News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

澳大利亚选手在50个小组200多名选手中脱颖而出,获得悉尼EOS全球黑客马拉松第一名/Australians Win Top Awards at EOS Hackathon Sydney as Over 200 Contestants from More Than 50 Teams Compete


澳大利亚 SmartPress 斩获一等奖,该团队开发的应用程序让用户无需编写代码便能建立并部署智能合约

  • 澳大利亚 SmartPress 斩获一等奖,该团队开发的应用程序让用户无需编写代码便能建立并部署智能合约
  • EOS VC 揭示 100 万美金的种子基金项目 —— “破解、推销、实施”
  • 区块链支付项目 Havven 宣布将转向 EOSIO 并空投代币

2018 年 8 月 5 日的悉尼 —— 开拓性区块链协议 EOSIO 的发布者 于今日在 ICC Sydney 为悉尼有史以来第一个 EOS 全球黑客马拉松 (Global Hackathon) 拉上帷幕,澳大利亚团队横扫三个最高奖项,并斩获 EOS VC 提供的超过 12 万美元的奖金。

50 多个团队连续 26 个小时编程,国际裁判专家小组(组内成员包括全球技术和区块链领袖人物)从 200 多名国际选手中抉出优胜者。

本次悉尼盛会的主题是“破解内地”(Hack the Outback),开发人员挑战在 EOSIO 平台创建 DAPP,让普通大众在未来可持续自然环境中也能发挥自身作用。

一等奖团队 SmartPress 是一对澳大利亚搭档,他们在 EOSIO 平台开发出了一款网页应用,旨在使区块链技术大众化,让即便是不懂编程、没有技术经验的澳大利亚民众也能使用现有或新的应用程序设计并部署智能合约。凭此,他们获得了 10 万美元的奖金。该团队使用环境边界的绘制工具向众人展示了该想法的使用案例。

据 SmartPress 的创始人Lachlan Greenbank 所言:“我们热爱 EOSIO 黑客马拉松的地方在于它提供了途径,让我们以及其他参赛者能够获得极具天赋的导师团队的帮助,协助我们构建方案。这类参与方式对澳大利亚以及全球区块链社群而言都是极其珍贵的资源。”

第二名是 GreenKeep,一款由澳大利亚人建立的区块链应用,它旨在通过供应链管理防止当地和全球食物浪费。

澳大利亚团队 TokenTree 凭借其游戏化 APP 获得第三名,该应用通过培育和追踪树木的生命周期,鼓励千禧一代更多地参与澳大利亚对抗森林砍伐的活动。


“澳大利亚作为地区技术中心,拥有世界称奇的自然景观和环境,它是举办以可持续性为主题的黑客马拉松的理想之地,” 集团主席 Rob Jesudason 如此说道:“区块链技术已经向商界展示其作为革新技术的潜能,但它的能力远不止于此。今天活动的结果向世人展示了它能够为环境和社会整体带来益处。”

EOS VC 揭示 100 万美元的种子基金项目 的 EOS VC 团队也在此次悉尼马拉松中揭示了 100 万美元的新种子基金项目 —— “破解、推销、实施”。该项目允许 EOS 全球黑客马拉松团队向 EOS VC 推销他们研发的 DAPP,以便有机会获得 5 万美元的投资,用以实现他们的想法。四次黑客马拉松大赛中,每次都有五个团队获得种子资金。

“构建 EOSIO 生态系统并推行区块链是 和 EOS VC 使命的一部分,” EOS VC 的 Brian Mehler 说道:“在澳大利亚启动‘破解、推销、实施’项目会留下投资的足迹,这将增加 EOSIO 区块链上创新性 DAPP 的数量。这周末我们见证了诸多有趣的点子,我们很高兴在接下来几周宣布启动第一轮投资。”

年初,EOS VC 一项以 EOS 为核心的基金为开源分布式虚拟现实 (VR) 平台 High Fidelity 带来了 3500 万美元的 D 轮融资和 2000 万美元的投资,让该公司能扩大研发和测试,整合虚拟现实和区块链技术。

High Fidelity 的CEO 和联合创始人 Philip Rosedale 通过 VR 出现在黑客马拉松大赛上,并向与会者发表了演讲,他鼓励在场诸位在这个技术裂变的时代勇于追求自己的创业目标。Philip 也曾创建革命性虚拟现实公司 Second Life,并见证其成长。

Havven 宣布登陆 EOISO,将空投 Havven 代币

 Havven(一个开源区块链软件项目,通过稳定币 nUSD 确保美元能在 DAPP 中进行支付。)在黑客马拉松上宣布将其软件转向 EOSIO 平台,同时,作为此次登陆 EOSIO 计划的一部分,将空投 Havven 代币。

“作为去中心化应用的关键性基础设施,Havven 相信支持众多区块链十分重要,” Havven 创始人 Kain Warwick 说道:“EOSIO 具有可扩展性,拥有交易量,和不断成长的 DAPP 生态系统,这与我们的愿景相符,我们很高兴能够加入该平台。”



  • 第一名, 100,000 美元 — SmartPress (澳大利亚)
  • 第二名, 25,000  美元— GreenKeep (澳大利亚)
  • 第三名, 10,000 美元 — TokenTree (澳大利亚)


  • 最佳社会影响奖, 3,000 美元 — Jarmbi (澳大利亚)
  • 最佳用户体验奖, 3,000 美元 — GreenFix
  • 最佳媒体发布奖, 3,000 美元 — Alfred Cheuk


  • Rob Jesudason — one 集团主席
  • Andrew Bliss — one CFO
  • Jonny Hendriksen — ShuttleRock 创始人和 CEO
  • Joe Cincotta — Thinking Studio 总经理
  • Jane Thomason — 区块链 Quantum Impact CEO / Abt Associates 澳大利亚高级顾问
  • Lina Lim — NSX Limited 技术主管 / Tempus Adventus 总经理
  • Reece Proudfoot — WWF-澳大利亚创战略顾问

悉尼的赛事是本年度全球五场赛事中的第二场,EOS VC 在此总共授予 150 万美元的奖金。第一场全球赛事于 6 月在中国香港举行,来自17 个国家超过 350 人参与该次盛会。

每次黑客马拉松比赛都会为开发人员设定一个特定的挑战目标,使用 EOSIO 代码设计具有实际用途的区块链应用 DAPP,以此“破解”挑战。

四次黑客马拉松的前三名将于 12 月在总决赛 Grand Finale Pitch Competition 中相互较量。


  • Australian project SmartPress wins top prize with an application that allows users to build and deploy smart contracts without writing code
  • EOS VC unveils US$1 million “Hack. Pitch. Launch.” seed funding initiative
  • Blockchain payment project Havven announces it will port to EOSIO and airdrop tokens

Sydney, August 5, 2018 —, publisher of the ground-breaking EOSIO blockchain protocol, closed the first-ever EOS Global Hackathon in Australia at ICC Sydney today, with Australian teams sweeping the three top prize categories, and taking home over US$120,000 in prizes awarded by EOS VC.

A panel of international judges, including global technology and blockchain leaders, selected the winners from a pool of over 200 international participants from more than 50 teams following 26 consecutive hours of programming.

The theme of the Sydney event was Hack the Outback and developers were challenged to: Create a DAPP on the EOSIO platform that empowers the public to play a role in sustaining natural environments for the future.

The First Prize team, an Australian duo called SmartPress, won US$100,000 for developing a web application built on EOSIO that aims to democratise blockchain technology by enabling Australians, including those with limited coding and technical experience, to design and deploy smart contracts for use with existing or new applications. The team demonstrated a use case of its idea through an environmental boundary mapping tool.

According Lachlan Greenbank, one of the founders of SmartPress: “What we loved about the EOSIO hackathon is that it provided access to a team of extremely talented mentors that helped us and other contestants to build solutions. This type of engagement is a great resource for the Australian and global blockchain communities.”

Taking Second Prize was GreenKeep, a blockchain application built by Australians that aims to prevent local and global food wastage through supply chain management.

Australian team TokenTree was named the Third Prize winner for its gamified app designed to empower millennials to be more engaged in the fight against deforestation in Australia by nurturing and tracking tree lifecycles.

The Best Social Impact Prize was also awarded to an Australian team for their work on an application that aims to help protect endangered animals.

“Because of its status as a tech hub in the region, and as a country with some of the world’s most stunning landscapes and environments, Australia is the perfect location to hold a hackathon with a focus on sustainability,” said Group President Rob Jesudason. “Blockchain technology has shown its potential to be a game-changing technology in the corporate world, however, its potential extends far beyond business. The results of today’s event show its capability to be beneficial to our environment and society as a whole.”

EOS VC unveils US$1 million seed funding program’s EOS VC unit also unveiled its new US$1 million “Hack. Pitch. Launch.” seed funding initiative at the Sydney hackathon. The program will allow teams from the EOS Global Hackathon events to pitch their DAPPs to EOS VC for the opportunity to receive an investment of US$50,000 to launch their idea. Five teams from each of the four hackathon events will receive seed funding.

“Building the EOSIO ecosystem and driving blockchain adoption is part of the mission of both and EOS VC,” said Brian Mehler of EOS VC. “Kicking off the Hack. Pitch. Launch. program in Australia will leave behind a footprint of investment that will increase the number of innovative DAPPs on the EOSIO blockchain. We’ve seen many interesting ideas this weekend and we are excited to announce the first round of investments in the coming weeks.”

Earlier this year, one of EOS VC’s EOS-focused funds led the US$35 million Series D funding round for open-source distributed virtual reality (VR) platform High Fidelity, with an investment of US$20 million to allow the company to increase research, development and testing to integrate virtual reality and blockchain technologies.

High Fidelity CEO and co-founder Philip Rosedale, who also created and oversaw the growth of revolutionary virtual reality company Second Life, appeared at the hackathon via VR and gave a speech to attendees, encouraging them to pursue their entrepreneurial goals in a time of great change in technology.

Havven announces launch on EOSIO, will airdrop Havven Token

Havven, an open-source blockchain software project that enables US dollar payments in DAPPs through its stablecoin nUSD, announced at the hackathon that it will port its software to the EOSIO platform. Havven will airdrop its Havven Tokens as part of its EOSIO launch.

“As critical infrastructure for decentralized applications, Havven believes it’s important to support a number of blockchains,” said Havven Founder Kain Warwick. “EOSIO has the scalability, transaction volume and growing DAPP ecosystem that fits with our vision, and we are thrilled to be joining the platform.”

Full winners list

Top prizes

  • First Prize, US$100,000 — SmartPress (Australia)
  • Second Prize, US$25,000 — GreenKeep (Australia)
  • Third Prize, US$10,000 — TokenTree (Australia)

Secondary prizes

  • Best Social Impact, US$3,000 — Jarmbi (Australia)
  • Best User Experience, US$3,000 — GreenFix
  • Best Social Media Post, US$3,000 — Alfred Cheuk

Australia judges

  • Rob Jesudason — one Group President
  • Andrew Bliss — one CFO
  • Jonny Hendriksen — ShuttleRock Founder and CEO
  • Joe Cincotta — Thinking Studio Managing Director
  • Jane Thomason — Blockchain Quantum Impact CEO / Abt Associates Australia Senior Advisor
  • Lina Lim — NSX Limited Head of Technology / Tempus Adventus Managing Director
  • Reece Proudfoot — WWF-Australia Innovation Strategist

The Sydney event was the second in a series of five taking place around the world this year, with a total of US$1.5 million in prizes to be awarded by EOS VC. The first event in the global series was hosted in Hong Kong in June and drew more than 350 entrants from 17 countries.

Each hackathon event features a unique challenge for developers to “hack” the challenge with the goal of designing blockchain applications (DAPPs) with real-world utility using EOSIO code.

Top three prize winners from each of the four hackathons will compete in a Grand Finale Pitch Competition event in December.


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