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GeneOS利用区块链技术解锁健康数据信息和激励机制/GeneOS Taps Blockchain to Unlock Health Data Insights and Incentives



GeneOS联合创始人兼CEO Albert Chen解释了他的公司如何把个人健康数据和个人从基因数据中获益结合起来。


Illustration of the Genome Equity Model (G.E.M.) Protocol

Albert Chen:GeneOS是自主的个人基因组学和健康平台,平台通过分析DNA、实验室、和活动数据,经由一定的算法,评估个人的健康水平。数据储存和访问通过加密和隐私保护技术,让用户能够获得其数据带来的价值,同时还不用失去所有权。底层协议G.E.M.(Genome Equity Model,基因组权益模型),将所有收集的数据代币化。最终,用户可以将数据出租,用以研究,或因为个性化的医疗建议中获得报酬。


Albert Chen: 2018年夏天(首席产品官)Jay Bowles和我使用不可替代代币开发了一个应用,我们因此受到启发,想通过创建数字资产的去中心化市场角逐伦敦的黑客马拉松。很明显,数字资产最有趣的一个用例就是数据访问。Jay有遗传学学科背景,他本人也非常熟悉个人健康数据领域,于是他带领整个团队找到了这个细分市场,这里数据扩散不单单对市场影响至关重要,也极大地收益于区块链。


Albert Chen:我们的团队由两组前联合创始人组成:Jay 和 Jens Elstner (CTO),他们的个人健康数据分析平台Keepzer早在2013年就推动了自主数据的发展。而Ben Tse (首席创意官) 和我则是在2011年就成立电子商务家居品牌UM。我们几个各司其职,使工作取得了平衡。Ben带来了品牌认同感、视觉设计和UI界面,Jay实现前端用户体验、设计产品激励措施、Jens构建了后端技术基础架构和逻辑支持、我把这些联系到区块链,然后再交给Ben让他做数字营销和商业战略。

The GeneOS team (left to right): Benjamin Tse, Jens Elstner, Albert Chen, Jay Bowles
GeneOS团队(从左到右):Benjamin Tse, Jens Elstner, Albert Chen, Jay Bowles


Albert Chen:我们主要有两个产品:G.E.M.协议和GeneOS平台,前者能够实现基因数据利润分享,后者是个人健康仪表板,它根据基因组和其它健康数据给我们提供健康信息和分析。我们现在在做协议的内测,健康平台也刚刚设计完成,我们想针对的早期用户主要是对基因组辅助健康资讯感兴趣的用户,以此为起点扩展用户群。平台将会是更直观、信息更丰富的仪表板,这是早期推广必不可少的。


Albert Chen:区块链是第一次能够实现防篡改和防审查,谁拥有什么就一目了然。自主数据货币化想不通过中介实现,这是唯一的方式。但是,大多数区块链应用带来的却是繁琐的用户体验。我们相信,诸如GeneOS这样面向用户的产品的使用只能通过对区块链不可兼得方式实现。EOSIO的账户架构、免费交易、和WEbAuthn集成让我们能够创建区块链应用的同时给用带来标准应用的体验。此外,使用C++作为智能合约语言和现有的开发工具让开发者很容易在EOSIO上进行开发和迭代。

The GeneOS Platform


Albert Chen:我们很开心获得了社区最积极的反馈,很多人告诉我们,在我们开始之前他们都没有做基因序列。赢得了EOS全球黑客马拉松总决赛之后,我们已经收到了很多产品上线订阅了。



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Albert Chen, co-founder and CEO of GeneOS, explains how his company combines personal wellness insights with the potential of individuals being able to share in the value from their genetic data.

How would you describe your project?

Albert Chen: GeneOS is a self-sovereign personal genomics and wellness platform where users can obtain health insights generated by an algorithmic agglomeration of their DNA, lab and activity data. The data storage and access are powered by cryptography and privacy-preserving technologies, allowing users to share in the value created by their data without losing ownership. The underlying protocol G.E.M., which stands for the Genome Equity Model, tokenizes each data collection. Eventually, participants may be able to benefit from renting their data for research or getting paid for personalized healthcare recommendations.

Illustration of the Genome Equity Model (G.E.M.) Protocol
Illustration of the Genome Equity Model (G.E.M.) Protocol

Where did your initial idea come from?

Albert Chen: Since (Chief Product Officer) Jay Bowles and I had developed an application using non-fungible tokens in the summer of 2018, we were inspired to create a decentralized marketplace for digital assets going into the London Hackathon. It soon became apparent that one of the most interesting use cases for digital assets would be data access. Jay, with his degree in genetics and his familiarity with the personal health data space, guided the team into eventually finding this niche where data proliferation is not only critical for social impact but would also be best facilitated by blockchain technology.

Can you introduce your team and tell us what makes it special?

Albert Chen: Our team is comprised of two pairs of ex-co-founders: Jay and Jens Elstner (CTO), whose personal health data analytics platform Keepzer pushed the self-sovereign-data narrative in 2013. There’s Ben Tse (Chief Creative Officer) and me, whose e-commerce houseware brand UM launched in 2011. This leads to a very balanced mix of expertise in our team.  Ben creates the brand identity, visual design and user interface, Jay translates them into front-end user experience and devises the product incentives, Jens constructs the supporting back-end technical infrastructure and logic. I connect them to the blockchain and circle back to Ben with digital marketing and business strategy.

The GeneOS team (left to right): Benjamin Tse, Jens Elstner, Albert Chen, Jay Bowles
The GeneOS team (left to right): Benjamin Tse, Jens Elstner, Albert Chen, Jay Bowles

What stage is the project at and what are your plans for scaling up?

Albert Chen: Our core offerings consist of two products: the G.E.M. protocol, on which the genetic data profit-sharing is made possible, and the GeneOS platform, which is a personal wellness dashboard that offers insights and analytics based on genomic and other health data. We are currently doing internal testing on our protocol and have just finished designing the wellness platform, which we plan to scale by targeting early adopters with interest in genomics-aided wellness insights. The platform will feature a more intuitive and informative dashboard, which will be critical in gaining initial adoption.

Why did you decide to use blockchain technology, and specifically EOSIO?

Albert Chen: Blockchain technology marks the first time that it is possible to have tamper-proof and censorship-resistant records of who owns what. This is the only way self-sovereign data monetization can work without any intermediary. However, most blockchain implementations offer cumbersome user experiences. We believe adoption for consumer-facing products such as GeneOS can only be accomplished with a blockchain-invisible approach. EOSIO’s account architecture, fee-less transactions, and WebAuthn integration allow us to create a blockchain application with the experience of a standard app. Moreover, the choice of C++ as the smart contract language and the available development toolkits make it very easy to develop and iterate on EOSIO.

The GeneOS Platform
The GeneOS Platform

How has the EOS Community responded to your project?

Albert Chen: We’re very grateful to have received mostly positive feedback from the community, with many people telling us that they had been holding off on sequencing their genome until we came along. We also received a fair bit of product launch subscriptions after winning the EOS Global Hackathon Series Grand Finale. 

More information on GeneOS available on

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