
2022 年 11 月 10 日 – EOS 网络是一个可以支持企业级去中心化应用程序的开源去中心化操作系统,我们正在努力达成验证者共识协议,以启动 1 亿美元的生态系统基金。
该基金将由 EOS Network Ventures (ENV) 管理,ENV 将作为一个独立实体成立,旨在投资基于 EOS 构建创新方案的 Web3 业务和企业家。 EOS 网络验证者将对独立运营的 ENV 进行监督。 该基金还将用于启动加速器和孵化计划,以支持 EOS 网络在利用区块链技术的创新商业模式中被大规模应用,并将与包括 EOS 网络基金会 (ENF) 在内的利益相关者密切合作。
EOS Network Ventures 将对 Web3 领域的科技初创公司进行战略性股权和基于代币的投资,涵盖赛道包括 GameFi、元宇宙、电子竞技、NFT 和金融科技。 最初,该基金将由新发行的 EOS 代币组成,曾经 EOS 生态设立过专门为扶持 EOS 生态发展的代币,但因为种种原因并不受认可,而现在这部分代币将反映在 EOS Network Ventures 之中。
EOS 网络基金会首席执行官 Yves La Rose 表示:
「ENF 已经成功部署了生态资助框架,但我们真正把 EOS Network Ventures 看作是能够实现我们使命的另一个重要步骤,即使开发者、企业和个人能够基于 EOS,在公司生命周期的各个阶段进行建设,因此完全支持创建 ENV。」
生态系统基金产生的投资收益将通过各种机制来推动价值回归 EOS 代币持有人,例如通过回购和销毁计划来调整经济激励。这将作为一种通货紧缩的平衡,以抵消网络在生态资助和公共产品上的支出。生态系统基金将是吸引更多外部投资进入EOS生态的基础,并为 EOS 代币持有人提供可持续性利益。
EOS 网络基金会首席执行官 Yves La Rose 还表示:
「ENF 一直在努力工作以确保向 ENV 提供额外的外部投资,并同时致力于在建立基金和管理实体方面达成共识。这种为 EOS 应用层提供动力的新资本,将推动下一波区块链创新和更大规模市场采用。我们预计将出现新的商业模式,并建立更有意义的应用程序来解决实际问题。」
EOS 网络基金会最近还与韩国釜山市签署了一份谅解备忘录(MoU),与其他几个著名的区块链风险投资公司合作成立釜山区块链风险投资联盟(VCABB)。联盟共同持有并管理 7 亿美元的资产。根据协议内容,VCABB 将在未来三年向釜山市区块链基础设施和 Web3 初创企业投资 1 亿美元,以促进釜山作为韩国第二大城市在的区块链生态系统的持续正向发展。
EOS Network Ventures 的生态系统基金将使 EOS 网络进一步确立自己作为 Web2 企业过渡到 Web3 的理想区块链和新项目的启动平台。
EOS 网络基金会是一个非营利性的组织,旨在倾听社区声音、传达社区意愿并扶持社区优质项目发展,成为 EOS 社区的信息共享桥梁,并为 EOS 生态提供资金、技术、运营、未来规划、生态构建等关键基础设施支持,进一步发挥 EOS 作为世界速度最快的治理型区块链的全部潜力。
EOS Network Foundation
Zack Gall

Nov. 10, 2022 – The EOS Network, an open-source decentralized operating system that can support enterprise-scale decentralized applications, is working towards reaching validator consensus agreement to launch a $100m ecosystem fund. The fund will be managed by EOS Network Ventures (ENV), which will be established as an independent entity that will invest in Web3 businesses and entrepreneurs building on EOS. The EOS Network validators will provide oversight of the independently operated ENV. The fund will also be used to launch accelerator and incubation programs to support the adoption of the EOS Network into innovative new business models that leverage blockchain technology and will work closely with key stakeholders including the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).
EOS Network Ventures will make strategic equity and token-based investments into tech startups across the Web3 space including GameFi, the metaverse, eSports, NFTs, and fintech. Initially, the fund will consist of newly issued EOS tokens mirroring tokens earmarked for use cases similar to this that the network retired in the past.
“The ENF has been successful at deploying grant funding, but we really see EOS Network Ventures as another step in terms of being able to realize our mission, which is to enable developers, businesses and individuals to build on EOS, across all stages of company life cycles, and therefore fully support the creation of the ENV.” – Yves La Rose, CEO of the EOS Network Foundation.
The investment proceeds from the ecosystem fund will be used to drive value back to EOS token holders through a variety of mechanisms to align economic incentives, for example, through a buyback and burn program. This will serve as a deflationary counterbalance to network spending on grants and public goods. The ecosystem fund will be foundational in both attracting additional external investment, and providing ongoing benefit for EOS token holders.
“The ENF has been working diligently on securing the additional outside investments into the ENV as it works in parallel towards consensus on the establishment of the fund and entity. This new capital fueling the EOS application layer will drive the next wave of blockchain innovation and market adoption. We anticipate new business models to emerge and meaningful apps built to solve real problems.” – Yves La Rose, CEO of the EOS Network Foundation.
The EOS Network Foundation also recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Busan Metropolitan City in South Korea in partnership with several other notable blockchain VCs with a collective $700m assets under management to invest $100m into the city’s blockchain infrastructure and Web3 startups over the next three years.
The EOS Network Ventures ecosystem fund will allow the EOS Network to further establish itself as an ideal blockchain for Web2 businesses transitioning to Web3 and a launchpad for new projects.
About EOS Network Foundation
The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.
Contact Details
EOS Network Foundation
Zack Gall
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