6月18日(周五)参加KarlNetwork、Captain Sparklez、和KaraCorvus的Blankos Block Party游戏直播,获得NFT道具掉落。
今天,在全球直播的2021电子娱乐展(E3)中,Mythical Games宣布其旗下免费的开放世界多玩家游戏Blankos Block Party开放体验版。它还宣布接下来将和时尚圈、音乐圈和艺术圈的大佬合作。从巴宝莉到deadmau5,这些高端合作会和可玩性NFT世界联动。其方法是通过可收藏的数字动作玩具和装饰,让玩家在Blankos Block Party边玩边赚钱的经济模式中解锁自己的时间和金钱投入的价值。今天宣布的事宜恰好紧随Mythical完成B轮融资,本次融资中它从WestCap, 01advisors 和 Gary Vaynerchuk’s VaynerFund等投资人受上获得7500万美元的投资。点击此处浏览完整keynote幻灯片。
Blankos Block Party 的可玩性NFT和以前你在其他游戏买过或者获得过的人物和装饰一样,但是因为它们背后的区块链技术,玩家实际上拥有自己买的东西,等自己不想要或不需要了,他们也可以用真钱出售这些冻品,这样就解锁了自己在上面花的时间和金钱。大多数游戏中,玩家投资在数字物品上的数十亿美金却被锁住,玩家既不能从中获益也不能赎回这些支出;除了少数增加可玩性或出售商品获得游戏内货币的情况,内容和价值都是玩家不能获得的,这是因为购买的过程实际是租赁或授权协议。但是,Blankos Block Party中,收藏家真的拥有自己的物品,他们还可以通过个性化、升级、在特殊活动中竞赛等方法,增加自己数字藏品的稀缺性,从而让自己能通过游戏获得利益。
Blankos Block Party的世界观是一个包容的世界,其风格就像大型街区派对,玩家相互竞争,在Mythical和其他玩家共同打造的小游戏中,探索各种游戏类型,包括竞技、射击、抓人、收藏等。我们的模式上手简单、符合直觉,所以想象力才是唯一的限制,每个人都可以打造和分享自己独立的游戏——而且不需要编程能力或个人服务器。
玩家可以在6月18日(周五)观看,甚至参与,他们最喜欢的Blankos直播,参与的主播包括Karl Jacob的 karlnetwork, Captain Sparklez 和 KaraCorvus 。您还有机会能够获得随机掉了的可玩性NFT。
“我们自己也是游戏玩家,所以Blankos Block Party最重要的任务就是给玩家创造一个有趣、可浸入的空间进行互动和探索,但我们也认为玩家的所有权是游戏的未来。”Mythical CEO John Linden说。“我们参加了E3,宣布和世界知名品牌和创造者的首次合作,还搞了一次随机掉落活动——这是Mythical的高光时刻,这也是我们朝着玩家所有经济和把边玩边赚游戏模式走的一大步。我们的生态引入电子物品流动性的概念,它解锁了玩家藏品的价值,让他们拥有所有权自由。玩家的仓库里慢是再也不会用的物品和只能展示的藏品的时代已经过去了。通过Blankos Block Party 和Mythical Marketplace,玩家被邀请参与经济并提供安全、受信任的方式去验证和出售他们的游戏内物品,获得现实的金钱,这样就基本上打开了一扇新的大门,从此玩家不单单通过游戏赚取物品还能赚取收入。”
- deadmau5 x Blankos:艺名deadmau5的乔尔·齐莫曼是当今最受尊敬的电子音乐制作人之一。他多次获得朱诺奖和格莱美提名,现在他和Mythical合作,以他的宠物猫Professor Meowingtons和黑红的deadmau5头盔为原型,打造一个Blanko和装饰物品礼包。本次联动将在2021年夏天推出。
- 巴宝莉 x Blankos:巴宝莉是总部设于伦敦的全球奢侈品牌。1856年托马斯 ·巴宝莉成立该公司以来,该公司就发扬其继承的优点,制作奢侈服装、皮革产品、饰品、香水和美妆产品,这些产品都包含最杰出的工匠精神,设计也包含数字创新精神。这个外装品牌的创始人是一个勇敢的思想家,所以航空界和北极探索的先驱们当初也选它作为服装提供方。巴宝莉让顾客能够自由地探索新环境、勇敢地进入未知的世界。2021年夏天,巴宝莉将参与Blankos NFT空投,这代表了它迈向了开拓游戏领域的新道路。
The Marathon Clothing x Blankos::该品牌是已故说唱歌手Nipsey Hussle所有的概念化品牌。在其兄弟Samiel “Blacc Sam” Asghedom主导下,该品牌在今年晚些时候会把其前瞻性的创意视野借给Blankos。“作为品牌,突破界限和发现新渠道创新我们的社区,这一直是我们这个品牌的核心,”巴宝莉的首席市场官Rod Manly说。“和Mythical Games一起加入这个有创意的先锋社区对我们来说一个巨大的增益,相对我们原本和游戏社区的联系,这也是一个完美升级。在Blankos Block Party中推出限定版的巴宝莉Blanko是我们探索NFT世界的第一步;它解锁了一整个新的机会平台、让数字世界的玩家能够拥有我们品牌的产品并参与我们的住宅代码。我们特别激动能够参加这次开创性的旅程,进入游戏行业数字所有权的未来。”
Mythical之前和世界知名的动作玩具设计师合作过,其中就包括Pete Fowler,Jon-Paul Kaiser,Junko Mizuno 和 Tara McPherson,本次它还宣布了还将和另一批艺术家合作:
- El Grand Chamaco: 是居住在Los Ramones小镇的插画家。他的作品其有墨西哥风格:他把墨西哥五彩斑斓的文化融入到自己的3D画作中。多年来他一直在提升自己的风格,现在他已经成为知名的插画家和人物设计师,
- Hackatao:Hackatao是2007年在米兰成立的艺术家组合,他们从2018年就带着自己的“错不了”风格,开始探索加密艺术领域。该组合的名字来自“hack”(黑客),即表达他们乐于挖掘事务的本质;和“Tao”(道),即“阴”和“阳”,这也是他们创意的动态平衡的核心。
- 刘建文: 著名的香港艺术家刘建文被成为“潮流玩具教父”。他最出名的是自己可作为藏品的动作玩具和涂鸦风插画。他的作品多次获奖,对全世界的玩具制作商和街头文化,包括街头艺术家和音乐家,都产生了重要的影响。
- Quiccs:视觉艺术家Quiccs Maiquez在多个媒体上都有活动。他参与过Pilipinas Street Plan的街头艺术集,也是阿迪达斯的创作者,他的作品生机勃勃、充满活力,让我们看到Quiccs的激情背后少年般的创意精神。、
- Thomas Han:洛杉矶艺术家Thomas Han的作品色彩丰富、带有迷幻美学、并以角色为中心,他的作品表面看起来可爱,但欺骗性的外表之下去而隐藏着阴暗的一面:破坏和享乐主义。
“Blankos Block Party 吸引了我们的注意,我们感觉他们的数字动作玩具是我们Podmork雕像的数字兄弟。” 艺术家组合Hackatao说。“我们的艺术表达的是身体内的精神的无意识的流动,这也是我们带到和Blankos合作的产品中的,我们也认为,这会和游戏的创意社区产生强烈的共鸣。我们也希望和Mythical合作因为他们提升了区块链游戏的真实度,而我们作为艺术家和收藏家,也因为可玩性NFT的可能性感到非常激动。”
Blankos Block Party 和Mythical Marketplace建立在EOSIO私链上的,它利用了权威证明模型,这个模型比工作证明模型更环保、更可持续(游戏本身和Blankos NFT都不需要任何挖矿行为)。Mythical打算利用Blankos Block Party 及其 Marketplace推动大众利用NFT和区块链技术大规模实现游戏内物品所有权,这样就为全球游戏经济打开了一扇新大门:创造者是所有者,玩家是资产的所有人。在最近的beta公测中中,Blankos社区持有100,000个可玩性NFT。随着游戏的玩家不断增长,早期资产和特别版也会变得越来越稀有,很可能在二级市场上会更值钱,这就在一个巨大的市场规模中创造了稀缺性。
上周宣布的B轮融资让Mythical的总市值达到了1.2亿美元,它会利用这笔钱进一步推动Blankos Block Party的发展、扩大到其他游戏平台、并在今年晚些时候和2022年启动新项目,从而进一步推动利用可玩性NFT促进市场大规模采用游戏内所有权。
现在玩家可以抢先在PC端注册进入Blankos Block Party游戏。而玩家可以通过p2p交易购买和销售Blankos获得真钱的Mythical Marketplace现在正处于alpha测试版,它会在今年夏天开放给玩家。
获得我们的消息、重要声明和Blankos Block Party的空投活动,请加入我们的社区:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playblankos/
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关于 Mythical Games:
2019年,福布斯杂志把Mythical列入“值得关注的颠覆性科技公司”排行中,2021年Fast Company把它列入“改变世界的想法”列表。Mythical 是下一代的游戏技术公司,它通过区块链技术和工具用NFT创造了全球的游戏生态,让玩家、创作者、艺术家、品牌和游戏开发者都成为新的游戏经济的参与者和所有人。
公司的管理团队都是游戏行业的资深人士,团队专注围绕玩家所有的经济搭建游戏,管理团队参与开发过著名的游戏,如《使命召唤》、《魔兽世界》、《Guitar Hero 》、《DJ 英雄》《神威战队》和Skylanders。其市场专家团队来自Stubhub,Charles Schwab 和 QuantCo。
Blankos Block Party 是Mythical和Third Kind Games合作开发的游戏,但会由Mythical自行发布。
关于 Third Kind Games
Third Kind Games是Leamington Spa 的独立英国电子游戏工作室。该工作室由游戏行业资深人士创立,十多年来,它为动视、索尼、任天堂和Codemasters、Crytek等公司开发了广受赞扬的3A游戏。
获得更多信息,请访问https://www.thirdkindgames.com,或在推特上关注Third Kind
Racheal Caswell,外联总监
Collect, Upgrade and Sell Playable NFTs from Top Creators, Brands and Artists in this Free-to-Play Sandbox World Styled Like a Giant Block Party, Now in Early Access on PC
Watch Streamers including KarlNetwork, Captain Sparklez and KaraCorvus Play Blankos Block Party on Friday, June 18 for the opportunity to get an NFT Twitch Drop
Today at the 2021 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), broadcast around the globe, Mythical Games announced the Early Access phase of its free-to-play open-world multiplayer game Blankos Block Party, and revealed upcoming collaborations with some of the biggest names in fashion, music and art. From Burberry to deadmau5, these high-profile collaborations intersect with the world of playable NFTs through collectible digital vinyl toys and accessories that allow players to unlock the value of their time and monetary investments in Blankos Block Party’s play-to-earn economy. Today’s announcements come on the heels of Mythical’s Series B financing, in which it raised $75 million from investors including WestCap, 01advisors and Gary Vaynerchuk’s VaynerFund. Watch the full keynote here.
The playable NFTs in Blankos Block Party have the same utility as any character or accessory you might buy or earn in another game, but because of the blockchain technology behind them, players actually own what they buy and can sell them in real-money transactions when they no longer want or need them, unlocking the value of their time and money spent. In most games, the billions of dollars players have invested in digital items are locked away from them, with no way to benefit or recoup their costs; the content and value are inaccessible to players beyond occasional gameplay advantages or selling for in-game currency because their purchase is actually just a lease or licensing agreement. But in Blankos Block Party, collectors truly own their items and can take an active role in increasing the rarity of their digital collectibles through customization, upgrades, competing in special events and more, giving them the opportunity to profit from their gameplay.
The inclusive world of Blankos Block Party is styled like a giant block party, where players can compete in and explore a variety of gameplay types, including racing, shooting, tag, collection and more, across minigames built by Mythical, or by other players. With a simple-to-use and intuitive build mode where imagination is the only limit, anyone can create and share their own unique levels – no coding skills or private servers needed!
Gamers can tune in on Friday, June 18 to watch and even join some of their favorite streamers in Blankos, including Karl Jacob’s karlnetwork, Captain Sparklez and KaraCorvus for the chance to get a playable NFT Twitch Drop.
“We’re gamers ourselves, so one of our biggest priorities with Blankos Block Party is to create a fun, engaging space for players to interact with and explore, but we also see player ownership as the future of games,” said John Linden, CEO of Mythical. “Being featured at E3, announcing our first partnerships with world-famous brands and creators, and having one of the first NFT drops on Twitch – this is a huge moment for Mythical and a big step forward in our goal of making player-owned economies and play-to-earn games a reality. Our ecosystem introduces digital item fluidity that unlocks the value of a player’s collection and gives them the freedom of ownership; gone are the days of a player’s inventory being filled with items they never use anymore or rare collectibles they can only display. Through Blankos Block Party and the Mythical Marketplace, players are invited into the economy and provided a safe, trusted way to verify and sell their in-game goods for real money – essentially opening up a way to earn not just items, but income through gameplay.”
Mythical announced several upcoming collaborations at E3, including:
- deadmau5 x Blankos: Joel Zimmerman, more commonly known as deadmau5 (pronounced ‘dead mouse’), is one of the world’s most respected electronic music producers of modern times. The multiple JUNO Award-winning and GRAMMY®-nominated artist is collaborating with Mythical on a Blanko and accessory package modeled after his beloved cat, Professor Meowingtons, and the infamous deadmau5 helmet. The collab will drop in Summer 2021.
- Burberry x Blankos: Burberry is a global luxury brand, headquartered in London. Founded in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, the brand leverages the strength of its heritage to make luxury clothing, leather goods, accessories, fragrance and beauty products that marry the finest craftsmanship and design with digital innovation. As an outerwear brand founded by a bold thinker, Burberry was the outfitter of choice for explorers who pioneered aviation and arctic exploration. Burberry has always given its customers the freedom to venture into new environments and the courage to step into the unknown. With its upcoming Blankos NFT drop, releasing in Summer 2021, Burberry is forging a new path into the gaming industry.
- The Marathon Clothing x Blankos: The brand conceptualized and owned by the late rapper Nipsey Hussle, and carried on by his brother Samiel “Blacc Sam” Asghedom, will lend its forward-thinking creative vision to Blankos later this year.
“Pushing boundaries and discovering new ways to innovate with our communities have always been at the heart of what we do as a brand,” said Rod Manly, chief marketing officer at Burberry. “Being a part of this creative and pioneering community with Mythical Games is an incredible synergy for us and a perfect evolution of our existing engagement with the gaming communities. Launching our limited-edition Burberry Blanko in Blankos Block Party is our first exploration into the world of NFTs; unlocking an entire new platform of possibilities, empowering digital natives and gamers to own a piece of our brand and to actively engage and participate with our house codes. We are incredibly excited to embark on this ground-breaking journey into the future of digital ownership in gaming.”
“What Mythical is doing with Blankos is at the forefront of what’s next in gaming,” said Deadmau5. “Not only will players get to play a cool game, they’ll get access to a unique NFT offering for the mau5 world. The technology is awesome.”
Mythical, who has previously worked with world-famous vinyl toy designers including Pete Fowler, Jon-Paul Kaiser, Junko Mizuno and Tara McPherson, also announced new artist collabs including:
- El Grand Chamaco: An illustrator based in the small village of Los Ramones, El Grand Chamaco’s artworks are inspired by his Mexican roots, adopting the colorful vibrant palette of the culture into his 3D graphics. After years of perfecting his style, he gained his fame as a prominent illustrator and character designer—reimagining pop culture characters into his own depiction.
- Hackatao: Hackatao, an artist duo born in Milan in 2007, has pioneered the crypto art space since 2018 with their unmistakable style. Their name is derived from “Hack” for the pleasure of discovering what’s hidden under the skin; “Tao” for Yin and Yang, their creative dynamic balance.
- Michael Lau: Often called “the Godfather of Toy Figures,” acclaimed Hong Kong–based artist Michael Lau is renowned for his collectable vinyl toys and graffiti-style illustrations. His award-winning work has had a significant effect on toy manufacturers, as well as street culture, including artists and musicians, throughout the world.
- Quiccs: Quiccs Maiquez is a visual artist who works in several mediums. Associated with the street art collective known as Pilipinas Street Plan and a creator for Adidas, his work is extremely vibrant and energetic, speaking to the youthful creative spirit that underlies Quiccs’ many passions.
- Thomas Han: L.A.-based artist Thomas Han, known for his colorful , psychedelic aesthetic, and character-centric work, creates pieces with a deceptively cute appearance hiding a dark undertone of destruction and hedonism.
“Blankos Block Party caught our attention because we feel their digital vinyl toys are the virtual cousins of our Podmork statues,” said artist duo Hackatao. “Our art reveals an unconscious flow of what lies beneath the skin and we are bringing that vibe to our Blankos collaboration, which we think will resonate strongly with the game’s creative community. We also wanted to work with Mythical because they are raising the fidelity of blockchain games and, as artists and collectors ourselves, the power and possibility of playable NFTs excites us.”
Blankos Block Party and the Mythical Marketplace are built on a private EOSIO blockchain using a Proof of Authority model that is more environmentally friendly and sustainable than the Proof of Work model (neither the game nor Blankos NFTs require any crypto mining). With Blankos Block Party and its Marketplace, Mythical aims to drive mass adoption of ownership in games through NFTs and blockchain technology, opening the door to a new kind of global game economy where creators are owners and players are asset holders. In the recent Open Beta, the Blankos community held more than 100,000 playable NFTs; as the game’s audience continues to grow, earlier assets and specialized releases will become more scarce and likely more valuable in the secondary market, creating rarity on a mass market scale.
The Series B round announced last week brings Mythical’s total funding raised to $120 million, which it will use to further drive mass adoption of ownership in games through playable NFTs with the growth of Blankos Block Party, expansion to other gaming platforms, and new projects launching later this year and in 2022.
Players can sign up now to join Blankos Block Party in Early Access on PC. The Mythical Marketplace, where players can buy and sell Blankos in peer-to-peer transactions for real money, is currently in its Alpha phase and will continue rolling out to players this summer.
For all the new news, big announcements and exclusive drops from Blankos Block Party, please join our community:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playblankos/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlayBlankos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/playblankos/
About Mythical Games:
Acknowledged by Forbes Disruptive Technology Companies To Watch in 2019 and Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas 2021, Mythical is a next-gen games technology company creating a universal gaming ecosystem by leveraging blockchain technology and NFTs for tools that enable players, creators, artists, brands and game developers to become stakeholders and owners in new game economies.
Led by gaming industry veterans, the team specializes in building games around player-owned economies and has helped develop major franchises including Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero, DJ Hero, Marvel Strike Force and Skylanders and a marketplace team of experts from Stubhub, Charles Schwab and QuantCo.
Blankos Block Party is developed by Mythical in partnership with Third Kind Games, and will be self-published by Mythical.
About Third Kind Games
Third Kind Games is an independent UK videogame studio based in Leamington Spa. Founded by veterans of the gaming industry, with an impressive track record of developing critically acclaimed AAA games, for the likes of Activision, Sony, Nintendo, Codemasters, Crytek, and many more for well over a decade.
For more information, visit https://www.thirdkindgames.com or follow Third Kind on Twitter.
Racheal Caswell, Director of Communications
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