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Block.one的VC部门投资针对新冠疫情的解决方案/Update:’s VC Investments Address Impact of COVID-19 with Blockchain Solutions

EOS VC COVID-19 Announcement


今天Block.one宣布将为Genobank.io捐助5万美元。区块链公司Genobank.io开发了一个开源app加快匿名和安全的新冠肺炎检测。通过其EOS VC Grants项目和与FinLab EOS VC的合作伙伴关系,Block.one同样还资助了几个创新的企业,帮助它们开发这次全球疫情相关的一些解决方案。从生物技术到就业,各个利用Block.one的EOSIO区块链软件的企业都准备好面对危机中出现的新挑战。

“这个开源社区的激情和创新有助于我们识别和解决关键的企业难题,不管是艺术领域的还是健康领域的,而我们见证了这样一个开源社区的发展。新冠病毒带来的紧急的全球问题逐渐到来,这时候,很重要的是一个事情是我们要加强和支持各种方法,推动区块链技术未这些问题提供解决方案。“Block.one的CEO Brendan Blumer说。

通过EOS VC Grants 项目和自己与FinLab EOS VC和合作伙伴关系,Block.one为开发平台解决新冠问题的创新企业提供资金支持。

保护隐私的DNA/RNA检测盒公司Genobank.io和Telos Foundation合作,开发了开源的Agerona应用,让用户能够安全地找到费用低廉的新冠测试。检测结果会匿名储存在分布式存储网络的私人存储库中,利用基于EOSIO的区块链平台Telos管理,终端用户能够控制自己的数据,也能够和利用健康隐私的研究人员分享、编辑和删除结果。本应用预计在五月份上线。

“我们获得了EOS VC Grants的投资,我们感谢Block.one的风投部门EOS VC能够支持我们。我们正努力实现DNA/RNA测试盒匿名(包括新冠病毒测试盒),让病人和用户来决定他们是否希望自己的匿名数据对科学界公开,共同控制新冠病毒的扩展,也希望这样能帮助科研人员找到治疗方法。”Genobank.io的CEO Daniel Uribe说。

PUML Better Health则是一个健康和健身平台,企业、品牌和赞助人可以因为会员完成了某些健康挑战奖励会员,如每日步数、健身打卡等。尽管疫情、社交距离、和隔离政策导致健身房没有客人,但是这个基于EOSIO的健康科技平台还在其app和网站上开展了LIVE STREAM服务,帮助用户记录在家运动的成果。现在会员可以看居家健身直播课程和减压健康内容,并能因此获得PUML代币。现在PUML应用处于beta测试阶段,澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡和英国用户已经可以在苹果应用商店下载。

FinLab EOS VC投资的Moonlighting和Innoplexus也调整其平台,着力应对新冠疫情。Moonlighting是针对自由职业者的按需招聘市场,最近,它宣布用户可以免费搜索平台上200,000多个远程就业岗位和100万个兼职机会。公司平台已经把平台和服务从收费改为免费,现在平台在EOSIO运行,求职者能够创建受信任的工作档案,让其他自由职业和兼职市场能够找到这些档案。

同时,Innoplexus最近宣布将开放所属的Ontosight® AI平台开放其开放式许可证,这个平台将用来帮世界医药领域研究员发现和研发药物,以帮助科学家找到抑制新冠的方法。现在,美国、德国和印度的研究员已经开始使用平台,但公司希望,科学界在研究病毒特点和传播时,它能做出更大的贡献。

“区块链的应用、大数据分析、新兴技术和前置测试在疫情中都扮演了中心角色:它们能确保世界许多实验室和机构的经验成果能够整合起来,帮助政府快速和灵敏地应对新冠疫情,不单单减少确诊人数,更是为了控制疫情。Innoplexus AG的CEO Gunjan Bhardwaj说。”我们的平台和EOSIO的集成保证我们可以快速地整合现在各国散落在数据孤岛的未发表数据,让研究人员能够更快、更好地获得资料,了解检测及治疗新冠病毒的药物开发周期的相关信息,并采取行动。

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关于EOS VC:Block.one的EOS VC部门给开发者和创业者提供成立利用EOSIO的企业所需要的资金,其方式是依靠风投合伙人基金。该部门投资于大量各类利用EOSIO软件的区块链公司,从而实现EOSIO生态的可持续使用。EOS VC项目致力于通过各种活动把世界范围内各个不同领域的个体联系起来。这样的使命和愿景之下,EOS VC和区块链开发者社区保持紧密联系。获得更多信息,请访问 和

关于是致力于高性能的区块链软件的跨国软件公司。2018年,其发布EOSIO,这是一款免费、开源的协议,其目标是为分布式数据库安全和透明的基础带来快捷的速度、庞大的使用规模和简单的使用方法。Block.one的风投部门,EOS VC,会对全球各利用EOSIO软件的企业、项目和开发者进行投资。Block.one的社交平台Voice则致力于通过培养创建内容、分享、发现和真实用户内容推广重新定义社交媒体。



Today announced that it is awarding a US$50,000 grant to, a blockchain company developing an open-source app to facilitate anonymous and secure access to COVID-19 testing. Through its EOS VC Grants program and its partnership with FinLab EOS VC, has similarly funded several innovative companies that have turned their focus to solutions related to the global pandemic. From biotech to recruitment, companies using’s EOSIO blockchain software are stepping up to meet the new challenges emerging from the crisis. 

“We’ve witnessed the growth of an open source community whose passion and innovation have helped to identify and solve critical business problems in sectors ranging from art to wellness. With the onset of urgent world issues caused by the coronavirus, it is important that we empower and support the ways that blockchain technology is being applied to provide solutions,” said CEO Brendan Blumer., through its EOS VC Grants program and its partnership with FinLab EOS VC, has funded these innovative companies with platforms addressing the COVID-19: 

Privacy-preserving DNA/RNA kit provider has partnered with the Telos Foundation to develop an open-source app named Agerona that will allow users to securely source low-cost COVID-19 testing. Results will be stored anonymously in a private repository in a distributed storage network and governed using EOSIO-based blockchain platform Telos where each user will control their own data and have the ability to share, edit and delete their results with researchers using health privacy. The app is expected to be released in May. 

“As an EOS VC Grants recipient, we are grateful to have the backing and support of’s venture arm EOS VC in aiding our efforts to anonymize DNA/RNA test kits (including coronavirus) while empowering patients and users to decide if they want their anonymized data to be  available to the scientific community and help control the spread of the coronavirus and potentially contribute to a treatment,” said Daniel Uribe, CEO. 

PUML Better Health is a health and wellness platform that allows corporates, brands and sponsors to reward members for completing healthy activity challenges such as daily steps, gym check-ins and fitness classes. While the pandemic and need for social distancing and isolation has emptied gyms, the EOSIO-based healthtech platform has launched its LIVE STREAM service in its app and on its website to help users track workouts at home. Members can now watch live sessions of in-home workouts and stress reducing well-being content and be rewarded in PUML tokens. Currently in beta, the PUML app is available in the Apple app store in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the UK.  

FinLab EOS VC investments Moonlighting and Innoplexus, are also addressing COVID-19 by adapting their platforms. On-demand freelance marketplace Moonlighting has recently announced free access to its searchable database of 200,000 work-from-home job listings and one million part-time opportunities. Having worked to actively convert its platform and service from paid to free, the company’s platform runs on EOSIO and allows job-seekers to create trusted work profiles that can also be accessed by other freelance and gig marketplaces. 

Meanwhile, Innoplexus has recently announced that it will share an open license by opening up its proprietary Ontosight® AI-based platform for drug discovery and development to medical researchers around the globe to aid and contribute to measures focused on the containment of COVID-19. The platform is already in use by researchers from the USA, Germany and India with the company hoping to contribute more to the scientific community’s ongoing research efforts of how the disease functions and spreads. 

“The use of blockchain, big data analytics, new technologies and proactive testing all play a central role in ensuring that the work of many labs and organizations around the globe can come together to respond to COVID-19 with the speed and agility required to help governments flatten not only the curve but the disease,” Gunjan Bhardwaj, CEO of Innoplexus AG. “The integration of EOSIO in our platform ensures that we can rapidly aggregate unpublished data that currently sits in silos around the world to speed actionable insights across the drug development life cycle for the development of tests and treatments for COVID-19. “

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About EOS VC’s EOS VC program offers developers and entrepreneurs the funding they need to create community-driven businesses leveraging EOSIO. It provides support through venture capital partnership funds that primarily aim to achieve sustained utilization of the EOSIO ecosystem by investing in a concentrated and diversified portfolio of blockchain-focused companies building on the EOSIO software. The EOS VC initiative is dedicated to fostering a global network of individuals from a number of disciplines through our engagement events. As part of the mission and vision, EOS VC engages with the blockchain developer community on a regular basis. For further information, please visit and

About is a global software company specializing in high performance blockchain software. In 2018, it published EOSIO, a free, open-source protocol designed to bring speed, scalability, and ease of use to the secure and transparent fundamentals of distributed databases.’s venture capital arm, EOS VC, invests in companies, projects, and developers around the world leveraging EOSIO technology.


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