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在EOS主网公布Voice交易记录/Publishing Voice transaction records to the EOS mainnet



我们高兴地宣布,我们已经完成了区块链路线图的第一步:我们会把Voice NFT区块链上的交易一览呈现到EOS主网上。


为了增加Voice区块链交易的透明度,我们把我们的区块链Voice NFT交易账本公布到EOS主网。


以下展示了创建交易记录的内容。数据来自Voice Simple Assets PlusNFT规范的idata(不可变更数据)部分:

  • idata代表该公开数据来源的NFT部分是不可变更的
  • name指创建者设置的NFT标题
  • content描述NFT媒体的特点
  • hash是内容本身的特殊值;size是该媒介的实际大小(字节)
  • owner指现持有人的Voice区块链ID
  • assetid指Voice区块链上该NFT的ID值
  • creators指NFT上所有创造者的名单。每个创造者都有对应的状态值和账户值。账户值是创造者的区块链ID。状态值则会区分主要创作人(如在Voice上发布该NFT的人)和其他共同创作者。


  “idata”: {

    “name”: “459BC93621A1AB47D31E5DAB3B6DA29397B9BE0C822C5BF8CACCB55F8F87E40D”,

    “content”: [


        “hash”: “E7D823CB59D12DEDAA7001EC1A50FE26F95785AE1FE1F3E4E04F6799914FFEAD”,

        “size”: “1171123”




  “owner”: “52hp4la24pmp”,

  “assetid”: “8FD468A55B010C8476E31E905E9EF1C16BFC8975033FA2EECCBE6A5696FB956F”,

  “creators”: [


      “status”: 1,

      “account”: “52hp4la24pmp”




交易日志中某些值(name, has,和assetid)利用哈希算法做了模糊。比如,上述例子中的NFT名称是Old Tunnel,但是在交易日志中我们用了其哈希加密形式。这么做是让NFT创作者决定NFT的属性什么时候对谁公开。如果不做加密,这些值(如礼品或奖品NFT)会在交易日志中即时、永久地呈现出来。




We are pleased to announce completion of the first step on our blockchain roadmap that will bring a view of transactions occurring on the Voice NFT blockchain to the EOS mainnet.

Voice uses an EOSIO blockchain that remains private while our platform is in beta. This approach enables us to focus on delivering a robust, accessible user experience with capabilities not found on other platforms. However, in the short term, it comes at the cost of complete transparency.  

To provide some visibility to Voice blockchain transactions, we are publishing a ledger of Voice NFT transactions from our blockchain to the EOS mainnet.

Two types of transactions are published starting today. Each time an NFT is created on the Voice blockchain, a create transaction record is published to the EOS mainnet. Each time an NFT is burned (deleted) on the Voice blockchain, a burn transaction record is published. These transaction records can be monitored on the EOS mainnet using any EOSIO block explorer. Voice’s account on the EOS mainnet that publishes the records is voicehqmnlog.

A sample of the content in a create transaction record is shown below. This data is taken from the idata (immutable data) portion of Voice’s Simple Assets Plus NFT specification, and include:

  • idata indicates the part of the NFT that the published data comes from is immutable
  • name is the title of the NFT given by the creator 
  • content describes characteristics of the media of the NFT. 
  • hash is a unique value created from the content itself; size is the actual size of the media in bytes
  • owner is the Voice blockchain ID of the current owner
  • assetid is the value of the NFT’s ID on the Voice blockchain
  • creators is a list of all creators of the NFT. For each creator, there will be a status value and an account value.The account value is the blockchain ID of the creator. The status value distinguishes between the primary creator, i.e., the one who published the NFT on voice and any co-creators. 


  “idata”: {

    “name”: “459BC93621A1AB47D31E5DAB3B6DA29397B9BE0C822C5BF8CACCB55F8F87E40D”,

    “content”: [


        “hash”: “E7D823CB59D12DEDAA7001EC1A50FE26F95785AE1FE1F3E4E04F6799914FFEAD”,

        “size”: “1171123”




  “owner”: “52hp4la24pmp”,

  “assetid”: “8FD468A55B010C8476E31E905E9EF1C16BFC8975033FA2EECCBE6A5696FB956F”,

  “creators”: [


      “status”: 1,

      “account”: “52hp4la24pmp”




Some of the values in the transaction log (name, hash, and assetid) are obscured using a hashing algorithm. For example, the name of the NFT in the example above is “Old Tunnel” but it is displayed in the transaction log using its hashed form. Hashing these values enables NFT creators options for when and to whom NFT properties are revealed. If hashing was not done, values (such as gift or reward NFTs) would always be visible immediately in the transaction log.

Our strategy for publishing transactions is incremental. We are beginning with create and burn transactions. Over time we will add more transactions until we deploy a direct block explorer.

As we continue to build, we will keep our community updated with major milestones.

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