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EOSIO™ Quickstart Web IDE:数分钟内开始在EOSIO之上进行构建/EOSIO™ Quickstart Web IDE: Start Building on EOSIO in Minutes




为此,我们技术工作的重大目标在于让任何人都能使用EOSIO软件快速部署自身的区块链项目。EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE降低了新手开发人员的入门门槛,他们可以数分钟内快速开始、分享并在EOSIO项目中进行合作。

目前,在EOSIO之上进行构建需要一个多步骤的入门过程,以及一台强大的电脑,用以运行一个完整的区块链节点。对于任何刚入门的人而言,这一过程便从安装和配置EOSIO开始。此后则必须安装和配置EOSJS,用以开发网络应用程序。由于这些过程涉及众多内容复杂的步骤,因此很难建立清晰的工作流程。同时还存在计算能力的问题,尽管推荐内存为32GB或更高, 但运行一整个节点需要电脑至少拥有16GB的RAM,巨大的磁盘空间以及运转迅速的CPU。


EOSIO 2为EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE引入了alpha support,EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE是一种基于Web的一键式IDE,可在浏览器中运行,旨在从根本上简化开发人员的体验。使用这一新工具,只需简单点击便可以开始构建,在浏览器上进入全功能的EOSIO开发环境。

EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE仍所有人都能够直接进行C++智能合约和基于网络应用的EOSIS编程。这一新IDE与源代码集成,因此开发人员能够直接将演示应用中进行的任何更改提交至自身的个人GitHub中。开发人员能够从那里以自己选择的方式协同合作。在获得区块链个人副本的同时,也能快速编辑及修改所涵盖的talk.cpp智能合约,并回应在index.tsx中编码的网页app。一旦开发人员分叉了源存储库,他们就可以设置多用户推送访问其个人分叉,并让多个开发人员可以完成实时协作。

简单开始。只需要前往开源 EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE GitHub库,并按照其中指示即可完成。

我们仍在研究未来EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE能够支持的众多性能。其中包括对Swift和Java应用程序开发的支持,用于保护知识产权的基于Theia的本地版本,附加的UI功能以及允许开发人员与数据进行交互的表浏览器。 我们也正在考虑集成基于Web的区块浏览器、DEMUX和历史记录工具。EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE非常适合学习区块链的学生、黑客马拉松参与者或学习EOSIO的新手开发人员使用。


EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE是Block.one研发的众多项目之一,该工具获益于社区研究、测试及输入。如果您想要提供反馈,并与我们的团队更加紧密的合作,共同为开发人员提升EOSIO,您可以向我们的开发者关系团队发送邮件


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Getting started with a new technology always poses challenges. There are often new languages, development patterns to learn, and hardware prerequisites to meet for setting up a development environment. Blockchain development in particular has certain resource requirements that must be met to run a full node, replay a chain, or test smart contracts. These issues present obstacles for new developers who are interested in exploring blockchain technology. As EOSIO grows, we are working to create new tools and libraries that make EOSIO development faster, easier, and more accessible to developers around the world.

To that end, a significant goal of our engineering effort is to make it possible for anyone to rapidly deploy their blockchain projects with EOSIO software. The EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE reduces barriers to entry for new developers, so they can get started in minutes, share, and collaborate on EOSIO projects.

Currently, building on EOSIO entails a multistep setup process, and a powerful computer to run a full blockchain node. For anyone just getting started, this process begins with installing and configuring EOSIO. After, EOSJS must be installed and configured for developing web applications. It is often difficult to establish a clear workflow as these processes take many steps consisting of numerous components. There is also the issue of computing power; to run a full node requires a computer with at least 16GB of ram, although 32GB or more is recommended, enormous amounts of disk space, and a fast CPU.

Reducing Obstacles for Blockchain Developers

EOSIO 2 introduces alpha support for the EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE, a one-click web-based IDE that runs in a browser and is designed to radically simplify the developer experience. With this new tool, all it takes to start building is a single click to launch a fully functional EOSIO development environment in a browser.

The EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE empowers anyone to dive right into programming C++ smart contracts and EOSJS based web applications. This new IDE is integrated with the source code, so a developer can immediately commit any changes they make from demo applications directly into their own personal GitHub. From there, developers may collaborate together in any way they choose. A personal copy of the blockchain is provided along with the ability to quickly edit and modify the included talk.cpp smart contract and the react web-app coded in index.tsx. Once developers fork the source repo, they can setup multi-user push access to their personal forks and enable several developers to collaborate in real-time.

Getting started is easy. Simply head to the open-source EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE GitHub repository and follow the accompanying instructions.

There are a number of features we’re researching that may be supported by the EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE in the future. These include support for Swift and Java application development, a local Theia based version to secure intellectual property, additional UI features, a table explorer to allow developers to interact with data. Considerations are being made for the integration of web-based block explorers, DEMUX, and History Tools. The EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE is perfect for students studying blockchain, hackathon participants, or new developers learning EOSIO. 

Stay Connected

The EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE is one of many projects from that benefits from community research, testing, and input. If you would like to offer feedback and work more closely with our team to improve EOSIO for developers, you can send our developer relations team an email at

Stay up-to-date with future announcements, by subscribing to our mailing list on the EOSIO website. We are excited to be regularly improving the usability of the software for EOSIO developers as we continue to lay a foundation for the mass adoption of blockchain technology.

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