欢迎来到 Everything EOS 周报,本期内容汇总了 EOS 生态9月19日 — 9 月25日发生的大事件。
Everything EOS周报涵盖英语、中文和韩语 EOS 社区的消息。我们将持续发布更新来自世界各地的 EOS 生态系统新闻。Everything EOS 周报是了解世界各地 EOS 最新消息的最佳方式。EOS 生态大小新鲜事,一起来看看吧!本周的主要内容包括:
- 欢迎来到Leap 3.1
- 全新的EOS正在发展的道路上快速前进
- EVMxIdeathon正在如火如荼地进行中
- EOS社区扑克锦标赛
- Coffee With Greymass 节目更新
- ENF中文社区开展DAO主题Space活动
- EOS中文社区举行Quiz问答活动第十八期
- 每周EOS社区活动和即将举行的会议
欢迎来到Leap 3.1
9月21日,EOS网络迈出了进入新领域的第一步,随着共识升级到Leap v3.1,奠定了独立之路的基础。所有区块生产者都已升级到新协议,TrustEVM 等智能合约已准备好使用新协议功能。
通过这一步,EOS 已经证明它足够强大,可以完全在自己的主权范围内追求正义。 同时,网络通过共识掌握了自己的命运。 Antelope 联盟已经加快了开发速度,在等待多年未能如愿之后,有望在短短几个月内提供 IBC 和高性能 EVM 等前开发者承诺已久的功能。 业内一些最优秀的工程师正在从事EOS和Antelope协议的工作,他们的热情将带来高质量的工作成果。
Leap 3.1版本代表着数月的建设和测试结出硕果。通过采用社区主导的代码库,该网络将EOS的利益相关者的激励机制统一起来,并能快速迭代新的功能,将Web3带给大众。
“EOS 「EOS独立意味着有能力指导和推动技术发展,并最终建立我和社区一直期望的系统。」”
Bucky Kittinger
「独立就是自由,自由就是一切。一个人没有自由就无法拥有任何东西,甚至爱情也不行。为了追求爱情,人们需要自由。对于任何有价值的事情来说,自由是最有价值的,也是最难获得和维护的。 之后一切都将伴随自由而来。我很高兴看到EOS追求自身的自由,从灰烬中站起来,全力奋战并赢得斗争。」
EOS网络基金会开发者关系部, ENF
Ted Cahall
Kenny Lienhard
Meta Collect
「我已经走过了从EOS创世到现在的旅程,我很感激遇到了EOS Nation,我在乌干达担任EOS Nation大使。我与EOS Bees和HuFi运动一起走过的旅程,对我来说也是一次深刻的经历。HuFi让我觉得有必要在低收入者中创造流动资金。使用EOS用于HuFi是一个绝妙的主意。」
Mpalanyi Vicent Victor
「通过将卓越的区块链技术/ENF/ Antelope/Eden团队与所有令人惊叹的不断扩大的社区结合起来,新EOS现在具备了一切条件,不仅能够在HuFi、DeFi、GameFi等许多新机遇领域成功创建惊人的Dapp,而且能够创建改变现实世界的解决方案,例如可持续性方面,这将有助于改善这个星球上每个生物的生活。加油EOS🚀🚀🚀」
Melvin Pearce
EOS London 联合组织者 / Software Focus International 总监
Randall Roland
EOS Support
EOS网络共识升级到Leap v3.1的消息,也在中文社区引发了广泛讨论,并获得了区块律动、深潮、星球日报、金色财经、MarsBit、陀螺财经、碳链价值、ForesightNews、链捕手、Panews等数十家主流媒体报道,这一消息是非常振奋人心的,EOS已经正式完成独立,相信在EOS网络基金会的带领下,EOS将迎来全新的发展时代!
在 Zaisan 的帮助下,全新的 EOS 正在发展的道路上快速前进,并通过赞助全球大型区块链会议的方式亮相在全世界的眼前。 对于任何行业来说,会议都是一个非常好的契机能够接触更广泛的生态和社区。 像区块链这样全球分布的行业,各团队成员在活动中首次见面,网络官方代表的存在是必不可少的。,同时与各大会议的关系、专业联系和共享经验对于参与技术行业至关重要。
ENF 和 Zaisan 将在接下来的几周内参加多个活动,包括本周的欧洲区块链博览会和 w3.vision ,以及下周的新加坡 TOKEN2049活动,EOS 网络基金会是其冠名合作伙伴。
数千名与会者参加了欧洲区块链博览会,该博览会将探索区块链生态系统中的最新创新,并涵盖这些技术对许多行业的积极影响。 与会者包括 CTO、创新和技术负责人、IT 总监、电信提供商、开发者、初创企业、原始设备制造商、政府、汽车企业、运营商、技术提供商、投资者、风险投资公司等等。
EOS网络基金会是新加坡和伦敦的TOKEN2049的冠名伙伴。Trust EVM也是新加坡TOKEN2049的冠名合作伙伴,TOKEN2049是亚洲加密周的旗舰活动,围绕TOKEN2049有各种独立组织的配套活动。该活动汇集了全球Web3行业从业者,将企业家、投资者、开发者、业内人士和全球媒体联合起来,而EOS网络基金会的CEO Yves La Rose也在演讲者名单上。EOS网络基金会已经准备好向成千上万的TOKEN2049与会者介绍新EOS。
EVMxIdeathon 是 EOS 网络基金会和 Helios 合作推出的项目,为期八周,涵盖两个主要赛道和多个类别,总计提供高达 125,000 美元的奖金。奖金将分配给 52 个项目获胜项目。 Helios 负责运营和执行,而EOS网络基金会为 Ideathon 提供了 75,000 美元的奖金, Trust EVM 贡献了 50,000 美元的奖金。
EVMxIdeathon的目标是提高对EOS生态系统的认识,发现新的有才华的团队和想法,并激励下一波dApp开发者在EOS和Trust EVM上构建令人惊叹的应用程序。
参赛者可以为自己赢得奖品,例如 Pomelo 宇航员纪念币,少数幸运者会获得将 EOS 资金分配给他们最喜欢的 Pomelo 公益项目的权利。
EOS社区 Discord将在https://www.pokernow.club/ 平台上主持比赛,该比赛最多参赛人数为100人。
- 加入EOS社区Discord。
- 在 Discord 上直接发送消息至 Stephane#8111,让他知道您想参加扑克锦标赛。
- 填写这张表格。
- 确保您在 pokernow.club 上的帐户名称与您的 Discord 帐户相同(无需包含数字)。
- Stephane 将在比赛开始前的周日,直接向您发送带有邀请码的消息。
Coffee With Greymass 节目更新
Greymass 已恢复其定期更新,新一集「Coffee With Greymass」播客节目,可在播客播放器及其播客网站上免费观看。
在本集中,Miles Snider和Aaron Cox讨论了Leap v3.1升级,关于Antelope联盟的一些背景,以及对新协议功能的研究。
Greymass 通过区块验证、API 节点和历史工具为 EOS 生态系统的主体做出了重大贡献。 Greymass 对用户的贡献更多,包括负责简化 Anchor 钱包的用户体验和 Greymass Fuel 资源管理。 他们的想法和见解来源于丰富的经验,EOS社区也在节目中分享了对新EOS的热情。
相信大家对于DAO这个概念并不陌生,它最早由EOS创始人BM提出,历经数年发展,DAO以通过各种各样的形式在加密世界遍地开花。此前,EOS网络基金会也曾领导EOS生态与Block.one分道扬镳,上演了一场轰动社区且彻底体现DAO精神的独立自救运动,并在本场Space活动当天(2022年9月21日21:00),EOS网络完成Antelope Leap 3.1共识升级,EOS社区正式宣布独立,重新掌握自己的命运独立自主发展。 因此,在这一值得纪念的时间节点探讨DAO主题是非常有意义的。
面对这一系列问题,本期活动我们非常荣幸的邀请到了星球以及来自NextDAO核心贡献者0xsea、Lucky DAO运营负责人Pony、AvatarDAO创始人lodar以及红链资本商务总监姜文4位重磅嘉宾围绕DAO话题为大家带来精彩分享。
2022年9月23日14:00,EOS Quiz问答活动第十八期在EOS网络基金会Discord中文频道举行。参与回答问题的用户均可获得NFTs (POP Tokens),而NFTs (POP Tokens)可在Discord福利活动中兑换20 EOS及更多精美周边实物奖励!
我们每周三19:00(UTC时间)都会在EOS Discord举办围炉谈话。欢迎大家参加,并直接向EOS中一些最好的建设者和领导者提问。期待在EOS社区围炉谈话与你相遇!
本周 EOS 社区将出席以下会议:
以下是您本周可以参加的 EOS 社区活动列表:
Eden ƒractal – 北京时间周三21点
Discord, Twitter
Helios未来学家系列 – 北京时间周三22点
Twitter, Website
Eden星火会议 – 北京时间周四凌晨1点(西班牙语社区)
Website, Twitter
EOS围炉谈话 – 北京时间周四凌晨3点
Discord, Youtube, Short Clips,
EOS Support Giveaway活动 – 北京时间周四24点
Twitter, Website
EOS Hot Sauce – 北京时间周五24点
Youtube & Twitter
Helios 区块链&早餐 – 北京时间周六凌晨1点
Twitter, Website
Eden研讨会 – 北京时间周日0点
Discord, Youtube
EOS网络是区块链3.0时代的典范之作,由EOS VM提供支持。EOS VM是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的WebAssembly引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS网络专为Web 3设计,致力于实现最佳的Web 3用户和开发人员体验。EOS是EOSIO协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过EOS网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动EOS快速发展。
- EOS网络基金会官网
- EOS网络基金会Discord
- EOS网络基金会中文Twitter
- EOS网络基金会中文Medium
- EOS网络基金会中文电报订阅号
- EOS网络基金会中文电报群
- EOS网络基金会中文YouTube
The Everything EOS Weekly Report publishes all of the latest news and updates from around the world in the EOS ecosystem.
The Everything EOS Weekly Report sources stories and updates from community members that are part of the English, Chinese, & Korean EOS communities. The Everything EOS Weekly Report is the best place to catch up on all the latest news in EOS from all around the world.
- Welcome to Leap 3.1
- The New EOS on the Road
- EOS Community Poker Tournament
- Coffee With Greymass
- Weekly EOS Community Events & Upcoming Conferences
Welcome to Leap 3.1
On September 21, the EOS network took its first steps into new territory, laying the foundational stones of an independent path with the consensus upgrade to Leap v3.1. All block producers have upgraded to the new protocol, and smart contracts like TrustEVM are ready to utilize new protocol features.
With this step, EOS has proven it is powerful enough to pursue justice entirely within its own self-sovereignty. Meanwhile, the network has taken the reins of its own destiny through consensus. The Antelope coalition has already accelerated development, on track to deliver long-promised features like IBC and a highly performant EVM in just months, after years of waiting for someone else to do it. Some of the best engineers in the business are working on EOS and the Antelope protocol, and their passion shines through in the quality of their work.
Leap 3.1 represents the culmination of months of building and testing. By adopting a community-led codebase, the network aligns incentives across EOS stakeholders and can rapidly iterate new features that bring Web3 to the masses.
Many in the EOS community are passionate about this shift to independent development.
Quotes from EOS community members
“EOS Independence means the ability to direct and move the technology forward and finally build the system that I and the community have been wishing for.”
Bucky Kittinger
Director of Engineering, EOS Network Foundation
“Independence is freedom. Freedom is everything. One can’t have anything without freedom. Not even love. In order to pursue love one needs freedom. As anything of value freedom been the most valuable it is the hardest to acquire and maintain. Everything follows after that. I am happy to see EOS pursuing its freedom, to rise up from its own ashes, fight for it and win it.”
Developer Relations, ENF
“The bridge between the software developers and the community is now complete – the developers and community are now one and the same.”
Ted Cahall
COO, EOS Network Foundation
“The dawn of a new era.”
Kenny Lienhard
Meta Collect
“I have walked a journey from eos genesis to now, I am thankful and grateful to have met the EOS Nation group where I worked as EOS Nation ambassador in Uganda. The journey I also waled with EOSBees and HuFi movement is a huge engagement to me. HuFi makes me feel there’s need for creating liquidity amongst the low income earners. Using EOS is HuFi is a wonderful idea.”
Mpalanyi Vicent Victor
Promoter in Uganda, HuFi Movement
“EOS Independence day marks a hugely significant era for our whole community, separating us from the (B1 developed) EOSIO, to the new independently created and vastly improved Antelope platform.
The release and adoption of Antelope 3.1 heralds a new chapter in our 4-5 year rollercoaster ride journey, like a Phoenix rising from its ashes the new platform is like a rebirth of not only EOS main chain but also all of its sister chains in the newly formed Antelope coalition.
From this day forth the platform consensus fork moves us truly away from B1 centralization / inaction and will allow us to forget about all of the FUD of the past and to then fully focus on our future success through multi chain collaboration, the building / promotion of great new products / services, massively increasing end user growth / retention and increased token value.
The new EOS / Antelope / Eden solutions will bring huge new world benefits in many key areas of our lives, through business and consumer every day use products, eventually providing new tools necessary to improve the freedoms of humanity via a vastly improved and fairer governance system or DAO.
EOS, Antelope and Eden will act as a springboard for the leap of freedom we so need!
By combining the superior Blockchain Tech / ENF / Antelope / Eden teams and all of it’s amazing ever expanding community, the new EOS now have everything in place to not only succeed in creating amazing Dapps in many new opportunity areas such as HuFi, DeFi, GameFi but also to create real world life changing solutions for example within sustainability that will go along to help improve life for every living organism on this planet.
Go EOS 🚀🚀🚀”
Melvin Pearce
Co Organiser, EOS London / Director, Software Focus International
“EOS independence marks an end to stagnation, poor leadership, and lack of transparency; it symbolizes a community-led era in blockchain history. A period when community members worldwide fought for the opportunity to organize, socialize, innovate and pursue global economic freedom—a time when the one resilient EOS Network stood steadfast and refused to collapse.”
Randall Roland
EOS Support
The New EOS on the Road
The new EOS is hitting the road, making appearances and sponsoring conferences worldwide with the help of the folks at Zaisan. Conferences are the touchpoints of any industry. For globally distributed industries like blockchain, where teammates meet in person for the first time at events, the presence of official network representatives is essential. The relationships, professional connections, and shared experiences of a conference are pivotal to participating in the technology industry.
The ENF and Zaisan will have a presence at several events in the next few weeks, including Blockchain Expo Europe and w3.vision this week and TOKEN2049 Singapore the following week, where the EOS Network Foundation is a title partner.
Several thousand attendees attended Blockchain Expo Europe, which will explore the latest innovations within Blockchain ecosystems and cover the impact those technologies have on many industries. Attendees include CTOs, Heads of Innovation and Technology, IT Directors, Telecom Providers, Developers, Start-Ups, OEMs, Government, Automotive, Operators, Technology Providers, Investors, VCs and many more.
Zaisan is present at w3.vision, a Web3 festival within the larger DMEXCO conference which provides Web3 companies with direct access to 38,000 visitors. w3.vision’s mission is to give Web3 the biggest stage possible and contribute to mass adoption by creating meaningful partnerships. They bridge the gap between NFTs, crypto, all things metaverse, and the present state of the internet.
The ENF is a title partner at TOKEN2049 in Singapore and London. Trust EVM is also a title partner at TOKEN2049 Singapore, the flagship event of Asia Crypto Week, which features various independently organized side events around TOKEN2049. The event brings together the global Web3 industry, uniting entrepreneurs, investors, developers, industry insiders and global media, and the ENF’s own Yves La Rose is on the roster of speakers. The EOS Network Foundation is ready to introduce the new EOS to thousands of TOKEN2049 attendees.
EVMxIdeathon Is In Full Swing
The EVMxIdeathon is open for submissions, and more than 40 attendees have registered in its first three days!
A collaboration between the EOS Network Foundation and Helios, the EVMxIdeathon is an eight-week event covering two main tracks and multiple categories. $125,000 in prizes is on offer, awarded across 52 projects. Helios handles operations and execution, while the ENF has provided the prize pool of $75k for the Ideathon and Trust EVM contributed $50k.
The first track is the Ideathon, which is geared toward anyone with an idea and is open to projects that are new or modified from their existing implementation.
The second track is the EVM hackathon, a more traditional hackathon focused on GameFi.
The goals of the EVMxIdeathon are to raise awareness of the EOS Ecosystem, to discover new talented teams and ideas, and to inspire the next wave of dApp developers to build amazing applications on EOS and the Trust EVM.
EOS Community Poker Tournament
On Sunday, September 25, at 18:00 UTC, EOS’s resident card sharks will gather in the EOS Community Discord for a free-to-enter charity poker tournament.
Entrants can win prizes for themselves, like Pomelo Astronaut Coins, and a lucky few will get EOS to allocate funding toward their favourite public goods grant on Pomelo.
The .gems team is organizing this event for the community and providing a variety of prizes.
The EOS Community Discord will host the game on the https://www.pokernow.club/ platform, and the tournament has a maximum of 100 entrants.
The best part? It’s free to enter!
To sign up:
- Join the EOS Community Discord.
- Direct message Stephane#8111 on Discord and let him know you want to join the poker tournament.
- Fill out this form.
- Make sure your account name on pokernow.club is the same as your Discord account (no need to include the numbers).
- Stephane will send you a direct message with your invite code on Sunday before the tournament begins.
Coffee With Greymass
Greymass has returned to its regular updates with a new episode of the “Coffee With Greymass” podcast, available on podcast players and their podcast website for free.
In this episode, Miles Snider and Aaron Cox discuss the Leap v3.1 upgrade, some background about the Antelope coalition, and the research that went into new protocol features.
Greymass contributes heavily to the backbone of the EOS ecosystem through block validation, API nodes and history tools. Most visibly to users, Greymass is responsible for the simplified user experience of the Anchor wallet and Greymass Fuel resource management. Their thoughts and insight come with vast experience, and the EOS community shares their enthusiasm for the new EOS.
Weekly EOS Community Events & Upcoming Conferences
As always, we host Fireside Chats in the EOS Community Discord every Wednesday at 19:00 UTC. Everyone is welcome to attend and ask questions directly to some of the best builders in EOS. We look forward to seeing you there!
This week the EOS community will have a presence at the following conferences:
TOKEN2049, Singapore, September 28-29 (Wed-Thu)
The EOS community also hosts many online events that anyone can join every week:
Eden ƒractal, Wednesdays at 13 UTC
Discord, Twitter
Helios Futurist Series, Wednesdays at 14 UTC
Twitter, Website
Eden Spark Meetings, Wednesdays at 17 UTC (Hispanic speakers)
Website, Twitter
EOS Fireside Chat,Wednesdays at 19 UTC
Discord, Youtube, Short Clips,
EOS Support Giveaway Show, Thursdays at 16 UTC
Twitter, Website
EOS Hot Sauce, Fridays at 16 UTC
Youtube & Twitter
Helios Blockchain & Breakfast, Fridays at 17 UTC
Twitter, Website
Eden Town Hall, Sundays at 16 UTC
Discord, Youtube
EOS Network
The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the Antelope protocol, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).
EOS Network Foundation
The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.
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