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#构建于EOSIO:与NouGit一同开启协作编码的全新可能/#BuiltOnEOSIO: Opening Up New Possibilities in Collaborative Coding with NouGit



NouGit联合创始人Rob Behnke向Block.one展示了NouGit去中心化的激励代码合作,该平台允许开发者们贡献自己的代码,并获得相应报酬。


Rob Behnke:NouGit是去中心化的激励储存平台。我们已经开始构建下一代编码合作。我们为用户提供必要条件,助其注册、添加并分享项目储存库,为项目职位提供资金,并向满足职位要求的编程人员提供报酬。我们最终的目标是构建一个系统,让众多合作伙伴能在我们所提供的核心系统之上构建应用程序。而对于我们首次的重大发行,我们希望通过虚拟马拉松和编码挑战提高价值及资本收入。


Rob Behnke:我们带着一些想法参加了Block.one在旧金山的EOS全球马拉松,我们那时并不知道具体会面临哪些挑战。去年六月,微软收购了GitHub,让我们震惊的是这一则新闻让开源社区如此震怒。因此,我们团队中有人剔出来去中心化的GitHub这一概念时,我们就直接实施了。从那时起,我们打磨了各类不同的功能并开始构建我们自己的概念证明。


Rob Behnke:我们团队由商业各个领域的优秀领跑者组成:我负责NouGit的商业部分,我创业过很多次,两次离场,而我们的技术负责人Colby是软件工程师,也是创业家,还是算法加密货币的交易人员。我们的创意负责人Fred是UX/UI设计师,前端开发人员,曾在Under Armour、Disney及Salesforce等大公司担任职务。我们的产品负责人Stewart是一名经验丰富的市场管理人员,曾工作于Sun Microsystems、Certicom、Avaya等公司。我们的顾问Mike拥有MIT的MBA学位,拥有15年通讯、投行及区块链经验。


Rob Behnke:大多数公司都是秘密开始,然后拿出一些功绩再对外宣布,我们在创意孵化前两周时间便对外宣布了概念证明,现在我们已经在研究内测版了。我们已经开始一对一的面谈内测报名者,了解他们的需求,对这个产品的想法,以及他们喜欢或者不惜喜欢现有平台的哪一点。我们将继续构建一条宽广的马路,强化我们的准系统,并且雇佣更多的开发者参与这个项目,敬请期待。


Rob Behnke:我们之所以选择区块链是因为我们着眼于实现信息的去中心化,价值的储存以及创建抗审查的代码。EOSIO为区块链这个领域带来了革新,提供了大额的交易处理量,并将用户许可聚集起来。基于这些功能,让我们团队能够简单使用传统平台提供的功能去构建去中心化服务。


Rob Behnke:从NouGit最早期,我们便开始收到反馈。在EOS旧金山马拉松上,多位导师提出他们对我们概念感兴趣,他们当中一些人实际上是我们的顾问并参与我们的内测。随着我们发行并继续构建功能设置,我们期望能与社区进行更多的互动,因为开源开发者们都是直言不讳的人(我们喜欢他们这一点!)。毕竟,越多的反馈能助我们未来更好地进行构建,朝着市场所需的方向前进。





Rob Behnke, co-founder of NouGit, gives a taste of decentralized and incentivized code collaboration in the form of NouGit, a platform that allows developers to contribute their code and get paid for their efforts.

How would you describe your project?

Rob Behnke: NouGit is a decentralized and incentivized git repository platform. We have begun building the next generation of coding collaboration. We provide core features for users to register, add and share project repos, fund job postings on projects, and pay coders who satisfy the job requirements. Our ultimate goal is to build a system that can enable many partners to build applications on top of the core system that we provide. For our first major release, we expect to optimize value and revenue capture through virtual hackathons and coding challenges.

Where did your initial idea come from?

Rob Behnke: We came to’s EOS Global Hackathon in San Francisco with a couple of ideas in mind, since we didn’t know exactly what the challenge would be. Back in June last year, Microsoft acquired GitHub, and what stuck with us is just how much this piece of news infuriated the open source community. So, when one of our teammates brought up the concept of a decentralized GitHub, we went straight for it. From there, we scoped out a variety of differentiating features and started building our proof of concept.

Can you introduce your team and tell us what makes it special?

Rob Behnke: Our team is comprised of proven leaders in different areas of business: I lead the business aspect of NouGit, having been a serial entrepreneur with two exits, while Colby, our technical lead, is a software engineer, entrepreneur and algorithmic cryptocurrency trader. Fred, our creative lead, is an UX/UI designer and front-end developer who has worked with big brands like Under Armour, Disney and Salesforce. Our product lead is Stewart, an experienced marketing executive who has worked for Sun Microsystems, Certicom, Avaya etc. Mike, our advisor, is an MIT MBA with 15+ years of experience in telecom, investment banking and blockchain.

What stage is the project at and what are your plans for scaling up?

Rob Behnke: While most companies start in stealth and then launch with something to show, we were announced to the world with a proof of concept from an idea hatched only two weeks earlier, and we are now already working on the alpha. We have started by personally interviewing a few dozen of our alpha sign ups, learning about their needs and wants around this product, as well as understanding what they like and dislike about existing platforms. Looking forward, we will continue building an extensive roadmap, strengthening our ‘bare bones alpha’, and hiring more developers to further this project.

Why did you decide to use blockchain technology, and specifically EOSIO?

Rob Behnke: We built on blockchain because our vision is to enable decentralization of information, store of value, and creation of censorship-resistant code. EOSIO revolutionized the blockchain sphere by providing high transaction throughput and grouped user permissions. Building on top of these features allows our team to build a decentralized service with the ease of use that traditional platforms provide.

How has the EOS Community responded to your project?

Rob Behnke: From the very early stages of NouGit, we had started receiving feedback. At the EOS Hackathon in San Francisco, several mentors mentioned they were interested in our concept, and some of them are in fact our advisors and alpha sign-ups. As we launch and continue to build feature sets, we anticipate interacting with our community even more, as open source devs are quite vocal in general (which we love!). After all, the more feedback we get, the more we will be able to build a future that is optimized towards what the market demands.

Stay tuned to our EOSIO Spotlight series where we’ll highlight some of the truly exceptional projects being built on our platform. If you have a project you’d like to share with us, please email

-Developer Relations team

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