News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

EOS的新复兴规划中引入EVM支持/EOS Introduces EVM Support as Part of New Revitalization Plan



艾伯塔省卡里加讯–(Newsfile Corp.-2022年4月22日):社区领导的机构EOS 网络基金会(EOS Network Foundation, ENF)从Block.One中获得了对EOS项目的控制,现在,它已经完成了把以太坊虚拟机部署到EOS网络的准备工作,让开发者能够在高性能的区块链中利用熟悉的区块链工具和代码工作。

近期它在Twitter Spaces的启动仪式上宣布了Trust EVM,这是一个在EOS协议上作为智能合约运行的新虚拟机。这样,它就会比其他EVM运行速度快得多,出块时间为0.5秒,TPS(每秒查询率)10000以上。此外,EVM运行时和其他EOS dApp生态完全兼容,让代币能够去信任化在不同的环境中移动。

出块速度高和低延迟让EOS能够完全变革EVM dApp生态。建立在利用Solidity构建微交易上的GameFi(游戏化金融)应用终于可以在EOS上发展起来,因为其极高的吞吐量把gas费用降到微分。DeFi(去中心化金融)应用也从这个超低延迟中获益良多,这样就可以实现常用EVM智能合约的高频率交易。


“我们几乎可以说炒了Block.one鱿鱼,然后控制了EOSIO代码库,之后ENF采取了多管齐下的战略,把EOS转变成成熟、优秀的Web3智能合约平台和区块链生态。今年初开始,ENF建立了多个工作小组、横跨多个领域,发表了四份研究报告,规划了75个EOS增强提议,形成了一个协议发展联盟,第一年就有800万美元的资金,并把我们的团队扩大了三倍。我们的第一个产品,Trust EVM,会带来新一代的DeFi和GameFi,结合速度、吞吐量以及运行在EOS EVM上的基于Solidity的应用的EOS成本,这会带来无穷可能。Trust EVM会彻底改变现有的DeFi布局。”EOS网络基金会的首席执行官Yves La Rose说。

EOS 网络

EOS网络是EOS VM支持下的第三代区块链平台,它是针对几乎零成本的确定性执行的低延迟、高性能、可延展的WebAssembly引擎;专为优化web3用户和交易者体验设计出来。EOS是EOSIO协议的旗舰区块链和金融中心,它是多链协作背后的驱动力,也是通过EOS网络基金会(ENF)为工具和基础架构等公共产品的资金源。

EOS 网络基金会



Zack Gall, EOS 网络基金会


Calgary, Alberta–(Newsfile Corp. – April 22, 2022) – The EOS Network Foundation (ENF), a community-led entity that took the reins of the EOS project from Block.One, has completed the work required to bring the Ethereum Virtual Machine into the EOS network, allowing developers to use familiar blockchain tools and code on the high performance blockchain.

The Trust EVM, which was announced during a recent launch event on Twitter Spaces, is the name of the new virtual machine that runs as a smart contract on the EOS protocol. This allows it to be significantly faster than the other EVMs with 0.5 second block times and 10,000+ TPS. In addition, the EVM runtime maintains full compatibility with the rest of the EOS dApp ecosystem, allowing tokens to be trustlessly moved between the environments.

The extremely fast block times and low latency enabled by EOS can completely revolutionize the EVM dApp ecosystem. GameFi apps based on micro-transactions built using Solidity can finally thrive on EOS, as its extremely high throughput enables micro-cent gas fees. DeFi apps can also benefit tremendously from the ultra low latency, enabling high frequency trading cases for regular EVM smart contracts.

The EOS network has proven its ability to process over 120 million daily transactions during periods of high usage, the equivalent of almost 4000 TPS of usage in production without any network stoppages or disruptions. However, under the previous tutelage of Block.One, the developer experience on EOS suffered immensely due to their lack of commitment to community or financial support, therefore it never succeeded in attracting a critical mass. This meant that the platform failed to attract developers and missed out on the DeFi and NFT booms. Yet, EOS remains the most scalable and performant blockchain in production today. It has been battle tested over four years. By integrating the EVM, the previous developer tooling issues can be instantly remedied by providing instant access to open source code libraries, SDKs, and popular toolkits such as Hardhat and Truffle, paving the way for rapid adoption.

“Since essentially firing and taking over the EOSIO codebase, the ENF has been taking a multi-pronged strategic approach to mature EOS into the best-in-class Web3 smart contract platform and blockchain ecosystem. Since the start of this year, the ENF has established multiple working groups across many areas of expertise, published four research papers outlining 75 EOS Enhancement Proposals, formed a protocol development coalition with $8m in funding for its first year, and tripled our team size.

Our first product, the Trust EVM will usher in the next generation of DeFi and GameFi with limitless possibilities when combining the speed, throughput, and cost of EOS for Solidity based applications running on the EOS EVM. Trust EVM will revolutionize the DeFi landscape as it exists today,” – Yves La Rose, Executive Director of the EOS Network Foundation.

EOS Network

The EOS Network is a 3rd generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS VM, a low-latency, highly performant, and extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near feeless transactions; purpose-built for enabling optimal web3 user and developer experiences. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the EOSIO protocol, serving as the driving force behind multi-chain collaboration and public goods funding for tools and infrastructure through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF).

EOS Network Foundation

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The ENF is the hub of the EOS Network, harnessing the power of decentralization as a force for positive global change to chart a coordinated future for EOS.

Media Contact:

Zack Gall, EOS Network Foundation

原文链接/Original URL:

EOS Introduces EVM Support as Part of New Revitalization Plan (

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