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EOS Costa Rica和EOS Argentina合作,即将推出Evodex,实现零gas费用和高速交易时间/EOS Costa Rica and EOS Argentina Team Up To Launch Evodex Zero Gas Fees and Fast Transaction Times



EOSIO区块链基础架构提供方EOS Costa Rica和超级节点EOS Argentina今天宣布,它们合作推出Evodex。这是建立在EOS上的去中心化交易所(DEX),其用户投票决定池流动性费用,且无需支付gas费用。团队已经开始封测,并将于9月18日星期五启动。Evodex背后的团队打算利用这个开源的基础架构支持DeFi应用的开发,促进EOSIO上的去中心化金融发展。

“去中心化的p2p交易媒介是一个关键的DeFi工具。” EOS Costa Rica的联合创始人Edgar Fernandez说,“交易促成借贷,这样就会有更多的p2p代币化生息工具,所以Evodex才让人兴奋;这是走向DeFi应用共生生态的一大步。”

Evodex背后的团队灵感来自Bancor和Uniswap简单的界面风格,同时,Evodex考虑着终端用户。前端和网页界面是由EOS Costa Rica构建的。着是通往Evolution Dex 协议的桥梁,而智能合约是EOS Argentina设计的,该智能合约用来和去中心化交易所平台的流量池交互。


  • 可以交换如pBTC之类的跨链包装代币
  • 流动性提供方投票决定它们收集到的池费用
  • 连接到该协议的所有交易所能共享流动性
  • 快速免费的套利交易
  • 创造交易对
  • 开源的智能合约和使用者界面

“我们搭建的这个开源项目是为了让社区成员能够进行有意义的交易。” EOS Argentina的联合创始人Jesús Chitty说,“这是我们给EOS家族和更广阔的区块链社区发放的邀请函,这样我们才能合约构建更加去中心化的未来。”


To start trading on Evodex, visit

关于 Evodex

Evolution DEX是EOSIO上的一个智能合约,它能让所有人都可以在去中心化交易所创造和启用自己的交易对,同时,可以通过为代币的流动性池增加流动性获得交易费用所得。Evodex欢迎社区对我们提意见,也欢迎大家在Github上为我们的开源代码添砖加瓦。

关于 EOS Costa Rica

EOS Costa Rica是一家有30多年历史的公司的一部分。团队开发、运营和维护区块链基础架构和网络节点,并开发基于区块链的商用解决方案。我们很自豪的是,我们站在创造性破坏的前沿,我们运营了本国第一个BBS,为哥斯达黎加人开启手机网络,现在我们还在开发区块链的很多领域。

获取更多信息,请访问Learn more at:

关于 EOS Argentina

EOS Argentina是一个超级节点公司,公司的宗旨是通过EOSIO技术进行创新,研发带有未来主义视野的解决方案。我们能够实现这个目标,主要是因为我们聚焦拉美,我们通过研发工具、服务和基础架构把技术带到这片土地。






EOS Costa Rica, a blockchain infrastructure provider on EOSIO, and block producer EOS Argentina announced today that they have partnered to launch Evodex, a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on EOS where users vote on the pool liquidity fees and pay zero gas. The team has already started its private beta and will be launching on Friday, September 18th. With this open-source infrastructure contribution, the teams behind Evodex plan to support the development of DeFi applications and foster the growth of decentralized finance on EOSIO.

“A decentralized peer-to-peer medium of exchange is the linchpin DeFi tool,” said Edgar Fernandez, co-founder of EOS Costa Rica. “Trading leads into lending, which leads to a wider range of P2P tokenized interest-bearing instruments, and this is what makes building Evodex so exciting; it’s the first major step to a symbiotic ecosystem of DeFi applications.”

The team behind Evodex was inspired by the Bancor and Uniswap simple-interface style, and built it with the end-user in mind. The front-end and web interface was built by EOS Costa Rica. It acts as a bridge to access the Evolution Dex Protocol, while the smart contract was created by EOS Argentina to interact with liquidity pools on the decentralized exchange platform.

In addition to the exchange’s essential capabilities – allowing anyone to create and launch trading pairs, and swap among EOSIO compatible tokens – design improvements and benefits include:

  • Swap between cross-chain wrapped tokens like pBTC
  • Liquidity providers vote and decide on the pool’s fees they collect
  • Shared liquidity among all the exchanges that connect to the protocol
  • Fast and fee-less arbitrage trading
  • Trading pair creation
  • Open-Source Smart Contracts and UI

“We are building an open-source project for meaningful transactions to take place between community members,” said Jesús Chitty, co-founder of EOS Argentina. ”This is an invitation we deliver to the EOS family and the broader blockchain community so that we can collaborate in building a more decentralized future.”

To start trading on Evodex, visit

About Evodex

Evolution DEX is a smart contract for EOSIO that allows anyone to create and launch their own trading pairs in a decentralized exchange and collect the gains from trading fees by adding liquidity to the token’s liquidity pool. Evodex welcomes community suggestions and contributions to the open-source code on Github.

About EOS Costa Rica

EOS Costa Rica is part of a company operating for more than three decades. The team develops, hosts, maintains blockchain infrastructure and network nodes and develops blockchain-based solutions for enterprise use. We have proudly been in the forefront of disruption, running the first BBS in the country, launching mobile web to Costa Ricans, and now advocating for blockchain’s many assets.

Learn more at:

About EOS Argentina

EOS Argentina is a block producer company that seeks to innovate through EOSIO technology, driving solutions with a futuristic vision. This is achieved with a Latin American focus, driving adoption to the territory through the development of tools, services and infrastructure.

Learn more at


EOSIO is a next-generation, open-source blockchain protocol with industry-leading transaction speed and flexible utility. Introduced in May 2017, it has since been widely recognized as the first performant blockchain platform for businesses across the world. Learn more at:

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