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EOS全球马拉松在伦敦科技博物馆开幕,区块链智慧聚焦数据安全挑战/EOS Global Hackathon Hits London Science Museum, Turns Blockchain Minds to Data Security Challenge



  • EOShield斩获头奖——一项区块链恶意软件防护项目
  • 获奖队伍获得EOS VC提供的144,000美元奖金
  • one有史以来最大盛事,来自44个国家90支队伍的468名选手参加
  • 生物项目GeneOS获得社会影响力奖

2018年9月23日,伦敦——革命性EOSIO区块链协议的发布者Block.one将EOS全球马拉松系列带到了欧洲,在伦敦科技博物馆举办了这场英国有史以来最大盛事之一的区块链马拉松,公司EOS VC商业部门向专注于解决数据安全及隐私等现实问题的项目颁发了144,000美元奖金。


头等奖100,000美元奖金颁给了英国搭档James Pavur及Casey Knerr组成的EOShield,他们开发的应用能通过以区块链为基础的验证及黑名单程序保护消费者免受恶意软件的袭击。

国际裁判团包括Block.one联合创始人及CEO Brendan Blumer及CTO Dan Larimer,还包括全球技术及区块链领导者们,他们从来自44个国家、90支团队的468名选手中挑选出优胜选手。参赛团队在展示创意之前,连续进行了26个小时的编程

“每年,黑客入侵及数据泄露花费了组织及个人数十亿美元,” CTO Dan Larimer讲道:“幸好,区块链技术为我们提供了确保连接世界安全的方式,并且它在保护用户隐私及数据安全上拥有巨大的潜力。现在正好使用我们在这个行业中学习到的创新技术去探索可行的解决方案,让大规模使用区块链技术成为一种便捷的方式。伦敦马拉松正好向世界展示了全球EOS社区正集火以达到这一目标。”

“在区块链开发的某些因素上,我们还不算成熟,而EOS马拉松为我们提供了一个绝妙的平台,让我们学习新的事物,”EOShield的Casey Knerr说道:“我们深信智能合约这一创意,这也是我们项目的核心。不可置信,我们真的获得了胜利!”


On The Block(一款免去第三方参与,简化信用检查的app)团队获得了三等奖10,000美元。


“伦敦是著名的商业中心和金融枢纽。近年来,它成为金融技术(Fintech)的目的地,现在它正不断朝区块链技术的热点城市发展,”Block.one开发者关系团队主管Serg Metelin说道,“对我们而言,没有其他地方比伦敦更适合解决隐私和安全问题。这周末我们所见识到的创造力及独创性向世界展示了区块链如何为这些挑战提供现实的解决方案。”



  • 第一名,100,000美元——EOShield
  • 第二名,25,000美元——Chestnut
  • 第三名,10,000美元——On The Block


  • 最佳社会影响力奖,3,000美金——GeneOS
  • 最佳用户体验奖,3,000美金——Chestnut
  • 最佳社交媒体发布奖,3,000美金——@CyberCode Twins


  • Brendan Blumer one, CEO
  • Dan Larimer one, CTO
  • Christian Angermayer Apeiron Investment, 集团创始人
  • Sharon Henley 英国区块链协会,市场与公关总监
  • Nicholas Oliver io, CEO 及创始人
  • Michael Alexander EOS VC, CEO
  • Lee Schneider one, 总顾问
  • Shane Kehoe SVK Crypto, 联合创始人

伦敦马拉松是本年度此系列的第三场比赛,EOS VC前后总共颁发150万美元。它是继六月中国香港及八月悉尼之后举办的第三场。第四场比赛将于十一月在旧金山举行。





  • Top prize awarded to EOShielda blockchain malware protection project
  • Winning teams take home US$144,000 in prizes awarded by EOS VC
  • one’s largest ever event sees 468 participants in 90 teams from 44 countries
  • Social impact prize awarded to biology project GeneOS

LONDON, September 23, 2018 —, publisher of the ground-breaking EOSIO blockchain protocol, brought its EOS Global Hackathon series to Europe, as London’s Science Museum played host to one of the UK’s biggest-ever blockchain hackathon events and the company’s EOS VC business unit awarded US$144,000 to projects focused on solving real-world problems related to data security and privacy.

Participants were challenged to: Create an application on the EOSIO platform that improves the relationship between technology and a user’s privacy or security.

The top prize of US$100,000 was won by EOShield, a team formed by UK-based duo James Pavur and Casey Knerr, who developed an application that can protect consumers from malware through a blockchain-based verification and blacklisting process.

A panel of international judges, including’s co-founders, CEO Brendan Blumer and CTO Dan Larimer, as well as other global technology and blockchain leaders, selected the winners from a pool of 90 teams, formed by 468 participants from a total of 44 countries. The teams spent 26 consecutive hours programming before pitching their ideas.

“Hacking and data leaks cost organizations and individuals billions of dollars every year,” said CTO Dan Larimer. “Fortunately, blockchain technology offers a way of securing our connected world, and has enormous potential for user privacy and data security. With the innovation we’re seeing in the industry, now is the time to explore workable solutions that make mass adoption of blockchain an easy step. It’s clear from our London hackathon that the global EOS community is very much focused on that goal.”

“We were very new to some elements of developing on blockchain, and the EOS hackathon provided a great format for us to learn new things,” said EOShield’s Casey Knerr. “We really believe in the idea of smart contracts, which are at the heart of our project. We’re incredibly excited to have won.”

A second prize of US$25,000 was awarded to Chestnut, a smart bank account project designed to help protect funds from cyber criminals.

The team behind On The Block, an app that simplifies credit-checks by removing third-parties, picked up US$10,000 for the third-place prize.

The Best Social Impact Prize was awarded to GeneOS for its work on an application that aims to incentivize individuals to donate genomics data in a secure, anonymized way to further research into Alzheimer’s disease.

“London is a renowned business center and financial hub. In recent years, it’s become a global fintech destination and now it’s emerging as a blockchain industry hotspot,” said Serg Metelin,’s Head of Developer Relations. “There’s no better place for us to look at solving privacy and security problems than here. The creativity and ingenuity we’ve witnessed over the weekend demonstrates how blockchain offers real-world solutions to these challenges.”

Full winners list

Top prizes

  • First Prize, US$100,000 — EOShield
  • Second Prize, US$25,000 — Chestnut
  • Third Prize, US$10,000 — On the Block

Secondary prizes

  • Best Social Impact, US$3,000 — GeneOS
  • Best User Experience, US$3,000 — Chestnut
  • Best Social Media Post, US$3,000 — @CyberCode Twins

London judges

  • Brendan Blumer one, CEO
  • Dan Larimer one, CTO
  • Christian Angermayer Apeiron Investment, Group Founder
  • Sharon Henley British Blockchain Association, Director of Marketing and Communications
  • Nicholas Oliver io, CEO and founder
  • Michael Alexander EOS VC, CEO
  • Lee Schneider one, General Counsel
  • Shane Kehoe SVK Crypto, Co-founder

The London event was the third in a series of five events taking place around the world this year, with EOS VC awarding a total of US$1.5 million over the course of the series. It follows events in Hong Kong in June, and Sydney in August. The fourth installment will take place in San Francisco in November.

Each hackathon event features a unique challenge for developers to “hack” by designing blockchain applications with real-world utility using EOSIO code.

The top three prize-winners from each of the four hackathons will compete in a Grand Finale Pitch Competition event in December.

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