EOS Network Foundation(ENF)把EOSIO区块链底层软件分叉到Antelope,开启了一个新时代。Antelope是一个全新的、社区运营的区块链协议,它获得了ENF最重要的成员的全力支持。
EOSIO最早是Block One在2018年开发的,它模拟机器并增加了开发者需要的运算、网络和RAM资源,让开发者可以快速建立区块链。它还提供了大量工具和协议,为某些特定的区块链网络建立了安全性和权限。
因为种种原因,EOSIO却没能保持住势头。ICO虽然获得了大量资金,但是接下来的几年却令人失望,整个项目不断地失去各种各种里程碑。Block One内部动荡,多数人才也离开了公司,到了2021年中,EOSIO协议得开发几乎中断,整个项目也成了加密领域的一个笑话。
Block One没能好好运用EOSIO的潜力这件事最终导致了社区前所未有的反应,项目的坚定支持者不愿意放弃自己的梦想。Block One的不作为让他们非常愤怒,最终社区组织了新的、去中心化匿名组织EOS Network Foundation (EOS网络基金会,ENF),Yves La Rose担任ECO和执行董事。因为该网络的未来岌岌可危,超级节点同意给ENF提供资金,让它把资源重新放到网络发展上之后,项目迈出了独立的第一步。
ENF和Block One抢夺项目的控制权之后,ENF成立了多个工作小组、提出复兴计划,开始带领EOSIO走向新生。这些工作小组都获得ENF的资金支持,它们发布了一系列蓝皮书为改进网络指明了方向,同时,也为实现这些变革提出了具体的方案。例如,EOSIO+工作组就提出方案促进所有EOSIO区块链的协作,其想法就是要保存和发展它们共用的代码库。
同时,ENF还聘请了开发小组,创造独立、社区引导的EOSIO分叉,其代码名为Mandel。这个项目后来由ENF的工程小组接管,它们引入了一系列新功能和协议升级,准备让升级后的网络获得社区共识。这样一来就有了Mandel Upgrade Launch(Manel升级启动)小组,它负责协调这些措施。同时,EOSIO+工作组也成功地在EOS,Telos,Wax和UX网络中成立了联盟。
做了这么大的调整,所以我们的GitHub页面也重新命名成AntelopeIO,而主要的C++应用也有了名字。第一个社区运营的Antelope协议应用被成为Leap v3.1,它引入了自己的一些重要的新功能,其中就包括主观计费的升级、智能合约自动重试交易的功能、预估交易消耗的资源(但不需要在区块上进行)、以及修剪区块和转移日记减少储存空间。
La Rose在一份声明中说,世界上最好的区块链开发者做出了许多“创造历史的工作,”而Antelope就是那个集大成者。
“四年来代码日趋成熟,而我们正是建立在这样的代码之上的,同时这四个L1区块链也利用了彼此的优势,它们都紧紧团结在Antelope协议背后。”他说,“EOS Network Foundation致力于展示Antelope能给我们带来的最好的产品,我们会让EOS成为最强大、最好用的平台,用以构建下一代Web 3产品和服务。”
The EOS Network Foundation has kicked off a new era by forking the underlying software for EOSIO blockchains to Antelope, a new, community-run blockchain protocol that has been rebuilt with the full support of the ENF’s most important members.
The shift to Antelope marks a new chapter in EOSIO’s long-running saga. Unlike most other well-known decentralized networks like Ethereum, Polkadot and Avalanche, EOSIO isn’t a blockchain itself. Rather, it is an open-source software protocol that’s used to build multiple blockchain networks that support high-performance, decentralized applications. Some of the best known blockchains built on EOSIO include EOS itself, Telos, Wax and UX Network.
First created by the developer Block One in 2018, EOSIO provides a way for developers to rapidly set up a blockchain for dApps by simulating a machine plus the compute, networking and RAM resources they require. It also provides a wide array of tools and protocols for establishing security and permissions for specific blockchain networks.
When it first launched in 2018, big things were expected of EOSIO. Due to its revolutionary design and consensus mechanism, it’s able to handle many times more transactions per second and do so with much lower fees than other networks. It was billed as the perfect tonic to the network congestion and high gas fees plaguing the Ethereum network, and such were the expectations that it raised a stunning USD 4.2 billion in what remains, to this day, the largest-ever Initial Coin Offering in the blockchain industry.
Development Roadblock
For a variety of reasons, EOSIO failed to build on that early success. Instead, the massive ICO raise was followed by years of disappointment, with the project missing a series of milestones on its roadmap. With constant upheavals at Block One leading to most of its best talent leaving the firm, development of the EOSIO protocol had virtually ground to a halt by mid-2021 and the project had become one of the laughing stocks of the crypto space.
The failure of Block One to build on EOSIO’s potential ultimately triggered an unprecedented community revolt, with die-hard believers in the project refusing to give up on their dream. Angered by Block One’s inaction, the community formed a new, decentralized autonomous organization called the EOS Network Foundation (ENF), led by its CEO and Executive Director Yves La Rose. With the future of the network seemingly in jeopardy, the project took its first steps towards independence when block producers agreed to fund the ENF and allow it to redirect resources back to network development.
Having wrestled control of the project away from Block One, the ENF set about breathing new life into EOSIO by establishing various working groups to come up with a revival plan. These working groups were funded by the ENF and produced a series of Blue Papers that outlined ways to improve the network, together with specific recommendations to make these changes. For instance the EOSIO+ working group came up with proposals to better coordinate the efforts of all EOSIO blockchains, with a view to preserving and advancing the underlying codebase they all shared.
At the same time, the ENF hired a team of developers to create an independent, community-led fork of EOSIO under the codename “Mandel”. The initiative was later taken over by the ENF’s engineering team, which introduced a number of new features and improvements to the protocol and set about trying to reach a community consensus on the upgraded network. This led to the creation of the Manel Upgrade Launch Group, which began to coordinate these efforts. Meanwhile, the EOSIO+ working group successfully forged a coalition made up of EOS, Telos, Wax and UX Network.
Fast-forward to April 2022 and the coalition voted unanimously to pool its resources and work on implementing the Mandel upgrade.
Antelope: A New Protocol Is Born
The culmination of these efforts saw the ENF announce the official launch of Mandel, now branded as “Antelope”, after successfully forking from EOSIO 2.0 in August.
ENF heralded the launch as a “leap for freedom”, saying it marks a completely new era for EOSIO. This is not an understatement. The release of Antelope is a major milestone that underscores the newfound independence and freedom of EOSIO, its ecosystem and its strong leadership under the ENF and its coalition members, EOS, Telos, Wax and UX Network.
Much more than just a rebrand, Antelope represents a significant evolution of the EOSIO protocol. Not only has the project been renamed, but it has also gained significant new functionality.
New features include Action Return Values, the ability to retrieve from within smart contracts the current block number, and also the ability to estimate the resource consumption of any code deployed to an account. Antelope also introduces new, native cryptographic and math functions that can be accessed by smart contracts, and there is more to come, with Faster Finality and Trustless Inter-Blockchain Communication set to be enabled between all Antelope-based blockchains. Other features on the horizon include Secure Smart Contract Libraries, SDKs, P2P Code Improvements and more.
Having undertaken such a seismic shift, the protocol’s GitHub page has been renamed as AntelopeIO, while the main C++ implementation has finally been given a name. The first community-run implementation of the Antelope protocol is known as Leap v3.1, and it introduces some important new features of its own, including improvements to subjective billing, and the ability for smart contacts to automatically retry transactions, estimate the resource consumption of transactions without including them in blocks, and prune block and ship logs to reduce storage space.
A New Beginning
Moving forward, the four main coalition members will continue their joint development of the Antelope protocol. While each one has its own area of focus and may even compete with other members of the coalition in some areas, the group understands that cooperation is mutually beneficial. To that end, the coalition remains committed to making improvements in areas where blockchains overlap, in order to accelerate the evolution of the core Antelope protocol.
La Rose said in a statement that the release of Antelope is the culmination of an “historic effort” by some of the world’s most talented blockchain developers.
“We are building upon over four years of battle-hardened code, and the cumulative knowledge of four L1 chains leveraging each other’s strengths, all united behind the Antelope protocol,” he said. “At the EOS Network Foundation, we’re committed to exemplifying the best that Antelope has to offer by making EOS the most powerful and usable platform for building next-generation web3 products and services.”
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