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8 项区块链项目早期加入,测试 Enigma 秘密合约/8 Blockchain Projects Enlist Early to Test Secret Enigma Contracts




对于许多区块链项目而言(其根本结构是公共交易总账),这可能是一个颇具挑战的问题。但一项由麻省理工大学媒体实验室孵化的项目(该项目去年通过 ICO 集资4500 万美金的项目)Enigma 希望通过开发名为“秘密合约”的隐私保密智能合约能使之成为现实。

而作为该想法可广泛应用的信号,CoinDesk 获得独家消息,八个不同的区块链项目会在今年启动的合约中将 Enigma 的协议纳入服务当中。

Enigma 联合创始人兼 CEO 的 Guy Zyskind 讲道:“这些‘启动伙伴’已经在测试网络中,基于名为‘Discovery’的技术当前版本进行构建,因此当协议实际生效时,它们无需将用户数据披露给第三方,便能对其进行处理。”

区块链与隐私之间的关系错综复杂。即便贩毒者Silk Road 早期使用比特币,但加密货币本身与匿名之间相差甚远这件事已获得证实。


Enigma 协议以其在现有区块链的顶层运作而闻名。当然,部分启动伙伴,例如Colendi、Datawallet、Ocean Protocol、ReBloc 和 Datacoup都是建立于以太坊之上(或正在建立当中)。

保留普通智能合约的“防干扰”的同时,协议确保了即便是“从网络方的角度,用户数据也是完全加密的。”Zyskind 讲道。






但一些数据需要保密。例如,Enigma 发起合伙人之一的 Colendi 正在以太坊上构建一款同时用以分散型信用评分和小额贷款的应用程序。

项目的联合创始人 Bulent Tekmen 讲道 Colendi“需要从浏览器获取敏感信息”,例如账单、银行对账单和国家证件号。他推测, Enigma 的协议不仅能让数据以加密形式通过 Colendi 的算法运行,它也避免产生类似 Equifax 的蜜罐,招黑客的青睐。而认为部分数据过于敏感不适合放置到公开区块链中的这种想法,也是 Ocean Protocol 计划使用 Enigma 协议的原因。

Ocean Protocol 正创建“一个分散型生态系统,旨在为 AI 消费解锁数据”,联合创始人 Don Gossen 讲道,部分数据集无法以未加密的形式购买或销售。Ocean 的白皮书中以医疗数据为例。

正因如此,Enigma 让 Ocean 的市场“符合逻辑”。

另一个数据市场的发起合伙人 Datawallet 旨在让用户将应用程序的数据货币化,例如将社交媒体的数据卖给广告商。该应用程序的目标在于“完成用户赋权和数据所有权,” CEO Serafin Lion Engel 告诉 CoinDesk。

Engel 说道,在Datawallet 的案例中,协议将为之提供Sybil 保护,即防止有心人编造多重电子身份,使平台应接不暇。虽然在现有社交媒体账户中插入该协议提供保护是不错的方式,但 Enigma 的 Zyskind 提道:“部分用户并不愿意连接 Facebook 账户,提供他们的数据资料。”

Enigma 同时宣布了以下合作伙伴:Portal Network, 将多种区块链上的钱包和智能合约地址转变为人类可阅读的 ID;Eximchain,基于 Quorum 的供应链方案;ReBloc,基于以太坊的房地产数据市场;2key,旨在阻断社会网络的第二层网络;Datacoup,将个人信息货币化的平台,正在向以太坊过渡。


Enigma 尚未宣布 Discovery 生效的具体时间,但Zyskind 言明最后期限为 2018 年底。一旦协议生效,将鼓励电脑或网络“节点”采用 Enigma 在ICO 中售卖的 ENG 代币,执行秘密合约。

熟悉 Enigma 白皮书的人应该知道,Discovery 于2015 年发布时,曾引发了一时轰动,它代表了向羽翼丰满的 Enigma 协议转变的中间一步。

白皮书中描述的网络将采用名为安全多方运算(SPMC)的过程,对加密数据进行处理,在SPMC 中,加密信息被分成单独的碎片,供不同的节点处理(过程中仍保持加密状态)。





Discovery 的主网启动会将为以太坊带去秘密合约,但它们将主要放置于可信执行环境(TEEs)中,而不是通过SMPC 运行。

Zyskind 说 TEEs仍提供绝佳的安全性,“任何需要进入运算、在内执行的数据都在外部进行加密,并拥有一把仅存于内部的钥匙。”

对于 SMPC,Zyskind 讲道:

“期待它 2019 年的表现。”

Shutterstock 上的恩尼格玛密码机


Can you keep a secret?

For many blockchain projects – whose underlying architecture is a public ledger of transactions – that can be a challenging ask. But Enigma, a project incubated at MIT Media Lab that raised $45 million in an ICO last year, is hoping to make that possible by developing privacy-enabled smart contracts it calls “secret contracts.”

And in a sign of the broad applicability of that idea, as revealed exclusively to CoinDesk, eight diverse blockchain projects will be incorporating Enigma’s protocol into their services when the contracts launch later this year.

These “launch partners,” said Enigma co-founder and CEO Guy Zyskind, are already building on the current version of the technology, called “Discovery,” within the testnet, so when the protocol actually goes live, they’ll be processing user’s data without revealing it to any outside party.

Blockchains have always had a complicated relationship with privacy. Despite bitcoin’s early adoption by Silk Road drug pushers, the cryptocurrency has proven to be far from anonymous.

And in recent years, smart contract platforms such as ethereum have struggled to reconcile the public nature of on-chain data with users’ privacy demands – especially when it comes to sensitive use cases.

Enigma’s protocol is notable in that it works on top of existing blockchains. Sure enough, several of the launch partners – Colendi, Datawallet, Ocean Protocol, ReBloc and Datacoup – are built (or are building) on ethereum.

The protocol ensures user data “stays completely encrypted from the point of view of the network parties that are executing these secret contracts,” said Zyskind, while remaining “tamper proof” like a normal smart contract.

He added:

“If you’re thinking about true blockchain adoption, you’ve got to have both. No one is going to build applications where sensitive information is just live on the blockchain for everyone in the world to see.”

Stop oversharing

We live in a world of oversharing – from what people ate for lunch to what they think about their boss to how much they drank last night.

But some data needs to stay private. For instance, Colendi – one of Enigma’s launch partners – is building an ethereum-based application for both decentralized credit scoring and microlending.

And while that has proven problematic for some, it’s generally seen as the prerogative of the poster.

Bulent Tekmen, the project’s co-founder, said Colendi “requires sensitive information from borrowers,” such as bills, bank statements and national identification numbers. Not only does Enigma’s protocol allow such data to be run through Colendi’s algorithms in an encrypted form, it also avoids creating an Equifax-like honeypot for hackers to go after, he suggested.

This idea that some data is too sensitive to put on a public blockchain is the same reason Ocean Protocol plans to use the Engima protocol.

While Ocean Protocol is creating “a decentralized ecosystem aimed at unlocking data for AI consumption,”said co-founder Don Gossen, some datasets cannot be bought and sold unencrypted. Ocean’s white paper lists medical data as an example.

As such, Enigma “makes logical sense” for Ocean’s marketplace, Gossen said.

Another data marketplace launch partner is Datawallet, which aims to let users monetize data from applications, such as social media, by selling them to advertisers, for example. The application’s goal is “complete user empowerment and data ownership,” CEO Serafin Lion Engel told CoinDesk.

In Datawallet’s case, Engel said, the protocol will provide Sybil protection, that is, prevent bad actors from spinning up multiple digital identities to swamp the platform. While plugging in existing social media accounts is a good way to provide such protection, Enigma’s Zyskind added, some “people don’t want to connect their Facebook account and give you their data.”

Enigma also announced partnerships with Portal Network, which turns wallet and smart contract addresses on multiple blockchains into human-readable IDs; Eximchain, a supply chain solution based on Quorum; ReBloc, an ethereum-based real estate data marketplace; 2key, a second-layer network that aims to disrupt social networks; and Datacoup, a platform for monetizing personal data, which is transitioning to ethereum.

More to come

Enigma has not announced an exact date for launching the Discovery network live, but Zyskind said that the deadline is the end of 2018. When the protocol is live, computers or “nodes” on the network will be incentivized to perform secret contract operations with the native ENG tokens Enigma sold in its ICO.

For those familiar with the Enigma white paper, which caused a minor sensation when it was published in 2015, Discovery represents an intermediate step to the fully fledged Enigma protocol.

The network described in the white paper would run computations on encrypted data using a process known as secure multiparty computation (SPMC), in which encrypted information is split up into separate pieces for different nodes to work on separately – while still encrypted.

It’s then reassembled into a final, encrypted result.

In other words, the smart contracts perform operations on the data without ever having – or getting – to decrypt it, so this approach is considered especially secure.

What’s more, even if all the nodes were able to break the encryption, they would all have to collude to reconstruct the original, sensitive data. A single honest node could prevent the data from leaking.

While that’s the end goal, though, that technology won’t be ready for the initial launch.

The mainnet launch of Discovery will bring secret contracts to ethereum, but they’ll be housed in what are called trusted execution environments (TEEs), rather than functioning through SMPC.

Zyskind said TEEs still provide excellent security, however, because “any input data that needs to go inside the computation, inside the execution, is being encrypted on the outside with a key that only exists inside the enclave.”

As for SMPC, Zyskind said:

“Expect it in 2019.”

Enigma machine image via Shutterstock

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