News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

ENF与OCI达成数百万美元长期合作,以加速推动EOS创新发展/Object Computing and the ENF Strike Multi-Million Dollar Deal to Accelerate Innovation on EOS



EOS 上的开发正在以前所未有的速度增长,这是生态各方力量共同作用的结果,也更离不开EOS网络基金会(ENF)和Object Computing(OCI)之间持久的合作关系。凭借EOS网络基金会和OCI工程技术师的综合知识提供的强大基础,我们有能力实施多措并举的发展战略。



目前,生态系统中的几个主要贡献者正在协同工作。OCI是一个工程技术人才的宝库,为一系列关键任务的开发需求提供日常覆盖。Anchor钱包的开发者Greymass,已经开始着手处理Web客户端SDK。0rigin公司的优秀开发者在跨链通信(IBC)和更快的终结性方面发挥了主导作用。EOS Rio、EOS Nation和Greymass也通过EOS网络基金会的一百万美元资助,加强了对其API基础设施和历史解决方案的支持和新开发。伴随这些努力同时进行的还有TrustEVM团队,他们正准备在EOS上部署官方的以太坊虚拟机,这将为EOS生态系统引入更广泛的建设者和开发者人才库。



在成功改进交易生命周期并为Antelope Leap v3.1 实施做出重要贡献之后,EOS网络基金会和 OCI 签订了一份为期 2 年以上、价值数百万美元的合同,而且没有规定合作结束期限。 OCI的目标是通过与EOS网络基金会的合作使EOS成为世界上最高效、最易于使用的区块链,重点关注可扩展性、安全性和速度方面。

对于本次合作,Object Computing 首席执行官 Bob Elfanbaum表示:

我们对 Object Computing 和 EOS网络基金会之间的战略关系感到兴奋,这使得双方在继续改善生态系统的同时,能够将最优秀的人才和能力结合在一起。

OCI 是一家重要的合作伙伴和全球技术咨询公司,拥有大量熟悉 EOS 代码库的区块链开发人员。 OCI的合作伙伴包括谷歌、英特尔和AWS等技术巨头,拥有超过27年的行业经验,其客户名单由许多全球知名企业组成,如NASA、力拓、拜耳和摩托罗拉。

EOS网络基金会很早就开始与 OCI 建立合作伙伴关系,以便与其内部工程团队并行工作,来加速社区运行的 Antelope(前身为 EOSIO)协议的开发。 大部分熟悉 EOS 代码库的核心协议开发人员都来自EOS网络基金会或 OCI。 由于双方现在致力于为网络的长期利益而合作,因此EOS 及其所属的更广泛的生态系统基础非常稳固。

EOS 网络基金会的首席执行官兼执行董事Yves La Rose表示:

从一开始,来自Object Computing的工程师就一直是开发经过战斗考验的EOS代码库的关键角色。现在,通过EOS网络基金会和OCI工程师之间强有力的合作关系,我们能够利用他们的大量人才来造福EOS网络。OCI的工程师们不仅技术精湛,而且对EOS的潜力充满热情。只要EOS网络基金会存在,OCI就会是我们身边重要的合作伙伴。

随着Leap v3.1最终版本的交付和EOS共识升级的到来,EOS网络基金会和OCI工程团队并没有放慢脚步,已经在为Leap v3.2奠定基础。

最近几个月,OCI 工程师主要关注交易生命周期 API 功能,并将 EOSIO 2.1 或更高版本的有用增强功能移植到 Leap。 此外,OCI 目前正在开发的其他项目包括:性能工具、bug修复、回归工具、Go 数据库迁移以及为编写其他RFP提供帮助。


Antelope 联盟由四个 Layer 1 区块链组成:EOSTelosUX Network 和 WAX,大家共同致力于推进自身及其他多个区块链所依赖的共同代码库。 随着其他联盟链增加其为网络做出贡献的能力,EOS网络基金会和 OCI 目前提供的额外开发人员和资本资源将被释放出来。 同时,我们将开始看到 IBC 对联盟网络的影响。 届时,我们将进入一个全新的协作区块链发展时代。

随着我们迈向 9 月 21 日的网络升级,EOS 将率先宣布独立,因为其区块生产商将采用传统EOSIO协议的升级版,即Antelope Leap v3.1。 

Antelope Leap v3.1 将开启多链协同发展新纪元,EOS网络基金会将继续与 OCI 等强大合作伙伴合作,确保 EOS 在生态系统中保持强势地位,同时认识到涨潮会让所有船只升高,我们一起努力就会变得更强大。


EOS网络是区块链3.0时代的典范之作,由EOS VM提供支持。EOS VM是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的WebAssembly引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS网络专为Web 3设计,致力于实现最佳的Web 3用户和开发人员体验。EOS是EOSIO协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过EOS网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动EOS快速发展。




Development on EOS is growing like never before, and a confluence of forces are responsible. At the center of this is the enduring relationship between the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) and Object Computing (OCI). With a strong foundation provided by the combined knowledge of ENF and OCI engineers comes the capacity to run a multi-pronged development strategy. 

Such a strategy allows for ENF and OCI engineers to prioritize the needs of EOS while also having the capacity to help advise and direct additional development resources from the wider Antelope ecosystem through authoring and awarding Request For Proposals (RFPs). The ENF initially contracted OCI back in March to bolster its own engineering capacity, while at the same time laying the groundwork for the Antelope coalition, allowing for even more teams to work in parallel on improvements to the underlying codebase by leveraging talent outside of the EOS community. Supercharging these efforts even further is the ENF Grant Framework, which serves as an additional funding pillar for developers interested in lending their talents to the EOS ecosystem through milestone-based grants.

Several major contributors to the ecosystem are engaged in these coordinated efforts at present. OCI is a bedrock of engineering talent that continues to provide daily coverage on a wide array of mission critical development needs. Greymass, the developers of the Anchor wallet, have stepped up to tackle the Web Client SDK. The talented developers at 0rigin have taken the lead on Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) and Faster Finality. EOS Rio, EOS Nation, and Greymass have also been ramping up support and new developments to their API infrastructure and history solutions through a million dollar ENF grant. Also working in parallel to these efforts is the TrustEVM team, who are gearing up to deploy the official Ethereum Virtual Machine on EOS, which will introduce an even wider talent pool of builders and developers to the EOS ecosystem.

Alongside all of this, engineers at the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) are lending critical support and expertise on these and a wide variety of projects critical to the future of EOS. As the wheel of progress turns, all spokes point back to the ENF, providing leadership and strategically directing network funds as the hub of the EOS Network.

ENF Secures Long-Term OCI Partnership!

On the heels of their successes with Transaction Lifecycle improvements and their pivotal contributions to the Antelope Leap v3.1 implementation, the ENF and OCI have entered into a 2+ year, multi-million dollar contract, with no end in sight. OCI’s goal is to collaborate on making EOS the most performant and easy to use blockchain in the world, focusing on scalability, security, and speed.

“We are excited about the strategic relationship between Object Computing and ENF which allows both parties to bring the best talents and abilities together while continuing to improve the ecosystem.”

Bob Elfanbaum, CEO of Object Computing

OCI is a valued partner and a global technology consultancy with a considerable array of blockchain developers deeply familiar with the EOS codebase. With partners including technology giants such as Google, Intel, and AWS, and over 27 years of industry experience, OCI’s client list is composed of many globally recognized businesses like NASA, Rio Tinto, Bayer, and Motorola.

The ENF began it’s partnership with OCI early on in order to work in parallel with its internal engineering team to accelerate development of the community-run Antelope (formerly EOSIO) protocol. The bulk of core protocol developers who are deeply familiar with the EOS codebase hail from either the ENF, or OCI. With the pair now committed to working together for the benefit of the network long term, EOS and the wider ecosystem of which it is part, is on very solid footing.

“From the very beginning, engineers from Object Computing have been key players in the development of the battle tested EOS codebase. Now, with the strong partnership between the EOS Network Foundation and OCI engineers, we’re able to leverage their considerable talents to benefit the EOS Network. The engineers at OCI are not just skilled, they’re passionate about the potential of EOS. As long as there’s an ENF, OCI will be a valued partner by our side.”

-Yves La Rose, CEO and Executive Director of The EOS Network Foundation.

With the Leap v3.1 final release delivered and the EOS consensus upgrade right around the corner, the ENF and OCI engineering teams have not slowed down and are already laying the foundations for Leap v3.2.

In recent months, OCI Engineers have primarily been focused on transaction lifecycle API features and also backporting useful enhancements from EOSIO 2.1 or later, into Leap.  In addition, other items currently under development by OCI include: performance harness, bug fixes, regression harness, Go library migration, and providing assistance with writing additional RFPs.

A New Era of Development

The Antelope coalition is composed of four L1 chains: EOSTelosUX Network, and WAX, all working together to advance the common codebase upon which they, and multiple other blockchains, depend. As other coalition chains increase their capacity to contribute to the network, additional developer and capital resources currently being provided by ENF and OCI will be freed up. At the same time, we will begin to see the impact of IBC across coalition networks. When that time comes, we will be in a whole new era of collaborative blockchain development.

As we move towards the September 21st network upgrade, EOS will be the first to declare independence  as its block producers move to adopt the upgrade of the legacy EOSIO protocol, Antelope Leap v3.1. 

Antelope Leap v3.1 will be the beginning of a new era in multi-chain coordinated development, and the ENF will continue to work with strong partners like OCI to ensure EOS retains a strong position within the ecosystem, while at the same time recognizing that a rising tide lifts all boats, and we are stronger together.

EOS Network

The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the Antelope framework, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).

EOS Network Foundation

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.

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