- 其周四的声明说,该项目利用LACChain区块链网络,完成了IDB华盛顿总部到多米尼加共和国的几笔支付。
- LACChain在EOSIO上运行,最近它们还和Block.one达成伙伴关系,2018年,Block.one获得40亿美元融资打造该软件。
- 支付款首先以美元形式存入花旗银行的账户,然后代币化,利用数字钱包转账,最后按照花旗银行的汇率兑换成多米尼加比索。
- IDB认为该项目证明区块链可以改进在开发援助和国际兑汇方面的跨境支付流程。
The innovation arm of multinational finance giant Citi has wrapped a proof-of-concept project with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to send cross-border payments on a blockchain.
- According to an announcement Thursday, the project used the LACChain Blockchain Network to power payments from the IDB’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., to a recipient in the Dominican Republic.
- LACChain runs on EOSIO and recently enlisted Block.one, the firm that raised $4 billion to build the software in 2018, as a partner.
- Funds were deposited in dollars in a Citi account, tokenized and transferred using digital wallets before being transferred into Dominican pesos at an exchange rate set by Citi.
- The IADB believes this project demonstrates how blockchain technology can improve the process of cross-border payments in development assistance and international remittances.
- Projects of this nature are becoming fairly commonplace in the payments sector. The central banks of Hong Kong, Thailand, China and UAE recently joined forces on a project to use blockchain technology for regional payments.
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