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EOS周报第三十四期 | 2022年9月3日/Everything EOS Weekly Report — September 3rd



欢迎来到 Everything EOS 周报,本期内容汇总了 EOS 生态 8 月 27 日 — 9 月 2 日发生的大事件。

Everything EOS周报涵盖英语、中文和韩语 EOS 社区的消息。我们将持续发布更新来自世界各地的 EOS 生态系统新闻。Everything EOS 周报是了解世界各地 EOS 最新消息的最佳方式。EOS 生态大小新鲜事,一起来看看吧!本周的主要内容包括:



我们的首席执行官 Yves La Rose 本周接受了多次采访,分享了 EOS 的精彩故事、我们在过去一年中取得的进展,以及我们未来激动人心的愿景。首先,Yves与Uplifters一起参加了一集有趣的、吸引人的Coffee with Legends节目访谈,这是一档非常有趣的节目,自去年年底第一集播出以来,更新了大量有价值的节目!

接下来,Yves接受了火币 X-Change的极具娱乐性和洞察力的访谈,该访谈由行业领先的交易所Huobi Global主持。讨论首先介绍了EOS网络基金会和EOS自四年前启动以来的历史。Yves解释了EOS网络基金会是如何成为社区中唯一一个协调世界上最大DAO组织之一的基金会,Yves还在本周的AnyObservation访谈中进一步解释了这一点。在这些采访中,Yves还讨论了新 EOS的含义、我们的复出故事Antelope IBCTrust EVM以及其他更多内容!

正如我们在上周的周报中所介绍的那样,新的EOS正在崛起,EOS社区正以越来越大的活力迈向未来。每一项改进都与其他改进相辅相成,创造出更多自我延续的正向反馈循环。例如,EOS 的故事现在出现在每台 Apple 设备默认安装的Apple Stocks app上,这极大地提高了我们生态系统的知名度。随着 Antelope 行业领先的性能、灵活性和稳定性方面如此多激动人心的升级,EOS正迅速成为GameFiWeb3所有其他领域的一个完全的游戏规则改变者。

在上周的围炉谈话中,Zack Gall 分享了一个鼓舞人心的演讲,总结了过去一年的大事件以及自EOS网络基金会启动以来我们的集体进步。 在本周的围炉谈话中,Yves 和几位社区领袖对我们不断发展的合作伙伴关系韧性、以及我们为宣传新 EOS 的上市战略的后续步骤表达了极为乐观的看法。




EVMxIdeathon是EOS网络基金会Helios之间的合作项目,已经开发了数月,将于9月19日推出。EVMxIdeathon将是一个为期八周的活动,包括两个主要方向、多个赛道类别以及总计12.5万美元的奖金,将奖励给 52 支在 Trust EVM 上创造出色宣传或构建有用应用程序的团队。EVMxIdeathon的目标是提高对EOS生态系统的认识,发现创新的新团队和想法,激励下一代dApp开发人员在Trust EVM上构建令人惊叹的应用程序。

您可以在我们关于 EVMxIdeathon 的介绍性文章中,查看活动时间表、Hackathon(黑客松)和Ideathon(创意马拉松)的概述以及其他更多信息。 除了为伟大的创新想法和有益的设计原型提供现金奖励外,EVMxIdeathon 还将举办大量的精彩活动,包括开幕式和一场直播的ideathon决赛,以Shark Tank的形式与评委进行交流。 Helios 还将在为期八周的计划中举办许多活动,包括Pitch deck研讨会、设计思维研讨会、代币经济学和游戏化研讨会、Antelope技术概述等等!

在本周的围炉谈话中,Helios 守护者和活动组织者 Chris Barnes 分享了有关即将举行的活动的更多激动人心的细节。 正如介绍性文章所述,有关这些活动的官方规则、指南和其他细节将很快发布。 Chris解释说,他们将在即将举行的围炉谈话中发布有关这些活动的新信息,并鼓励大家参加 9 月 7 日的下一次围炉谈话,以了解更多信息。

目前,您可以在上周的 Everything EOS 周报中,了解有关 EVMxIdeathon 的更多信息,我们在该周报中介绍了 Trust EVM GameFi 黑客松第二周的进展,以及 Chris 关于这两个活动将如何协同工作以激发 EOS 上精彩游戏诞生的更多见解。 您还可以浏览并报名参加 Trust EVM GameFi 黑客松,这是另一场激动人心的 EOS GameFi 黑客松,现已上线 17 款创新游戏。

如果您想了解更多信息,您可以查看我们 7 月 4 日的周报,以了解更多关于该计划的社区根源,以及 7 月 11 日的周报,了解为什么 EOS 完全有能力成为 GameFi 之家。 如果您想了解更多信息或参加 EVMxIdeathon,请随时通过EOS Discord的 Hackathon Planning 频道联系,并加入下周的围炉谈话!

Yield+ 测试阶段已经启动

Yield+测试阶段现在已经启动,每日奖励将分配给七个顶级 DeFi 协议,在EOS上提供收益机会!

自几周前宣布即将推出 Yield+激励计划 ,并于 8 月 28 日通过链上交易正式实施测试阶段以来,已有 11 个协议加入了 Yield+ 计划,总 TVL 约为 2000 万美元。 正如您在 的 DeFi dApp页面上看到的那样,作为此测试阶段的一部分,现在每天都有数百个EOS被奖励给这些DeFi协议。 您还可以在此站点上查看每个协议的流动性概况

本周,Yves La Rose 分享了一个精辟的推文,简明扼要地解释了 Yield+,并展示了该计划如何促进 EOS 上的 DeFi 活动、增加流动性并为持有者提供更多产生收益的机会。 我们还发布了上周围炉谈话精彩视频剪辑,其中 Denis Carriere 和 Zack Gall 解释了建设者如何注册、申请、获得奖励,以及该协议在Yield+的测试阶段之后预计将如何发展。 在本周的围炉谈话中,Stéphane Bisson、Chris Barnes 和 Zack Gall 还分享了有关最近推出的更多激动人心的措施的细节。 有关 Yield+ 的更多详细信息,您还可以浏览介绍性文章Yield+ 蓝皮书 以及我们过去几周的周报

Antelope 更新消息

Antelope 联盟正在不断向前推进工作,进一步赋能 EOS 和下一代 Web3!

本周,Yves La Rose参加了AnyObservation节目,详细探讨了Antelope带来的激动人心的可能性,包括无需信任的IBC跨链NFTTrust EVM上的更快终结性。9月1日,Yves 还在我们中国团队主办的 Twitter Space 上与 Telos 建筑师 Douglas Horn 进行了交谈,帮助宣传Antelope改变游戏规则的潜力。自从两周前宣布Antelope,并通过我们过去两周的周报分享了许多令人兴奋的更新以来,不同背景的人都意识到了Antelope创造积极的全球变化的不可思议的力量!

在宣传和讨论Antelope的潜力的同时,联盟中的开发人员在提高 Web3 开放框架的技术效率方面也取得了巨大进展。 本周,联盟分享了一段新视频,其中包含有关系统合约、Scalability+蓝皮书、即将推出的功能状态、钱包 SDK 批准者等方面的更新。 与我们 Antelope 联盟视频播放列表中的其他所有视频一样,您可以查看视频描述中的时间戳来了解相关信息。

除了上面的联盟会议,Antelope Leap升级小组还发布了本周的会议记录,并将很快在启动小组的播放列表中更新视频。我们的工程团队刚刚发布了合约开发者工具包的候选版本CDT v3.0.0 RC3,将帮助开发者在Antelope上构建智能合约。我们还发布了一条带有Github截图的推文,以帮助技术性不强的社区成员了解合约开发者工具包(CDT)的意义。本周我们还发布了一个新视频,其中包含 Greymass 联合创始人 Aaron Cox 的更新分享,我们也在 8 月 19 日的周报中详细地介绍了该更新消息。

提醒一下,距离 EOS 共识升级到 Leap 3.1还有不到 20 天的时间。 如果您正在运行 EOS 节点,请阅读最新更新的Leap 升级指南文章,以便在我们进行重大升级时与 EOS 网络保持同步!

Eden 最新消息


Eden 在全球范围内以多种方式引领去中心化治理、fractal合作和真正民主的发展。 例如,Eden 中国发布了他们定制的选举制度和章程的英文翻译,以展示社区如何与 Eden CN 流程合作。 下一次中国 Eden 选举定于 9 月 17 日举行,您可以通过 6 月 20 日和 3 月 21 日的周报了解他们的前两次选举。

英文 Eden 社区以身作则,展示了所有社区如何利用EOS的力量进行远比以往更好的合作。 在 ƒractally 团队将 Eden 开发移交Edenia 之后,社区成功地团结起来,为 Edenia 团队的迁移 EdenOS、提供技术基础设施、编写智能合约以实施首席代表批准的章程变更支付了费用。 这些更改使 Eden 社区能够使用 Eden UI 进行下个月的选举,并将EOS支付给代表的比率提高了两倍。 您可以通过观看 Odysee 上的首席代表会议了解更多信息。

除了即将举行的选举之外,Eden社区现在举办的盛大活动比以往任何时候都多。 比如由代表 Gavriel Shaw 主持的Eden定位研讨会,该研讨会促进了由社区编写的、可编辑的、关于Eden如何帮助社区繁荣的Eden定位文件的产生。一些 Eden 成员现在也定期开会,以测试 Eden 与 Hypha 工具的集成,并且在大多数时候的 Eden 研讨会和 Helios Twitter Spaces 活动期间都会有关于 Eden 的热烈讨论。 上个月,社区成员还与 Eden process合作举办了第一个 Fractal Fiction 活动,在Immutable Realms中创造了一个奇幻的故事!!

除了最初的选举过程之外,Eden 社区还通过 Eden ƒractal 在 EOS 上开创了 ƒractally的革命性进程。 自从我们在6 月 13 日的周报中报道了第一次会议以来,Eden ƒractal 取得了巨大进展,并继续每周举办会议,以对 EOS 的贡献表示尊重。 Eden Creators 最近发布了几篇介绍性文章,您可以在其中了解更多关于 Eden ƒractal 以及它如何创造公共产品的信息。 社区中的许多人现在正在就一项关于临时共识流程的新提案进行深入讨论,以便与 EOS 治理 dApp 联盟做出社区决策,一些社区成员现在也正在为所有参与者制作漂亮的 NFT

要了解更多信息,您可以在 Eden Creators频道上观看所有会议的视频,并在 Felix Ruiz 的频道上浏览每个会议的详细时间戳。 您还可以在最近 NovaCrypto 对 Dan SingjoyTadas Vaitiekunas 和 Duane Phillippi的采访中观看有关 Eden ƒractal 的对话。 您可以在 上注册参与活动,并在Eden Discord 中发表评论。

EOS 与 BBS Market深度集成

BBS 网络最近宣布了激动人心的更新,展示了 EOS 在彻底改变社交媒体和增强社区协作方面的力量!

对于不熟悉的人来说,BBS 是一个由相互连接的留言板组成的公共网络,人们可以在其中创建论坛、分享评论和讨论想法,同时从他们的内容中赚取收入。 该名称是对早期公告板系统的致敬 ,该系统自 1970 年代以来为互联网上的社区互动奠定了基础。

您可以将 BBS 视为 Reddit 的去中心化版本,任何人都可以为任何主题创建自己的留言板,并将其托管在自己的网站上,然后自动与所有贡献者分享价值。 BBS 上的每个帖子都是一个 NFT,用户可以购买、出售,并通过一个创新的代币系统系统来收集帖子的广告收入。收入自动在管理员、版主、发布者、开发者和运营商之间共享。 BBS 与 EOS 深度集成,并得到 EOS Nation 等运营商的支持,因此 BBS 具有抗审查能力,所有 BBS 内容始终可以恢复。

您可以在 和 BBS.Market 上了解有关 BBS 的更多信息,您可以在 METABBSMETV 和 Crypto Banter 等留言板上加入活跃的讨论。 您还可以浏览去年 3 月在 上推出的第一个板块,该板块是由拥有超过 300 万订阅者的 YouTube 频道的所有者创建的。

如果您有兴趣深入了解细节,可以浏览 BBS 白皮书BBS 常见问题解答链上数据、以及名称为 DeWeb 的 BBS 技术基础设施。 BBS 由 Eyal Hertzog 创立,他也是 Bancor 和 LiquidApps 的联合创始人。 您可以听到 Eyal 在圆桌会议NovaCryptoCryptoCoinShow、 以及最近的Bancor 社区电话会议上谈论 BBS 和 DeWeb。 您还可以观看 Eyal 在这段短片中解释 BBS 的前身,并在 BBS Telegram或 METABBS 留言板中提出问题。

Road to 10k活动正在进行中

正如我们在上周的周报中所介绍的那样,新的 EOS 正在崛起,社区正在迅速发展。 EOS 社区 Discord 服务器已达到 5,000 名成员的里程碑,我们正以此为契机开始一项激动人心的新计划!

正如您在有关 The Road to 10K 的新文章中所读到的那样,我们正在发起一项竞赛,以奖励我们社区的成员邀请新成员加入 EOS 社区 Discord 。 成功邀请新人加入 Discord 服务器的社区成员有 1225 个 EOS 奖品,当然,这也是了解最新 alpha 和关于 EOS 精彩对话的地方。


EOS Meme的魅力

最近 EOS 社区似乎正在加速创造令人敬畏的meme!

我们将在本周向您展示一些最有趣、最神奇、最史诗般的meme。 要探索和讨论更多表情包,您可以加入 Telegram 上的 EOS Meme Factory。 您还可以收听 Stéphane Bisson 和 Martin Breuer 在本周的围炉谈话中讨论最近的 meme 活动!



新的EOS Steroids



EOS 社区活动

我们每周三19:00(UTC时间)都会在EOS Discord举办围炉谈话。欢迎大家参加,并直接向EOS中一些最好的建设者和领导者提问,期待在EOS社区围炉谈话与您相遇!

上周我们发布了一篇关于如何通过参与 EOS 社区活动(例如 EOS 社区围炉谈话)来赚取 POP 代币的新文章。 您可以阅读本文以了解每月抽奖活动、奖品、举办活动等等。 在本周的围炉谈话中,Stephane、Martin 和 Yves 分享了对 POP 代币的深刻见解,并谈到了风险投资者对这一创新的奖励计划表示出浓厚兴趣

以下是您本周可以参加的 EOS 社区活动列表:

Eden ƒractal – 北京时间周三21点

Helios未来学家系列 – 北京时间周三22点

Eden星火会议 – 北京时间周四凌晨1点(西班牙语社区)

EOS围炉谈话 – 北京时间周四凌晨3点
DiscordYoutubeShort ClipsWebsite

EOS Support Giveaway活动 – 北京时间周四24点

EOS Hot Sauce – 北京时间周五24点
Youtube & Twitter

Helios 区块链&早餐 – 北京时间周六凌晨1点

Eden研讨会 – 北京时间周日0点


EOS网络是区块链3.0时代的典范之作,由EOS VM提供支持。EOS VM是一个低延迟、高性能和可扩展的WebAssembly引擎,能够近乎无感的实现确定性交易执行。EOS网络专为Web 3设计,致力于实现最佳的Web 3用户和开发人员体验。EOS是EOSIO协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,并通过EOS网络基金会(ENF)作为多链协作和发展公共基础产品的工具,进一步完善基础设施,驱动EOS快速发展。




The Everything EOS Weekly Report publishes all of the latest news and updates from around the world in the EOS ecosystem.

The Everything EOS Weekly Report sources stories and updates from community members that are part of the English, Chinese, & Korean EOS communities. The Everything EOS Weekly Report is the best place to catch up on all the latest news in EOS from all around the world.

ENF’s First Anniversary

The EOS community is buzzing with excitement as we celebrate our first anniversary since officially launching the ENF and The New EOS continues to gain momentum!

Our CEO Yves La Rose appeared on several interviews this week to share the amazing story of EOS, our progress over the past year, and thrilling visions of our future. First Yves joined the Uplifters for a fun and fascinating episode of Coffee with Legends, which provided a perfect sequel with a huge amount of helpful updates since their first episode at the end of last year!

Next, Yves shared a highly entertaining and insightful interview on Huobi X-Change, hosted by the industry leading exchange Huobi Global. The discussion started with an introduction to the ENF and history of EOS since launching over four years ago. Yves explained how the EOS Network Foundation is the only foundation that emerged from a community to coordinate one of the largest DAOs in the world, which Yves also further explained in this week on AnyObservation. Throughout these interviews, Yves also discussed the meaning of The New EOS, our cinematic comeback storyAntelope IBCTrust EVM, and much more!

As we featured in last week’s report, The New EOS is On The Rise and the EOS community is leaping into the future with ever increasing vigor. Each improvement compounds and harmonizes with other improvements to create more self-perpetuating positive feedback loops. For example, EOS stories are now displaying on the Apple Stocks app installed by default on every Apple device, which greatly increases visibility for our ecosystem. With so many exciting upgrades coming to the already industry leading performance, flexibility, and stability of Antelope, EOS is quickly emerging as a complete game-changer for GameFi and all other aspects of Web3.

During last week’s Fireside Chat, Zack Gall shared an inspiring speech that summarized the events of the past year and our collective progress since launching the ENF. On this week’s Fireside Chat, Yves and several community leaders shared extremely bullish sentiments about our growing partnershipsresilience, and next steps in our go-to-market strategy to spread the word about The New EOS.

We appreciate all of the amazing value creators in the EOS community and thank you for helping to make our first year so successful. We’re thrilled to share so much more in our second year, including all of the developments on our roadmap and far more that hasn’t yet been announced. To learn more about our progress since launching the ENF, you can read Quarterly Reports, browse our blog, and watch our YouTube channel. Of course, you can also join our Discord to chat with the community and join Fireside Chats every Wednesday to speak directly many of the best builders in EOS!

EVMxIdeathon Announced!

Dream It, Build It! We announced the EVMxIdeathon, an exciting community-led Hackathon and Ideathon combo with something for everyone!

The EVMxIdeathon is a collaboration between the ENF and Helios that’s been in development for many months and will launch on September 19th. The EVMxIdeathon will be an eight-week event with two tracks, multiple categories, and $125,000 in prizes to be awarded across 52 teams that create great pitches or build helpful apps on Trust EVM. The goals of the EVMxIdeathon are to raise awareness of the EOS ecosystem, discover innovative new teams and ideas, and empower the next wave of dApp developers to build amazing applications on the upcoming EOS EVM.

You can view a schedule of events, overview of the ideathon and hackathon tracks, and much more in our introductory article about the EVMxIdeathon. In addition to the cash prizes for great ideas and helpful prototypes, the EVMxIdeathon will feature a plethora of spectacular events, including inaugural ceremonies and a livestreamed final ideathon pitch session with judges in the style of Shark Tank. Helios will also host many events throughout the eight week program, including a pitch deck workshop, design thinking workshop, tokenomics & gamification workshop, Antelope technical overview, and more!

On this week’s Fireside Chat, Helios Guardian and event organizer Chris Barnes shared many more exciting details about the upcoming events. As the introductory article states, the official rules, guidelines, and other specifics about these events will be released soon. Chris explained that they’ll release new information about these events at upcoming Fireside Chats and encouraged everyone to join the next Fireside Chat on September 7th to learn more.

For now, you can learn more about the EVMxIdeathon in last week’s Everything EOS Report, where we covered the second week of the Trust EVM GameFi Hackathon and more insights from Chris about how these two events will synergize to inspire amazing games on EOS. You can also explore and sign up for the Trust EVM GameFi Hackathon, which is another exciting EOS GameFi hackathon that is now live with seventeen innovative games.

If you’d like to explore more, you can review our weekly report from July 4th to learn more about the community roots of this initiative and weekly report from July 11th to learn about why EOS is perfectly positioned to become the home of GameFi. If you’d like to learn more or participate in the EVMxIdeathon, feel free to reach out in the Hackathon Planning channel of the EOS Discord and be sure to join next week’s Fireside Chat!

Yield+ Pilot Phase is Live

The Yield+ pilot phase is now live and daily rewards are being distributed to seven top DeFi protocols offering yield opportunities on EOS!

Since announcing the imminence of Yield+ a few weeks ago and officially implementing the pilot phase with an on-chain transaction on August 28th, eleven protocols have joined the Yield+ program with a combined TVL of approximately 20 million dollars. Hundreds of EOS are now being rewarded to these DeFi protocols every day as part of this beta phase, as you can see on the DeFi dApps page of You can also see the overview of the liquidity across each protocol on this site.

This week Yves La Rose shared an insightful thread to concisely explain Yield+ and show how the program boosts DeFi activity on EOS, grows liquidity, and gives holders more yield-generating opportunities. We also released a great video clip from last week’s Fireside Chat, where Denis Carriere and Zack Gall explain how builders can register, the requirements, how to earn rewards, and how the protocol is expected to move forward beyond the beta phase of Yield+. In this week’s Fireside Chat, Stéphane Bisson, Chris Barnes, and Zack Gall also shared many more exciting details about the recent launch. For more details about Yield+, you can also explore the introductory articleYield+ Blue, and our weekly reports from the past several weeks.

Antelope Updates

The Antelope Coalition is charging ahead to further empower EOS and the next generation of Web3!

This week Yves La Rose joined AnyObservation for a detailed exploration of the thrilling possibilities enabled by Antelope, including trustless IBCcross-chain NFTs, and faster finality on Trust EVM. The day prior, Yves also spoke at a Twitter Space hosted by our Chinese team with Telos architect Douglas Horn to help spread the word about the game-changing potential of Antelope. Since announcing Antelope two weeks ago and sharing many exciting updates that are featured in our past two weekly reports, people from all kinds of backgrounds are realizing the incredible power of Antelope to create positive global change!

Alongside the promotions and discussions about the potential of Antelope, developers in the coalition are making immense progress to increase the technical efficacy of the open framework for Web3. This week the coalition shared a new video with updates about the system contracts, Scalability+ Blue Paper, status of upcoming features, Wallet SDK approvers, and much more. As with all videos in our Antelope Coalition playlist, you can view the video description for timestamps.

In addition to the coalition meeting above, the Antelope Leap Upgrade Group also published notes from this week’s meeting and will soon publish the video on the Launch Group playlist. Our engineering team just released CDT v3.0.0 RC3, a release candidate for the Contract Developer Toolkit that will help developers build smart contracts on Antelope. We also published a tweet with a screenshot of our Github to help less technical community members understand the significance of the Contract Developer Toolkit (CDT). This week we also released a new video with updates from Greymass co-founder Aaron Cox, which we also covered in more detail in our August 19th weekly report.

As a reminder, there is now less than 20 days until the EOS consensus upgrade to Leap 3.1. If you’re running an EOS node, please read the newly updated Leap Upgrade Guide Article to keep in sync with the EOS Network as we make this momentous upgrade!

Eden Updates

The Eden community is making great strides since we covered the Third Official Eden Election in July!

Eden is pioneering decentralized governance, fractal cooperation, and true democracy in many ways across the globe. For example, Eden China published an English translation of their bespoke electoral system and bylaws to show how communities can cooperate with the Eden CN process. The next Chinese Eden election is scheduled for September 17th and you can learn about their first two elections in our weekly reports from June 20th and March 21st.

The English speaking Eden community is leading by example and showing how all communities can cooperate far better than ever before with the power of EOS. After the ƒractally team handed off Eden development to Edenia, the community successfully rallied together to pay the Edenia team for their work migrating EdenOS, providing technical infrastructure, and writing smart contracts to implement bylaw changes ratified by the Chief Delegates. These changes enable the Eden community to run next month’s election with the Eden UI and tripled the EOS disbursement rate to delegates. You can learn more by watching Chief Delegate meetings on Odysee.

In addition to the upcoming election, the Eden community is now hosting far more great events than ever. One example is Eden Positioning Workshops hosted by delegate Gavriel Shaw, which facilitated the creation of a fascinating community-written and editable Eden Positioning Paper about how Eden helps communities thrive. Several Eden members are also now meeting regularly to test integrations of Eden with Hypha tooling and on most weeks there are lively discussions about Eden during Eden Town Halls and Helios Twitter Spaces. Last month, community members also collaborated with the Eden process for the first Fractal Fiction event to create a fantastical story in Immutable Realms!

In addition to the original election process, the Eden community is also pioneering the revolutionary processes of ƒractally on EOS with Eden ƒractal. The Eden ƒractal has made huge progress since we covered the first meeting in our June 13th Weekly Report and continues to host meetings every week to respect contributions to EOS. Eden Creators recently released several introductory articles where you can learn more about Eden ƒractal and how it creates public goods. Many people in the community are now sharing deep discussions about a new proposal for an interim consensus process to make community decisions with the EOS governance dApp Consortium and some community members are also now making beautiful NFTs for all participants.

To learn more, you can watch videos from all meetings on the Eden Creators channel and browse detailed timestamps for each meeting on Felix Ruiz‘ channel. You can also watch conversations about Eden ƒractal in the recent NovaCrypto interviews with Dan SingjoyTadas Vaitiekunas, and Duane Phillippi. You can RSVP to join the events at and reach out with comments in the Eden Discord.

BBS Market Live on EOS

The BBS Network recently announced exciting updates that show the power of EOS to revolutionize social media and empower community collaboration!

For anyone who is unfamiliar, BBS is a public network of interconnected message boards where people can create forums, share comments, and discuss ideas while earning revenue from their content. The name is a homage to early Bulletin Board Systems, which provided the foundation of community interaction on the internet since the 1970s.

You can think of BBS like a decentralized version of Reddit where anyone can create their own message board for any subject and host it on their own website, then automatically share value with all contributors. Every post on BBS is an NFT that users can buy, sell, and use to collect ad revenue on posts with an innovative tokenomic system. Revenue is automatically shared amongst admins, moderators, publishers, developers, and operators. BBS is deeply integrated with EOS and supported by operators like EOS Nation, so BBS is censorship resistant and all BBS content can always be recovered.

You can learn much more about BBS at and BBS.Market, where you can join vibrant discussions in message boards like METABBSMETV, and Crypto Banter. You can also explore the first board that launched last March at, which was started by the owner of a YouTube channel with over 3 million subscribers.

If you’re interested in digging into the details, you can explore the BBS WhitepaperBBS FAQon-chain data, and the technical infrastructure for BBS called DeWeb. BBS was founded by Eyal Hertzog, who is also the co-founder of Bancor and LiquidApps. You can hear Eyal speak about BBS and DeWeb on RoundtableNovaCryptoCryptoCoinShow, and a recent Bancor Community Call. You can also watch Eyal explain the predecessor to BBS in this short video and reach out with questions in the BBS Telegram or METABBS message board.

Road to 10k

As we featured in last week’s weekly report, The New EOS is On The Rise and the community is growing rapidly. The EOS Community Discord server has reached the milestone of 5,000 members and we’re using this as an opportunity to start an exciting new initiative!

As you can read in the new article about The Road to 10K, we’re launching a competition that highlights and rewards members of our community for inviting new members who join the EOS Community Discord. There are 1225 EOS in prizes for community members who successfully invite new people into the Discord server, which is of course the place to be for the latest alpha and great conversations about EOS.

Read the full article to learn all the details about how to participate and win prizes. Good luck, and see you in Discord!

EOS Meme Magic

Lately the EOS community seems to be supercharging the creation of awesome memes!

We’ll show you some of the funniest, most magical, and most epic memes from this week below. To explore and discuss more memes, you can join the EOS Meme Factory on Telegram. You can also listen to Stéphane Bisson and Martin Breuer discuss the recent meme action on this week’s Fireside Chat!

The Yield+ Comeback!

Safe DeFi with Recover+!

The New EOS on Steroids

Comeback Szn

The New EOS

EOS Community Events

As always, we host Fireside Chats in the EOS Community Discord every Wednesday at 19:00 UTC. Everyone is welcome to attend and ask questions directly to some of the best builders in EOS. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Last week we released a new article about How To Earn POP Tokens By Participating in EOS Community Events, such as EOS Community Fireside Chats. You can read this article to learn about monthly raffles, prizes, hosting events, and much more. During this week’s Fireside Chat, Stephane, Martin, and Yves shared an insightful overview of POP tokens and spoke about how venture capitalists are expressing interest in this innovative reward program.

Below is a list of exciting upcoming EOS community events that you can join every week:

Eden ƒractal, Wednesdays at 13 UTC

Helios Futurist Series, Wednesdays at 14 UTC

Eden Spark Meetings, Wednesdays at 17 UTC (Hispanic speakers)

EOS Fireside Chat,Wednesdays at 19 UTC
DiscordYoutubeShort ClipsWebsite

EOS Support Giveaway Show, Thursdays at 16 UTC

EOS Hot Sauce, Fridays at 16 UTC
Youtube & Twitter

Helios Blockchain & Breakfast, Fridays at 17 UTC

Eden Town Hall, Sundays at 16 UTC

EOS Network

The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the EOSIO protocol, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).

EOS Network Foundation

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.

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