News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

EOS周报第三十八期 | 2022年10月1日/Everything EOS Weekly Report — October 1



欢迎来到 Everything EOS 周报,本期内容汇总了 EOS 生态9月26日 — 10 月2日发生的大事件。

Everything EOS周报涵盖英语、中文和韩语 EOS 社区的消息。我们将持续发布更新来自世界各地的 EOS 生态系统新闻。Everything EOS 周报是了解世界各地 EOS 最新消息的最佳方式。EOS 生态大小新鲜事,一起来看看吧!本周主要内容包括:



来自Zaisan的Ross在Antelop联盟电话会议中分享了他对活动的印象。Ross与来自EOSRio的Thiago一起参加了此次活动,他将本次活动描述为区块链协议和交易所的贸易展览,并在现场派发各种丰厚礼品。活动现场还有一个TrustEVM的展示舞台,Yves La Rose在舞台上讲述了EOS的独立崛起故事,形式有点像每周围炉谈话的现场版。  

八月底,ENF创始人Yves La Rose还访问了韩国,与充满活力的韩国EOS社区开展外联活动,并探索在韩国这个世界一流的技术中心推广和增强EOS品牌的机会。他会见了业内一些顶级加密交易所、dApp创造者和风投基金的代表。


Zaisan的外联计划进展迅速,该计划通过参加各种会议来收集和跟进联系人。Zaisan还与Gartner Research合作,帮助推动市场研究和熟悉Antelope软件的技术堆栈。





1、更快地终结性:实施近乎即时的拜占庭容错确定性终结,作为 Antelope 核心协议的一部分,以提高应用程序的响应速度、减少交易所存款的确认时间、实现 Atomic Swap 和链间通信。此外,这也是通过并行化提高交易吞吐量横向可扩展性的先决条件。 

2、无需信任的跨链IBC:实施区块链间通信协议,允许在 Antelope 区块链(链 A)上发生的任何操作都可以通过加密方式向另一个 Antelope 区块链(链 B)证明。 该功能旨在促进多种用例,例如无需信任侧链、打包代币、分布式治理、链间资源模型、单一应用程序链、专用 CPU 挖掘链等。 此外,此外,实现打包代币智能合约参考和轻客户端参考。 

3、RAM 限制修复:修改 Antelope RAM 资源,以减少区块生产者节点物理内存中必须保留的状态 RAM 的数量。随着基于 Antelope 的区块链平台的日益普及,对区块生产者节点等支持性基础设施的运营商的纵向可扩展性限制越来越多。如果所有区块链状态都需要保存在节点的物理内存中,那么我们可能会耗尽能够满足这一要求的可用硬件。





Docker Utilities for Node Execution(DUNE)是一个工具,允许使用macOS、Windows、CentOS和其他非Ubuntu操作系统的开发者使用Docker来运行Antelope软件,而无需安装不同的操作系统。DUNE帮助开发者、用户和其他网络参与者使用标准的nodeos、keosd和cleos接口来参与EOS和其他Antelope链。

DUNE的另一个好处是,它允许Antelope核心开发人员在不牺牲兼容性的情况下简化开发。这个有价值的工具减少了Antelope用户的开发摩擦,使开发更简单、更流畅。对于那些有兴趣在他们的开发工作流程中使用这个工具的人,DUNE Docker图像在Antelope联盟Github的一个库中。

EOS Bees开展Swarms补贴、NFT空投以及EOS多重传输工具等活动

Download a hi-res version here

EOS Bees、Bishop Creations与.gems合作发布了一系列新的NFT,以庆祝充满活力的EOS dApp世界。


EOS Bees正在通过这次发布来庆祝他们的补贴营销Swarms群的第一个版本,它利用EOS社区来影响Twitter的算法。用户可以发布有趣的、实质性的、积极的推文,并在发布后的两小时内通过使用电报聊天机器人向营销Swarms群申请。

为了实现这些营销Swarms群,EOS Bees需要一个使用.csv文件进行自动资金分配的工具。 

在一次令人印象深刻的网络合作中,EOS网络基金会的开发者关系总监Nathan James认识到了一个多重传输工具的价值,并在不到一个小时内建立了它。EOS Bees现在用它来向营销团体分配资金,以激励与EOS相关的项目和影响者的积极参与。



目前,Eden国库大约有118,000 EOS,其中一部分被分配用于社区优化倡议、项目和资助,以造福EOS生态。成员在每季一次的Eden共识比赛中决定获胜者。 





如果你不是Eden会员,欢迎大家积极加入!任何Eden成员都可以邀请你加入。如果你很难找到可以邀请并接纳你的Eden成员,可以考虑参加每周三14:00(北京时间22:00)的Eden fractal会议,该会议对所有人开放。许多最活跃的Eden成员都会参加。


Pomelo第三次调研以及EOS Support文章





EVMxIdeathon Pitch Deck研讨会

Helios 致力于加速 EOS 区块链上业务用例的开发。 通过证明 EOS 区块链的强大功能和实用性,这些业务用例可以将分布式账本技术,引入到较慢或较昂贵的链上不可持续的解决方案中。

最新的举措是双轨道同步进行的黑客松活动:一个创意马拉松(ideathon),参与者需要将业务逻辑和用例融合,以打造一个强大的基于 EOS 的产品;以及一个单独的EVM黑客松,主要关注 “GameFi “或 “play-to-earn”的模式,这些模式显然需要像EOS这样的高性能、低成本、低延迟的区块链来做支撑。


Helios正在组织一些活动,帮助创意马拉松(ideathon)参与者将他们的想法变成可行的解决方案。其中之一是由Helios孵化器导师Gavriel Shaw主持的Pitch deck研讨会。该研讨会概述了创业者在他们的宣传资料中应该传达的关键注意事项。

创意马拉松(ideathon)的提交截止日期为 10 月 31 日,之后将开始评审工作。


我们每周三19:00(UTC时间)都会在EOS Discord举办围炉谈话。欢迎大家参加,并直接向EOS中一些最好的建设者和领导者提问。期待在EOS社区围炉谈话与你相遇!

本周 EOS 社区将出席以下会议:


以下是您本周可以参加的 EOS 社区活动列表:

Eden ƒractal – 北京时间周三21点

Helios未来学家系列 – 北京时间周三22点

Eden星火会议 – 北京时间周四凌晨1点(西班牙语社区)

EOS围炉谈话 – 北京时间周四凌晨3点
DiscordYoutubeShort Clips,

EOS Support Giveaway活动 – 北京时间周四24点

EOS Hot Sauce – 北京时间周五24点
Youtube & Twitter

Helios 区块链&早餐 – 北京时间周六凌晨1点

Eden研讨会 – 北京时间周六24点


EOS网络是区块链3.0时代的典范之作,由EOS VM提供支持。EOS VM是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的WebAssembly引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS网络专为Web 3设计,致力于实现最佳的Web 3用户和开发人员体验。EOS是EOSIO协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过EOS网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动EOS快速发展。




The Everything EOS Weekly Report publishes all of the latest news and updates from around the world in the EOS ecosystem.

The Everything EOS Weekly Report sources stories and updates from community members that are part of the English, Chinese, & Korean EOS communities. The Everything EOS Weekly Report is the best place to catch up on all the latest news in EOS from all around the world.

Token 2049 and other conferences

The EOS Network Foundation represented the EOS network and TrustEVM in Singapore this week with a title sponsorship for Token2049 Singapore, the headline event of a week of blockchain-related gatherings. Thousands of attendees with deep insight and connections to the technology world attend one of the world’s top cryptocurrency and distributed ledger events. The Singapore event is the first of two Token2049 conferences that the EOS network and TrustEVM are sponsoring, with another in London in November.

Ross from Zaisan shared his impressions on a coalition call. Ross from Zaisan, who attended the event with Thiago from EOSRio, described it as a trade show for blockchain protocols and exchanges, complete with swag bags. There is a TrustEVM stage, on which Yves La Rose recounted EOS’s rise to independence in a sort of in-person version of the weekly Fireside Chat.  

Earlier, ENF founder Yves La Rose visited Korea to engage in outreach with the vibrant Korean EOS community and explore opportunities to grow and strengthen the EOS brand in South Korea, one of the world’s premier technology hubs. He met with representatives from some of the industry’s top crypto exchanges, dApp creators and VCs.[Embed Twitter link:

As the ENF’s core team took to Asia, Zaisan continued their conference push with an appearance at, a European blockchain festival inside a larger conference called DMEXCO that sees more than 7,000 visitors. 

Zaisan is progressing rapidly with its outreach plan, which leverages its presence at conferences to collect and follow up with contacts. Zaisan also partners with Gartner Research to aid market research and familiarization with the Antelope software stack.

Scalability+ Blue Paper

On September 26, the ENF released the Scalability+ Blue Paper, continuing the ecosystem research that produced the API+, Yield+, and other blue papers. These initiatives look at the advantages and challenges of Antelope blockchains compared with the rest of the industry, and each includes recommendations for protocol improvements.

This most recent Blue Paper highlights the high throughput of Antelope blockchains but points out the challenges with scaling RAM usage on these chains. 

Scalability+ outlines three primary ways the community could potentially improve the scalability of Antelope chains:

I. Instant finality, which could allow near-immediate byzantine fault-tolerant deterministic finality. This upgrade improves applications’ responsiveness, reduces confirmation times, and enables parallelization through improved horizontal scalability. 

II. Trustless cross-chain IBC (inter-blockchain communication) could allow any action taking place on an Antelope blockchain (chain A) to be cryptographically provable on another Antelope blockchain (chain B). IBC facilitates trustless sidechains, wrapped tokens, distributed governance, interchain resource models, single-application chains, specialized CPU mining chains, and more. 

III. RAM limitation fixes could revise Antelope RAM resources to reduce the portion of blockchain state that Block Producer nodes need to keep in their physical memory. A fix to this limitation greatly improves vertical scalability for Antelope chains, which is even more powerful when paired with parallelization improvements.

DUNE release

Docker Utilities for Node Execution (DUNE) is a tool that allows users with macOS, Windows, CentOS, and other non-Ubuntu operating systems to use Docker to run Antelope software without installing a different operating system. DUNE helps developers, users, and other network participants to engage with EOS and other Antelope chains using the standard nodeos, keosd, and cleos interfaces.

Another benefit of DUNE is that it allows Antelope core developers to streamline development without sacrificing compatibility. This valuable tool reduces development friction for Antelope users.For those interested in using this tool for their development workflows, DUNE Docker images are in a repository on the Antelope Coalition Github.

EOS Bees Subsidized Swarms, NFT Drop, EOS Multi Transfer Tool

Download a hi-res version here

EOS Bees and Bishop Creations teamed up with .gems to release a new series of NFTs that celebrates the vibrant world of EOS dApps. 

The NFTs feature different categories of applications organized into different sectors in an ecosystem map. Users can collect each sector and blend all sectors into a complete dApp map!

EOS Bees is using the release to celebrate the first version of their subsidized marketing swarms, which harness the EOS community to influence the Twitter algorithm. Using a telegram chatbot, users can request these swarms for interesting, substantive, and positive tweets within two hours of posting them. 

To implement these swarms, EOS Bees needed a tool for automated funds distribution using a .csv file. 

In an impressive display of network collaboration, ENF director of developer relations Nathan James recognized the value of a multi-transfer tool and built it in less than an hour. EOS Bees now uses it to distribute funds toward marketing groups to incentivize organic engagement with EOS-related projects and influencers.

Eden Elections on Oct.8th

On October 8, Eden members will meet for their fourth election. Each election requires members to opt-in, so make sure you have opted-in if you’re an Eden member. Visit the Eden website to register by Friday, October 7 at 13:00 UTC.

The Eden treasury has around 118,000 EOS, a portion of which is distributed for use on community initiatives, projects, and grants that benefit the EOS ecosystem. Members decide the winners in a once-per-season Eden consensus tournament. 

In this tournament, participants meet with three to four other randomly selected members on a video conference call. With a ≥¾ consensus, they decide on one representative to move on to the next round as a level 1 delegate. 

After the first round, all level one delegates meet again in randomly selected groups to decide on the next level delegation. 

This process continues until only 4-6 members remain, at which point members of this group become the Eden chief delegates. 

All delegates receive a monthly distribution of EOS, with each level 1 delegate slated to receive 493 EOS in the first month. Chief will receive 2220 EOS in their first month as chief delegates on top of their level 1 delegate reward.
If you’re not an Eden member, consider joining! Any Eden member can invite you. If you’re having trouble finding Eden members who can induct you, consider participating in the weekly Eden fractal meeting Wednesdays at 14:00 UTC, which is open to all. Many of the most active Eden members attend.

Eden leverages video calls and simultaneous voting to reduce the influence of multi-account abuse, and the community needs your help in continuing to prove the power and efficacy of this process!

Pomelo S3 Survey and EOS Support article

Pomelo season 3 raised over $500k for 172 community initiatives. These projects represent public goods on EOS, from essential network infrastructure like Greymass’s Anchor wallet and ecosystem news coverage to graphic novels and art about EOS.

Pomelo leverages the quadratic funding mechanism pioneered by Gitcoin, which weights funding based on the number of unique contributors. In addition to this mechanism, Pomelo constantly develops new features, like story-led NFT campaigns and the upcoming code and bug bounties.
Like Gitcoin, Pomelo developers must take significant steps to prevent users from abusing the system and use various indicators to identify duplicate accounts, quid-pro-quo offers, or other manipulations of the quadratic funding system. With the review process complete, grants can now claim their funds.

If you are a grant owner or Pomelo participant, the Pomelo team would like your input on the Pomelo process! Please consider filling out the Season 3 feedback survey to help Pomelo developers gain insight into Pomelo’s most important use cases and pain points.

EVMxIdeathon Pitch Deck Workshop

Helios is dedicated to accelerating the development of business use cases on the EOS blockchain. By proving the power and utility of the EOS blockchain, these business use cases can bring distributed ledger technology to solutions that are unsustainable on slower or more expensive chains.

The newest initiative is a dual-track hackathon: an ideathon, in which participants put together the business logic and use cases for a powerful EOS-based product, and a separate EVM hackathon that is focused on the “GameFi” or “play-to-earn” models that so clearly need a high-performance, low-cost, low-latency chain like EOS. 

Submissions for the EVMxIdeathon opened on September 19, and more than 140 participants have joined in under two weeks. 

Helios is organizing events to help ideathon participants craft their ideas into a workable solution. One of these is a pitch deck workshop led by Helios incubator instructor Gavriel Shaw. This workshop outlines the key considerations an entrepreneur should communicate in their pitch deck.

Submissions for the ideathon are open until October 31, after which judging begins.

Weekly EOS Community Events & Upcoming Conferences

As always, we host Fireside Chats in the EOS Community Discord every Wednesday at 19:00 UTC. Everyone is welcome to attend and ask questions directly to some of the best builders in EOS. We look forward to seeing you there!

This week the EOS community will have a presence at the following conferences:

DeFi Conference (UDC), Belfast, Ireland, October 6th, (Wed-Thu)

The EOS community also hosts many online events that anyone can join every week:

Eden ƒractal, Wednesdays at 13 UTC

Helios Futurist Series, Wednesdays at 14 UTC

Eden Spark Meetings, Wednesdays at 17 UTC (Hispanic speakers)

EOS Fireside Chat,Wednesdays at 19 UTC
DiscordYoutubeShort Clips,

EOS Support Giveaway Show, Thursdays at 16 UTC

EOS Hot Sauce, Fridays at 16 UTC
Youtube & Twitter

Helios Blockchain & Breakfast, Fridays at 17 UTC

Eden Town Hall, Sundays at 16 UTC

EOS Network

The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the Antelope protocol, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).

EOS Network Foundation

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.

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