better time to be a contributor to the EOS ecosystem. Platforms like Pomelo and the EOS Grant Framework offer accessible funding to those building for the public good. The industry is still so young and there’s lots to be done.
What will you BUIDL?
EOS Network
The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal Web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the Antelope framework, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation.
EOS Network Foundation
The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) was forged through a vision for a prosperous and decentralized future. Through our key stakeholder engagement, community programs, ecosystem funding, and support of an open technology ecosystem, the ENF is transforming Web3. Founded in 2021, the ENF is the hub for EOS Network, a leading open source platform with a suite of stable frameworks, tools, and libraries for blockchain deployments. Together, we are bringing innovations that our community builds and are committed to a stronger future for all.
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