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建立在EOSIO上的消掩蔽旨在击败黑客/#BuiltOnEOSIO: Uncloak Aims To Outsmart Hackers


Block.one和Tayo Dada进行了一次对话,后者是“全球第一个用区块链解决网络威胁”项目的创始人和CEO。




Tayo:我在网络安全顾问公司工作了不止15年,我很明确地知道,IT部门跟不上黑客的速度, 每天都会有新的威胁出现,经常这都伴随着巨大的经济和数据流失。而且很明显,绝大多数公司无力承担定制网络安全服务的费用,或者他们可能只会到了被黑客袭击的时候才会意识到危险所在。所有的公司—不管是大公司、中型企业、还是小作坊—都有保护基础设备的相似的安全需求。我们的威胁探测器能够帮助他们解决网络不安全带来的危险。


Tayo:我是Tayo Dada,我是一名网络安全专家,我在这个领域有20多年的工作经验。我带领着一个15人的核心小组,该小组提供了关于网络安全、区块链和企业发展的综合服务体系。Jae Chung是我们的高级工程师,他擅长EOS发展,C语言,C++和Java。Brendan Sturm是区块链开发工程师,他有ERC-29,Solidity函数、代币开发、dApp开发和Python语言的经验。Nick Banks是我们的商务总监,他已经带领了数家科技公司在全球上市。 Vincent O’Neill是我们的安全顾问,他在政府、智能和商业领域的安全监控方面有超过30年的经验。






Tayo:这个社区非常棒。这个组织非常团结,每个人,不管是区块生产者还是开发者,都希望能帮助对方。HKEOS区块生产商团队的成员帮我们联系了投资方和该地区的顾问。香港、英国和爱尔兰的EOS社区通过几次活动的keynote帮助我们积极参与到社区之中,其中就包括伦敦举办的EOS主网启动活动。我们的商业发展和社区经理Greg Leffel在和EOS社区的交往中也起到了很大的作用。

原文/Original: speaks to Tayo Dada, founder and CEO of “the world’s first blockchain-powered cyber-threat solution”

How do you describe your DAPP?

Tayo: It’s a web-based software solution that acts as a virtual cyber security consultant, helping companies to secure their computing equipment simply and cost-effectively. It allows businesses to monitor, protect themselves against and eliminate cyber threats, staying one step ahead of malicious hackers through a global and secure decentralized network of cyber security scanners. Unlike centralized cybersecurity solutions, Uncloak incentivizes registered cyber security experts and white-hat hackers to seek and solve pending cyber threats and rewards them through a fully automated system. This collective global effort makes the process of discovering security issues significantly faster, cheaper and more effective.

Where did your initial idea come from?

Tayo: Having spent over 15 years working in cyber security consultancy, it was apparent to me that the IT sector was unable to keep up with hackers, with new threats appearing on a daily basis, often involving sizable amounts of money and/or data being stolen. It was also apparent that the overwhelming majority of companies cannot afford to purchase ad hoc cyber security services, or were unaware of the dangers until they had been hacked themselves. All businesses — large, medium and small — have similar security requirements for protecting their infrastructure. Our vulnerability scanner helps them to eliminate the threat of cyber insecurity.

Can you introduce your team?

Tayo: I’m Tayo Dada and I’m a cybersecurity expert with 20 years’ experience in the field. I manage a 15-strong core team that offers a well-rounded mix of cybersecurity, blockchain and business development expertise. Jae Chung is our Senior Developer and his skillsets cover EOS development, C, C++ and Java. Brendan Sturm is a Blockchain Developer with experience in ERC-20, Solidity, token development, DAPP development and Python. Nick Banks is our Commercial Director and has taken a number of tech companies to market globally. Vincent O’Neill is a security expert with over 30 years’ experience in security operations across government, intelligence and commercial sectors.

What stage is the project at?

Tayo: Uncloak has spent a year developing an MVP (minimum viable product) which is available as a demo right now. This was developed through working with many small to large enterprise clients who have similar security requirements in protecting their infrastructure and who seek a systematic approach to thwarting would-be hackers.

Why did you decide to build on blockchain, and specifically on EOSIO?

Tayo: The immutability of the blockchain provides a whole new level of protection. EOSIO offers us a high-speed, highly-secure Delegated Proof of Stake blockchain, whose technology has been tried and tested on other successful platforms such as Steemit and Bitshares. Uncloak uses the platform for a number of things, including permissioned access to data from different groups of users, obfuscated data management for ensuring that customer information is kept private, a time-lock on data, and storage of IP/copyright data for hunters who find new vulnerabilities.

How has the EOS community been supportive?

Tayo: The community is absolutely amazing. It’s very tight-knit, and everybody wants to help each other out, from block producers to developers. Members of the HKEOS Block Producer team were instrumental in connecting us with investors and advisors in the region. The EOS communities in Hong Kong, the UK and Ireland offered us the opportunity to engage the community through keynotes in multiple events, including the EOS mainnet launch event in London. Greg Leffel, our business development / community manager, has been instrumental in engaging with the EOS community.

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