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韩国区块链游戏在海外获得好评/Korean Blockchain Games Gaining Popularity Abroad


Crypto Legends, Weneepl创作的区块链游戏


上个月Weneepl发行的Crypto Legends和先前Biscuit发行的Knights Story在海外玩家中广受好评,12月3日有游戏行业的内部人士这么评价。然而,因为评分问题,这些游戏在韩国本土还没有真正运营,但是它们已经开始引领海外游戏市场。

区块链游戏开发公司Weneepl是Gameville的前开发人员成立的,其开发的Crypto Legend中,玩家通过收集卡牌竞争。它在区块链平台EOS上线,因为其精美的画质,在上线前就已经引起热议。

Crypto Legends推出之后马上在11月26日推出了海外版,现在,它在区块链应用评分网站DApp.com上排名EOS游戏第一名。

Biscuit推出的Knights Story也获得了很好的反馈。该游戏是一个RPG游戏:骑士、武士、弓箭手要不断成长,打败敌人拯救村庄。值得一提的是,玩家可以合成70余种材料生成剑、弓、盔甲。通过非同质代币(NFT)科技,玩家间可以交换游戏中获得的物品。

Knights Story在另一个评分网站State of the App中的综合评分不断上升,现在跻身第12名的它也很快积累了用户。特别值得一提的是,该游戏真的赚钱了。它在所有区块链游戏中收益排第五。Knights Story这个游戏非常抢人眼球,在Google和Apple给出评价之后,该游戏现在在韩国也可以玩了。

NodeBrick开发的Infinity Star也在扩张海外用户。因为不能在韩国上线,NodeBrick正尝试进入日本市场。在所有区块链游戏中,Infinity Star 收益排名第六。

明年,游戏市场会看到更多区块链游戏。11月的时候,Five Stars在韩国大型游戏展G-Star上因为其高画质吸引了玩家和游戏行业的注意,它即将正式推出。而BORA也宣布它会推出包括Flyff Legacy和Hunters League在内的六款区块链游戏,BORA公司的目标是成为基于区块链的数字内容平台。

此外,明年开始,一些已经上市的主要游戏发布者也会推出一系列区块链游戏。Wemade完全控股的Wemade Tree计划推出一些知名游戏的区块链版,其中就包括“Wemix 版Cryptonad,” “Wind Runner,” “Candy Pang”以及基于《热血传奇》这个IP的其它游戏。



Crypto Legends, a blockchain game from Weneepl

Korean game developers are releasing new blockchain games one after another. These new games are not in the form of betting games; they are not much different from existing role playing games (RPGs) and card battles. Blockchain games are evolving into “real games.”

“Crypto Legends,” which was released by Weneepl last month, and “Knights Story,” which was developed by Biscuit, have been well-received by gamers abroad, said sources in the game industry on Dec. 3. In Korea, these games are not in proper service yet due to their rating problems, but they are already leading games markets abroad.

Developed by Weneepl, a blockchain game developer founded by developers from Gameville, Crypto Legends is a game where users compete against one another by collecting cards. It was launched through the blockchain platform “EOS” and became a hot topic thanks to its excellent graphics before its launch.

Crypto Legends was launched in the global market on Nov. 26. Immediately after its launch, it placed first in the EOS game rankings on, a blockchain application ranking site.

Knights Story by Biscuit is also enjoying good responses. Knight Story is an RPG in which knights, wizards, and archers grow, defeating enemies and saving villages. In particular, users can make more than 200 items such as swords, bows, and pieces of armor by combining 70 different materials. A player can exchange items acquired in the game with other players through non-fungible token (NFT) technology.

Knights Story is rapidly gathering users by rising to 12th place in the overall app rankings on another statistical site, State of the App. It is especially noteworthy that the game is actually making profits. It recorded the fifth highest revenue among all blockchain games. Knight Story is especially an eye-catching game because it is available in Korea after reviews by Google and Apple.

“Infinity Star” developed by NodeBrick is also expanding its users overseas. NodeBrick is making efforts to penetrate the Japanese market while it cannot start its service in Korea. Infinity Star is enjoying the sixth highest revenue among all blockchain games.

Next year, more blockchain games will be available on the game market. “Five Stars,” which garnered much attention from gamers and the game industry by implementing high-quality graphics at the G-Star, a major game show held in Korea in November, is waiting for its official launch. BORA, which aims to become a blockchain-based digital content platform, also announced that it will launch six blockchain games including “Flyff Legacy” and “Hunters League.”

In addition, listed major game publishers will release a bunch of blockchain games beginning next year. Wemade Tree, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wemade, is planning to introduce blockchain versions of popular mobile games such as “Cryptonado for Wemix,” “Wind Runner,” “Candy Pang” and games based on Mir’s Legend IP.

Mgame will launch blockchain games based on “Ghost Online” and “Princess Maker” through Kakao’s blockchain platform Klaytn.

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