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Emanate Partners与Vampr一同助力全球音乐合作/EmanatePartners with Vampr to Foster Global Musical Collaboration



2019年2月8日,悉尼/PRNewswire/–旨在在区块链时代帮助音乐领域进行演化的音频交易协议Emanate与移动app Vampr一起为音乐产业吸引来了全球人才,在全球196个国家拥有超过50万的用户。 

Emanate Partners与Vampr一起助力全球音乐合作


“智能合作是以普通语言为基础的协议,让全世界相互并不认识的音乐人们一起协作,并为此过程带来全方位的透明度和信任感。”区块链音乐Emanate的CEO Sean Gardner说道:“Vampr已经在音乐领域帮助建立了400万次连接。与Vampr一起,我们能为艺术家们打造一条全新的方式,用以分享他们的作品并使其货币化,同时确保他们能获得公平的待遇。”


“我们行业同事十分支持Vampr,但最令人开心的当属在我们见证之下不断扩张的创意宇宙如今在数十万用户的使用下快速成长,创造出前所未有的新的音乐和项目。”Vampr联合创始人兼CEO Josh Simons说道:“我们迫不及待地想看到这些合作在Emanate的帮助下开始实现货币化。”


“EOSIO为Emanate这类应用打造了理想的基石。”Block.one开发者关系团队负责人Serg Metelin说道:“EOSIO快速的交易速度和可扩展性让Emanate能够创建一个音乐领域各方都能使用并能直接为其做出贡献的平台。”







The Audio Exchange Protocol for the blockchain era partners with the “Tinder for Musicians” bringing over 500,000 users to its collaboration and monetization platform.

SYDNEY, Feb. 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/– Emanate, an Audio Exchange Protocol designed to evolve the musicindustry in the blockchain era, has partnered with Vampr, the mobile app thatbrings together the music industry’s global talent, with over 500,000 users in196 countries.


Emanate Partners with Vampr to Foster Global Musical Collaboration

Emanate will help Vampr users protect the value of their work and monetize their projects through the Smart Collaboration — blockchain-based smart contracts designed for musicians that will add transparency and trust, protecting musicians and radically shortening the time it traditionally takes to get paid when music is used or played. Emanate will offer Vampr users a one-click, sign-up solution getting the direct benefits of Emanate’s collaboration technology engine. 

“Smart Collaborations are plain-language base agreements that allow musicians all over the world who don’t know each other to work together, with transparency and trust on all sides,” Sean Gardner, CEO of Blockchain Music (Emanate) said. “Vampr has already helped create nearly 4 million connections within the music industry. Working with Vampr, we can offer those artists a new way of sharing and monetizing their work, while ensuring that all artists will be paid fairly for their work.” 

Emanate smart collaborations will enable artists to quickly exchange files, projects and simple contracts to protect themselves in their day-to-day collaboration workflow. In the commercial release, smart-collaborations with be seamlessly integrated with various aspects of the Emanate platform and this forms the fundamental basis of the Audio Exchange Protocol. 

“The support for Vampr from our industry colleagues has been incredibly encouraging, but what’s been most gratifying is this sprawling creative universe we’ve watched spring up between hundreds of thousands of users, making new music and forging new projects that might otherwise never have happened,” founder Josh Simons, co-founder, and CEO of Vampr said. “We can’t wait to see them begin to monetize these collaborations with Emanate.” 

Emanate is utilizing the new EOS.IO decentralized technology to create an ecosystem that will significantly improve music industry inefficiencies, creating more opportunities for artists to turn their dreams into reality. 

“EOSIO is an ideal foundation for applications like Emanate,” says Serg Metelin, Head of Developer Relations at, the creators of EOSIO. “The fast transaction speed and scalability of EOSIO enable Emanate to create a platform where different parties in the music industry can share and contribute directly.” 

To learn more about Emanate, visit

About Emanate 

Emanate, by Blockchain Music, is a decentralized music technology platform, being built with the EOS.IO software. The team is currently releasing products and raising capital. This will become an alternative ecosystem for parts of the wider $1 trillion music industry, in line with the ways that cryptocurrencies more generally are becoming an alternative for parts of the global financial system. Emanate solves the fundamental problems that have been created by legacy music industry structures, by streamlining the process of making and releasing music.

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