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EOS的Daniel Larimer:“当人们不再谈及区块链时”,区块链将获得突破/EOS’ Daniel Larimer: Blockchain will break through “when people no longer talk about Blockchain”



EOS区块链平台的创始人Daniel Larimer告诉CNR,只有当区块链技术隐形时,它才能被大量使用。

近日,Daniel larimer在伦敦区块链现场盛会中发表了主题演讲“用区块链技术保障您的事业”,随后他花了几分钟时间与CNR聊了聊dApp、EOS以及区块链整体的现状。

Larimer解释了被自己称之为“至高点”的三叉系统,用以保障去中心化网络信息的安全,这包括硬件密钥、基于区块链的服务以及人类可阅读,又同时拥有加密保障的Ricardian合约,这款合约于近日被添加入EOSIO平台。“基本上,” Larimer对满屋的人说,“区块链仅是一个较好的底层建筑。一层更安全且更负责任的建筑。”此后,我们开始问到如今他自身平台以及以太坊上相对较低的dApp使用量,有什么可以改变这一现状。Larimer的回答对未来十分看好,他讲道:“当人们不再谈论区块链的时候,它将会被大量采用。”他补充道:“未来所有商业都将使用区块链。”






的确,早期Nick Szabo(智能合约感念的发起人之一)将EOS这样的平台上出现的东西称之为擦边球,称它们追求计算可扩展性(能够处理更多交易的能力)。牺牲信任最小化,以“丢了西瓜,捡了芝麻”的方式履行加密货币的精神,最终牺牲了社会可扩展性。“你需要一个真正安全,信任最小化的区块链,”Szabo认为,“社会可扩展性远比计算可扩展性能赋予你更多的价值…区块链应当是盔甲而不是鱼鳍。我们试图建立的是Brinks坦克,而不是赛车。”






The creator of the EOS blockchain platform, Daniel Larimer, has told CNR that blockchain technology will only reach mass adoption when it becomes invisible.

Following his Keynote presentation, ‘Secure Your Business With Blockchain Technology’ at the recent Blockchain Live event in London, Daniel Larimer took a few moments to chat with CNR about the current climate for dApps, EOS, and Blockchain Technology as a whole.

Having put across what he described as a “high-level pitch” for a three-pronged system to secure information on a decentralised web – involving hardware keys; blockchain based services; and the human-readable, cryptographically secure, Ricardian contracts that his team has recently added to the EOS.IO platform – “The bottom line,” Larimer had told a packed room, ” is that Blockchain is just a fundamentally better architecture. A more secure architecture, more accountable architecture.”

Afterward, we began by asking him about the relatively low current adoption numbers for dApps based on his own plaftorm and Ethereum, and what may change that. His response was a bullish sentiment that “Blockchain will be heavily adopted when people no longer talk about blockchain,” and that “all businesses will be using the blockchain in the future.”

“To get from where we are today to there,” he says, is “a matter of getting the existing businesses and existing proven business models to upgrade their software to use blockchain give users greater security.”

And it’s this role in presenting a more secure version of the services that we have now – that are safe from financial and identity fraud – that he sees as an essential use case for his platform going forward.

“Banks lose hundreds of billions of dollars every year to fraud, either from inside or outside,” he told us. “The biggest use cases are actually coming from the businesses which have these huge liabilities adopting the blockchain… Then their customers are going to benefit from it automatically and transparently.”

“The other big use case is eliminating the need for constantly changing your password – or complex passwords – because that actually makes things harder for users. When people start making things easier, when blockchain actually makes people’s lives easier and more secure, that’s when it’ll get widespread adoption.”

EOS, which famously raised an eye-watering $4bn-plus by the time it closed its ICO earlier this year, has already pulled ahead of Ethereum in some metrics regarding the use of decentralised applications. However, in the process it has highlighted some of the features that have simultaneously attracted and put off varying sub-sections of the crypto community, such as the ability to withdraw and edit smart contracts.

Indeed, earlier in the day, Nick Szabo – one of the originators of the smart contract concept – took what appeared to be a side-swipe at platforms like EOS by describing their pursuit of computational scalability (the ability to deal with more transactions) at the expense of trust-minimisation as a “penny-wise, and pound-foolish” approach to implementing the ethos of cryptocurrency that ultimately sacrifices social scalability. “You want a really secure, trust-minimised, blockchain,” Szabo asserted, “Social scalability gives you much more value than computational scalability does… Blockchain should be the armour, not the fins. We’re trying to build the Brinks trucks of the future, not the race cars.”

Larimer is far more pragmatic, however. “It doesn’t matter what blockchain you’re on,” he asserts, “you’re trusting the website that you’re downloading the wallet from.”

This goes some way to explaining his drive towards updating security, as “by moving to hardware devices, you know that you’re sealing the key itself – you know that if you throw it in a volcano it’s not going to sign anything anymore.”

“So far, the early adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies,” he concludes, “is very philosophical”

“It’s inherently limited to people who actually believe in the cause. That’s true with all early adoption. It’s true with electric cars. It’s true with blockchain.”

原文链接/Original URL:

EOS’ Daniel Larimer: Blockchain will break through “when people no longer talk about Blockchain” 

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