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伊甸的创始会议议程和和平条约/Eden Genesis Convention Agenda & Peace Treaty



  • 阅览议程
  • 阅览和平
    • 这是我们的核心价值;这也是你要同意的
      • 如果你反对,你就不用往下看了
    • 协议的Q&A
  • 每个人用半分钟时间介绍自己、批准和平条约



  1. 独立的伊甸社区规模不超过10,000成员。
  2. 领导人选举过程如下:
  3. 成员会随机组成12人及以下的小组
  4. 每个小组必须以⅔+1的支持率推选出一个代表
  5. 本过程不断重复:把前一轮推选出来的领导人再随机组成12人以下的小组,再次进行选举,最终推选出一个代表。







  1. 初始委员会必须由创始集会的成员组成,在第一次选举之前提议和批准规章。
  2. 所有新成员必须获得三名现有成员视频邀请,新成员必须阅读并同意和平条约,并同意代表领导执行的遵守社区规章。



  • Review agenda
  • Review the Peace Treaty
    • Here are the core values; here’s what you’re agreeing to
      • If you disagree, this is not the place for you.
    • Q&A about the Treaty
  • Everyone introduce themselves in 30 seconds and approve the peace treaty

The following “Peace Treaty” represents the basics of the consensus process we are adopting. This process is intentionally kept as simple and minimal as possible. It’s only function is to safeguard the ability of the people to reach a new consensus and preventing the governance from being captured by the pitfalls of traditional democracies. For more information please checkout my book, “More Equal Animals” 6

Peace Treaty

1.The size of an independent Eden community shall not exceed 10,000 members

2.Leaders shall be elected by the following process:
a. Members are randomly organized into groups of 12 or less.
b. Each group must select a representative from their group with ⅔+1 approval.
c. The process shall then repeat, fractally, by randomly grouping the representatives approved in the previous round of elections, until a single lead representative is chosen.

3.Elections shall occur at least annually or may be triggered by a petition of 10% of the membership or according to the bylaws.

4.The community may adopt bylaws, which contain all rules, processes, regulations that are binding on anyone who wishes to remain a member.
a. The level of representation that voted in the lead representative shall be known as the Board.
b. The active and a proposed set of bylaws are indivisible, single documents, ie. the former Board cannot provide the next board numerous options.
c. Bylaws may only be ratified if they were proposed at least 3 months before the last election.
d. The lead representative can act inside the existing bylaws.
e. The board can propose a new set of bylaws. The vote to approve a proposal as well as ratify a proposed set of bylaws shall be approved by ⅔+1 vote, which shall include the lead representative.

5.Bylaws may not override, change, eliminate, or extend the process of the Peace Treaty.

6.Members must be invited according to community bylaws and can be removed according to community bylaws.

7.The Peace Treaty may be amended by a ⅔+1 vote of all members.

Initial Bylaws

  • The initial Board shall consist of the people on the Genesis Call and shall have the power to propose and ratify bylaws until such time as the first election occurs.
  • All new members must be invited by 3 existing members on video, and the new member must read and agree to the Peace Treaty and agree to follow community bylaws as enacted by the representative leaders.

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