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Voice启动一个碳中和NFT平台,让内容创造者为人所知/Voice launching a carbon neutral NFT platform to help creators get discovered



Kimberly Drew,Misan Harriman, Chad Knight和其他梦想家在策划Raise Our Voice NFT藏品,今年夏天这个藏品展会持续12周。


“NFT帮助我们实现网络带来的承诺,每个内容创造者都能拥有1000个真粉。”Voice CEO Salah Zalatimo说。“建立在EOSIO上,我们自豪地推出碳中和NFT,让所有内容创造者能够免费制作自己的NFT。

Kimberly Drew
Chad Knight

第一批Voice NFT会通过其NFT 筑留项目发布,该项目是由艺术和文化领域的梦想家策划的:Kimberly Drew、Alexander Gilkes、Misan Harriman、 Brittany Kaiser、 Chad Knight 和 Azu Nwagbogu。项目主题Raise Our Voice反映了NFT在引领新的内容创造者创造表达自我的作品的力量。



Voice平台现在在进行私测,2021年夏天我们将进行beta版公测,届时,NFT 筑留项目的首批作品也将同时亮相。



Kimberly Drew 是作家、策划师和活动家。她是全球畅销书This Is What I Know About Art的作者,她还和Jenna Wortham 共同撰写了Black Futures,这本书现在已经被一个世界/兰登书屋两个出版社出版。您可以在instagram和推特上关注她们@museummammy。

Alexander Gilkes 在跨领域当代艺术、科技和慈善界有20年工作经验。作为拍卖行Paddle8的联合创始人,他改变了新一代收藏家线上拍卖艺术品的方式。他还是Squared Circles的联合创始人:这个创业工场和最优秀的创始人和企业合作,用激烈但富有感情的愿景催化变革,让我们获得可持续发展的未来。

Misan Harriman是摄影师、创意总监和文化评论员。他大力呼吁要在工作场合推广多样性和包容力。他是 What We Seee 的创始人,其使命是要展示和凸显振奋人心的故事,从而提高文化交流的地位,这些故事来自不同的观点、艺术家、档案和品牌,用最好的形式被策划和展览。

Brittany Kaiser 是数据保护、区块链技术和司法改革方面全球知名的专家。作为Blockchain Center Foundation的总监,她参与起草法案和游说保护个人权力的法案。她是NFT Foundation的联合创始人,这是一个非营利性集体,它有助于影响利用区块链技术、通过NFT给自己的作品筹集资金的事业。

Chad Knight 是3D Instagram艺术家。Lindsay Lohan 在网上说他的作品是日本的真实生活的时候,他的作品就火了起来。Knight不单单是自由职业的艺术家,他还是耐克3D设计主管,前不久他也才刚刚结束了自己从1998到2011年的职业滑板运动员生涯。他的作品曾出现在Elle Décor、意大利版Vogue和Vice上。

Azu Nwagbogu则是非洲艺术家基金会的创始人和总监,这个非营利性组织总部在尼日利亚的拉各斯。他还是LagosPhoto Festival的创始人和总监,这是拉各斯每年举办的国际摄影艺术节。作为策展人,Nwagbogu对未来博物学有独到的兴趣。

来源 Voice



Kimberly Drew, Misan Harriman, Chad Knight and other visionaries are curating the ‘Raise Our Voice’ NFT collection, which drops over 12 weeks this summer.

Continuing with its mission to empower creatives, Voice has designed an environmentally friendly NFT platform to help emerging creators to get discovered. 

“NFTs help us fulfill the promise of the internet, where every creator can find their 1,000 true fans,” said Voice CEO Salah Zalatimo. “By building on eosio, we are proud to offer carbon neutral NFTs that are free to mint for all creators.”

Kimberly Drew
Chad Knight

The first Voice NFTs will launch via its NFT Residency program. The program is curated by visionaries in arts and culture: Kimberly Drew, Alexander Gilkes, Misan Harriman, Brittany Kaiser, Chad Knight and Azu Nwagbogu. The program’s theme ‘Raise Our Voice’ reflects the power of NFTs to lift up emerging creators to create works of self-expression. 

“I am honored to be able to dedicate this summer to learning more about NFTs alongside an incredible and diverse team of artists, technologists and curators,” said Drew. 

Residents work directly with the Voice technology team to launch their NFTs and inform key components of the Voice platform for launch.

The Voice platform is currently in private testing, with a public beta launching summer 2021 with the first drops from its NFT Residency program.

To learn more about the program, visit

About the Curators

Kimberly Drew is a writer, curator, and activist. She is the author of international bestseller “This Is What I Know About Art” and their book, “Black Futures,” which she co-edited with Jenna Wortham is out now from One World/Random House. You can follow them at @museummammy on Instagram and Twitter.

Alexander Gilkes has spent 20 years working at the cross section of contemporary culture, technology and philanthropy. As co-founder of Paddle8, he changed the way that a new generation of collectors accessed art online. He is co-founder of Squared Circles: a venture studio that works with the most promising founders and businesses to catalyze change with radical, empathetic visions for a sustainable future.

Misan Harriman is a photographer, creative director and cultural commentator. He  is an outspoken activist supporting Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace. He is the founder of What We Seee whose mission is to surface and amplify uplifting and inspirational stories in a curated stream of the best output from diverse voices, artists, archives and brands to raise the tone of cultural conversation.

Brittany Kaiser is a globally renowned expert in data protection, blockchain technology and legislative reform. As Director of the Blockchain Center Foundation, she assists in legislative drafting and lobbying on laws that protect individual rights. She is cofounder of the NFT Foundation, a non-profit collective helping impact causes leverage blockchain technology to fund their work through NFTs.

Chad Knight is a 3D Instagram artist whose work went viral when Lindsay Lohan started an internet rumor that his art was a real life place in Japan. Knight is more than just a freelance artist, he is the head of 3D Design at Nike and not so long ago retired from an exciting career as a professional skateboarder that ran from 1998-2011. His work has been featured in Elle Decor, Vogue Italia, and Vice. 

Azu Nwagbogu is the Founder and Director of African Artists’ Foundation (AAF), a  non- profit organisation based in Lagos, Nigeria. He also serves as Founder and Director  of LagosPhoto Festival, an annual international arts festival of photography held in  Lagos. Nwagbogu is a curator with a special interest in future museology.


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