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著名的投资者Tim Draper加入Sense.Chat董事/Famed Investor Tim Draper Joins Sense.Chat’s Board of Directors


加利福尼亚州圣莫妮卡讯–(美国商业资讯)–新进发布的dApp Sense.Chat 所属公司MakeSense Labs今天宣布,著名的加密货币和风险投资家Tim Draper被任命为董事会成员。

 “世界越来越去中心化。我很高兴能支持这款精彩的应用。Sense.Chat可以实现隐私、无缝地传递消息和支付,促进了人和人的联系。”—Tim Draper。

Tim Draper是著名的风险投资家,也是Draper Associates的创始人,该公司投资过特斯拉、Skype、百度、Twitch和Hotmail等著名企业。他建议使用病毒营销的方式扩展平台,这是他们成功的重要原因。

除了这些众所周知的成就以外,他还入选Worth杂志的金融百强个人,位列福布斯杂志评选的加密货币财富榜,在Always On评选的网络风险投资家居首。他还因为支持比特币、区块链、和在公开拍卖中购买了30,000个比特币而名声大噪。

发行Sense.Chat应用之后,其创始人和CEO Crystal Rose说,“Sense.Chat是第一个应用区块链技术保证隐私和安全的信息系统。它能够促成消费者大规模应用加密货币。Draper是这项使命最早的支持者,他的远见让我们深表尊敬,他的加入是我们团队成功的巨大资本。”

Draper是Sense Chat Labs母公司Sensay Inc.早期的投资者,他支持这个团队为人类更好的联系创建工具。

 “Tim是硅谷最受尊重的风险投资家之一,他也是区块链技术主要的支持者。”Sense. Chat的CFO John Sch说,“很高兴他能加入我们的董事会。”

Draper和众多颇具影响力的风险投资者有相似的背景。他从斯坦福获得电气工程的理学学士学位,1984年在哈佛获得MBA学位。2013年,他创立Draper University of Heroes,这个教学项目帮助有才华的年轻人实现其创业梦想。

Sense.Chat的CTO Ben Sigman高兴地说,“我们很高兴能获得Tim的支持和建议。在技术领域,和最近的区块链领域,他都至关重要,他是其中的领军人物。我们的领导团队想从他身上学习方方面面——他有创造力、他有亲和力、他还积极乐观。”

今年三月,Sense Chat Labs 利用数字钱包Sense.Chat发布第一个聊天和视频应用。现在Sense.Chat已经可以在Apple iOS 和安卓系统使用,其加密协议结合先进的加密技术和EOS区块链发布信息,让用户能够使用这个不可比拟、高度安全的应用维护自己的隐私。


SANTA MONICA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–MakeSense Labs, the company behind the recently launched dApp Sense.Chat, announced today that notable cryptocurrency and venture investor Tim Draper has been appointed to their Board of Directors.

“The world is becoming decentralized. I am excited to support this amazing application. Sense.Chat improves human connections by allowing private, seamless messaging and payments.” – Tim Draper

Tim Draper is a renowned venture capitalist and founder of Draper Associates with investments into significant companies such as Tesla, Skype, Baidu, Twitch and Hotmail. His suggestion to use viral marketing to spread these platforms was instrumental to their success.

Among other notable achievements, Draper was listed as one of Worth Magazine’s 100 Most Powerful People in Finance, one of the Wealthiest People in Crypto according to Forbes, and the #1 Most Networked Venture Capitalist by Always On. He is also well-known for his support of Bitcoin, blockchain and his purchase of 30,000 bitcoins at a public auction.

Following the launch of the Sense.Chat app, Founder and CEO, Crystal Rose, stated: “Sense.Chat is the first messaging system of its kind utilizing blockchain technology for privacy and security. It has the potential for ushering in mass consumer adoption in crypto. As an early supporter of our mission and respected visionary in the space, Draper is an incredible asset for our team’s success.”

Draper was an early investor in Sense Chat Labs’ parent company Sensay Inc., supporting the team’s mission to create tools for better human connection.

“Tim is among the most respected VCs in Silicon Valley and a major proponent for blockchain technology,” said John Schenk, CFO at Sense.Chat. “We’re delighted to have him on our board.”

Draper comes from a long line of impactful venture capitalists. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and later earned an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1984. In 2013, Draper launched Draper University of Heroes, an educational program that offers to help talented young individuals achieve their entrepreneurial goals.

Ben Sigman, CTO of Sense.Chat, was ecstatic saying, “We are very excited to have Tim’s support and advice. He’s been a massively important and pivotal figure in technology, and recently in the blockchain. He’s everything we want to emulate in our leadership – he’s creative, supportive, and passionate.”

In March, Sense Chat Labs released the first decentralized chat and video messenger with a digital wallet, Sense.Chat. Available now on Apple iOS and Android, the Sense.Chat Encryption Protocol uses advanced cryptography combined with the EOS blockchain to deliver messages so that users will be able to maintain their privacy in an unparalleled, highly secure application.

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