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来自中亚的六名女孩 + 九名Block.one演讲者 = 美好的一天/Six Girls from Central Asia + Nine Presenters = Day Well Spent





Ruhia、Aizhuldyz、Bazieva、Jasmine、Karina 和 Sadiya接受了一次区块链的短期速成班,学习iOS和安卓移动应用程序开发所需的不同之处,UX设计者如何工作,以及新的加密安全威胁可能出现在哪些领域。



“鼓励年轻女心个探索STEM视野并不是说服人们我们在这些领域需要更多的女性,而在于她们能与年轻的男性一样有能力参与这些领域的工作。”Block.one的一名网页开发人员Tara Tritt在职业早期的时候曾说过这一番建言。



这些年轻的客人们几乎没有接触过区块链,并且也只是在加密货币的内容中听过区块链。但在一个小时的介绍之后,她们集思广益,想着如何在自己的国家应用这项技术:维护医院记录、持有数据、在军事渠道分享敏感信息、探测公司间谍活动。她们甚至完整地构想了如何打造一款叫做“Find My Puppy”(寻找我的小狗)的移动app,能让用户上传手里的狗狗照片、构画用户地址,并为寻找狗狗的人提供地图和方向,完美地寻找到毛孩子。


“进入STEM的世界,你不必放弃解决问题的创意面。”UX总监John MacMenamin说道。



“我喜欢所有,工作坊的全部,与Tara Tritt进行的激动人心的讨论,全都喜欢。”来自乌兹别克斯坦的Sadiya Abbasova如此说道。
“最好的工作人员在。”来自塔吉斯坦的Jasmine Yulchieva附和道:“我真的喜欢与每个人所进行的了不起的对话。”



What can six high school girls from Central Asia teach blockchain experts? Quite a lot, as it turns out.

But during a job shadowing program, the 17-year-old TechGirls, on a visit courtesy of a U.S. government sponsored tour, gained just as much during a day-long stop at’s Blacksburg, Virginia, office recently.

For the nine presenters who ran the workshops, a first lesson was the realization that while their guests could already code in C++, they were from countries that are not actively implementing, teaching or researching blockchain technology.

But that hasn’t stopped the six – two from Kazakhstan, two from Tajikistan, one from Kyrgyzstan and another from Uzbekistan – who showed an avid interest in what blockchain might mean for undiscovered tech applications and for their future careers.

Ruhia, Aizhuldyz, Bazieva, Jasmine, Karina and Sadiya were treated to a crash course on blockchain, the differences required for mobile application development between iOS and Android software, how UX designers work and where the new cybersecurity threats could emerge.

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, TechGirls connects and supports the next generation of women leaders in STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Math – and this year began focusing on girls from Central Asia. was one of the STEM companies that signed up to participate in TechGirls.

“Encouraging young women to explore STEM careers is not about convincing them that we need more women in these respective fields, but rather, that they’re just as capable as the young men entering the workforce,” said Tara Tritt, a web developer for, who gave advice from her early career days.

Here are three lessons we learned from hosting this year’s TechGirls:

  1. New eyes can bring fresh ideas on using blockchain technology

    Our young visitors had little to no exposure to blockchain, having heard of it only in the context of cryptocurrencies. But within an hour of an introduction, the TechGirls were brainstorming on a variety of uses in their home countries: maintaining hospital records, owning their data, sharing sensitive information among military channels, deterring corporate espionage. They even thought through how to create a mobile app called Find My Puppy from start to finish that would allow a user to upload a photo of an available dog, mapped to the location of the user, and complete with a map and directions for the puppy seeker to find the perfect furbaby.

  2. Creativity and engineering don’t clash 

    Blockchain and many STEM disciplines can seem dry and dusty. But the TechGirls found an exercise during the UX Design workshop was anything but – they were asked to use colorful sticky notes to write down words, ideas, tools needed for someone to communicate with another digitally. The end goal? To find out how UX can use communications to enhance the experience of the user. 

    “You don’t have to give up the creative aspect of problem-solving to enter into the world of STEM,” said John MacMenamin, Director of UX.

    The girls had an opportunity to see how art, drawing, color and creativity could make them better engineers and mobile developers.

  3. beats Big Brands

    We don’t want to brag (OK, maybe just a little…), but the best endorsement we received from this session was the TechGirls unanimously voting to work for us over big brands.

    When asked what they enjoyed most about spending the day with our Blacksburg team, here’s what several of them said:

    “I loved everything, from all of the workshops and inspirational discussion with Tara Tritt,” said Sadiya Abbasova of Uzbekistan.

    “The best people work at,” echoed Jasmine Yulchieva of Tajikistan, “I really enjoyed the great conversations with everyone.” 


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