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去中心化应用使用的EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE/EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE for decentralized applications


EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE 让开发人员在数分钟内开始构建全堆栈EOSIO应用。





  1. 将库分叉到您的个人GitHub帐户,以便您可以将工作保存到个人的Github帐户中
  2. 将浏览器指向以下位置

URL以启动IDE。您将自动收到提示,创建一个Gitpod账户(所有类型的Gitpods账户都将有效,包括免费账户)。您还可以选择提供多个开发人员推送访问库的个人github分支的权限以与他们进行协作(一个开发人员在处理智能合约(C ++),而另一个开发人员在前端分散式应用程序(EOSJS)等)。每个共享分叉库访问权的此类开发人员都将获得自己的EOSIO区块链组件副本,以实现独立开发。

您可以尝试通过访问IDE:,以驱动系统(然而您并不能够在EOSIO/eosio-web-ide Github库中进行保存)


以下指南假设Web IDE已经成功开启(查看设置)




简单智能合约的源代码在IDE的 contract/talk.cpp内。为编辑此合约,请在中断中运行以内内容:

eosio-cpp contract/talk.cpp




cleos create account eosio talk EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
cleos set code talk talk.wasm
cleos set abi talk talk.abi



cleos create account eosio bob EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
cleos create account eosio jane EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
cleos push action talk post '[1000, 0, bob, "This is a new post"]' -p bob
cleos push action talk post '[2000, 0, jane, "This is my first post"]' -p jane
cleos push action talk post '[1001, 2000, bob, "Replying to your post"]' -p bob



cleos get table talk '' message


React WebApp的源代码位于IDE的。要预览此WebApp,请在终端中运行以下内容:

gp preview $(gp url 8000)

单元测试的源代码位于IDE的 tests目录。要构建测试,请在终端中运行以下内容:




该单元测试创建了 talk_tests测试套件,并验证以下语句是否正确运行:

  1. 创建用户账户talk
  2. talk沙河中下载talk智能合约
  3. 创建用户账户john 和 jane
  4. 通过执行以下内容,测试发布操作:
  5. 将发布动作从talk推到john,消息“post1”被标识为1,并发给消息0noone发送)。这会将消息1john发布给对话中的noone
  6. 将发布动作从talk推到jane,消息“post2”被标识为2,并发给消息0noone发送)。这会将消息2jane发布给对话中的noone
  7. 将发布动作从talk推送到john,消息“post3reply”被标记为3,并发送给消息2(由jane所发送)。此操作在对话中发布了从john回复给jane的消息3
  8. 若消息发送给不存在的消息id,则测试的发布操作失败。



  • 切换至运行节点的终端
  • 按下ctrl+c,停止它
  • 运行以下内容
rm -rf ~/eosio/chain
nodeos --config-dir ~/eosio/chain/config --data-dir ~/eosio/chain/data -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin


FC Exception encountered while processing chain.get_table_rows










EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE lets developers start building full-stack EOSIO applications in a matter of minutes.

Powered by and Docker, it provides developers with a personal single-node EOSIO blockchain for development and testing purposes without a need of going through advanced local environment setup. It also includes an example application with a smart contract and web frontend, connected to the blockchain. Developers can also use EOSIO tools like cleos and eosio.cdt straight out of the box. This project requires zero installation on the user’s machine. All code is stored and managed on the developer’s personal GitHub account, with the changes saved automatically.

We built this project with ease of use and simplicity in mind. It can be used by new developers trying out or learning EOSIO, as well as advanced developers and teams. It is especially useful in the environments where users don’t have full control over the systems they work on (universities, banks, government organizations, etc.) or when they have lower-than-required computer specs to run EOSIO locally.

We hope you will find this project useful and welcome feedback on future improvements.


  1. Fork this repo to your personal GitHub account so that you can save your work into your personal Github account.
  2. Point your browser to the following URL to start the IDE. You will be automatically prompted to create a Gitpod account (all types of Gitpod accounts (including free) will work). You can also choose to provide multiple developers push access to your personal github fork of this repo to collaborate with them (one developer working on the smart contract (C++) while the other working on the front-end decentralized application (EOSJS), etc.). Each such developer sharing access to the forked repo will get their own copy of the EOSIO blockchain components to enable independent development.

You can test drive the system by accessing the IDE at (however you will not be able to save your work into the EOSIO/eosio-web-ide Github repository)


The following instructions assume that the Web IDE was started successfully (see Setup).

Opening a terminal

To open a terminal, use the Terminal drop-down menu in the IDE user interface.

Building sample contract

The source code for the sample smartcontract is at contract/talk.cpp within the IDE. To compile the contract, run this in a terminal:

eosio-cpp contract/talk.cpp

This will produce talk.abi and talk.wasm.

Installing the contract

Run this in a terminal:

cleos create account eosio talk EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
cleos set code talk talk.wasm
cleos set abi talk talk.abi

Creating users and using the contract

Run this in a terminal:

cleos create account eosio bob EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
cleos create account eosio jane EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
cleos push action talk post '[1000, 0, bob, "This is a new post"]' -p bob
cleos push action talk post '[2000, 0, jane, "This is my first post"]' -p jane
cleos push action talk post '[1001, 2000, bob, "Replying to your post"]' -p bob

Listing the messages

Run this in a terminal:

cleos get table talk '' message

Viewing the front-end decentralized web app (EOSJS):

The source code for the React WebApp is at webapp/src/index.tsx within the IDE. To preview the WebApp run this in a terminal:

gp preview $(gp url 8000)

Building and running the unit test

The source code for the unit test is at the tests directory within the IDE. To build the tests, run this in the terminal:


This will produce the tester binary, which can be run from the terminal to start the actual unit test:


The unit test creates the talk_tests test suite and verifies that the following statements are executed without error:

  1. Create user account talk.
  2. Load the talk smart contract in the talk account sandbox.
  3. Create user accounts john and jane.
  4. Test the post action by performing the following:
    1. Push the post action from talk to john with message “post 1” identified as 1 and addressed to message 0 (sent by noone).
      This posts the message 1 from john to noone in the chat.
    2. Push the post action from talk to jane with message “post 2” identified as 2 and addressed to message 0 (sent by noone).
      This posts the message 2 from jane to noone in the chat.
    3. Push the post action from talk to john with message “post 3: reply” identified as 3 and addressed to message 2 (sent by jane).
      This posts the reply message 3 from john to jane in the chat.
  5. Test failure of the post action if message is addressed to a non-existant message id.

Resetting the chain

To remove the existing chain and create another:

  • Switch to the terminal running nodeos
  • Press ctrl+c to stop it
  • Run the following
rm -rf ~/eosio/chain
nodeos --config-dir ~/eosio/chain/config --data-dir ~/eosio/chain/data -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin

Note: if the web app is currently open, then it will cause errors like the following. You may ignore them:

FC Exception encountered while processing chain.get_table_rows


Contributing Guide

Code of Conduct




See LICENSE for copyright and license terms.

All repositories and other materials are provided subject to the terms of this IMPORTANT notice and you must familiarize yourself with its terms. The notice contains important information, limitations and restrictions relating to our software, publications, trademarks, third-party resources, and forward-looking statements. By accessing any of our repositories and other materials, you accept and agree to the terms of the notice.

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