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更新—Block.one宣布了EOS VC赞助计划名单/UPDATE: Announces EOS VC Grants Program Recipients




EOS VC 赞助计划是Block.one在2019年12月提出的,计划为合格的申请人提供50,000美元,申请人应该有新颖的产品和服务促进EOSIO生态发展。这笔资金的目标是让有前途的、利用EOSIO协议的企业能够把想法变成创新的产品和服务。


“我们认为,扶持协作初期的有潜力的项目是我们促成区块链技术底层扩展的好方法,” CEO Brendan Blumer说,“获得支持的这些企业在解决的问题多种多样,这也证明了利用EOSIO软件能够带来各种各样的机遇,我们也愿意继续支持各种规模的企业和项目。

EOS VC赞助计划名单(按字母顺序)

AdNode – AdNode自动对数字广告进行对账,这样就对供应链负责。该软件可以快速识别广告可见性的成本和来源、品牌安全性和机器人流量问题。

AnyLog –AnyLog在搭建下一代去中心化的loT(物联网)平台。通过全球性的分布式p2p网络、区块链和大规模资料平行、AnyLog为收集、储存和从loT数据中获取实时资料提供了成本有效的解决方案。

BREACH  BREACH为客户提供网络保险解决方案,避免因为加密货币交易所遇到黑客袭击导致数字资产损失。BREACH为消费者内心安定提供了额外的保障,并允许顾客选择在同一个政策下为不同交易所和数字资产上保险,简化了数字资产所有权。

Custos – Custos在传播的每个视频、文件和电子书中嵌入加密货币赏金,从而利用区块链技术防止非法媒体传播。

Digital Oracles – Digital Oracles是一个增长管理平台,为投资者、加速器、业务天使网络和他们的团队提供投资和资产组合中的公司中急需的洞悉力和可见度。它提供了简单的方式动态评估绩效、监督进度并为发展早期的企业建立有价值的目标设定方法。

EcoMatcher – EcoMatcher和世界各地受审核的基金会和NGO一起植树造林。EcoMatcher利用科技让人们知道种下去的每棵树的所有情况,提供了完全的透明度,人们可以利用网络查看每一个树。企业可以利用树木和森林获得回报、忠诚度、企业礼物、团建、和透明的碳补偿项目。

Forkast – Forkast是一个数字媒体平台,包含了变革的时代中的未来思维——区块链以及跨越了企业、经济和政治的新兴技术的故事。

GEER   Digital Authentic Goods™开发者,Digital Authentic Goods™是创新的数字产品,它可以用来验证真实性、提高消费者参与度、把现实世界的物品带到数码前沿。 – Genobank.io是一个去中心化平台,它为用户提供匿名的唾液DNA采集包并保护其隐私——保存DNA数据钱包,让用户可以把自己的生物数据转成非同质代币(BioNFT),并拥有和控制这些代币。

Genuine Way – Genuine Way是一个技术服务提供方,它专注的是在食品、时尚、药妆行业消费者产品制造商应用的集成区块链的应用的开发和传播。其任务是通过区块链的应用,刺激世界各地有意识的消费。

Havuta –Havuta是一个数据收集和分析公司,它为开发领域提供创新的实时影响评估解决方案。其应用生态帮助影响投资者、开发计划、人道主义机构利用当地社区的集体知识促进强化的实时数据流。Havuta利用区块链技术,让影响可验证、让数据可负担和可执行。

Herd – Herd的任务是让人们能够更容易地、完全在虚拟世界中学会区块链技术。

KARMA – KARMA鼓励用户分享积极和有趣的内容,如果其他用户喜欢他们的内容,他们就能获得KARMA代币。

Klevoya  Klevoya的使命是帮助EOSIO dApp开发者生成没有错误的、安全的代码。Klevoya利用智能合约分析和执行引擎,轻松地检查程序错误和安全漏洞。

Laava ID –  Laava智能指纹对每个智能指纹都利用了EOSIO区块链技术,因此每个人都不同,每个指纹也做了伪造保护,这样每个物品都有自己独特的故事;出处、溯源、区块链和营销。

LimeChain – LimeChain是一个区块链和DLT(直线性变换)解决方法公司,它帮助企业和区块链新手设计、搭建和启动区块链。它关注公共和私人区块链开发并提供工具开发。

Magic Lines –利用AR改善了痴呆症患者的生活,重新定义了痴呆症和帕金森综合征。病人能够把自己的数据代币化,这些数据利用EOSIO储存在区块链上,且病人能自行决定是否以这些数据获得收益。

NouGit – NouGit背后的团队正在为开源软件维护放和开发者搭建一个社区管理、治理和融资工具的网络。

Outplay Games –OPGames是一整套工具,让游戏开发者能够轻松地把竞争体验插入其游戏中,开发者只需要通过带有加密买进/支出地锦标设和PvP比赛接入即可。

PAKT – PAKT的Smart Wardrobe™平台是一个在线和离线的衣柜管理解决方案。PAKT提供检查和UVC光消毒、在原始状态下储存、以及按需交付的手机数字仓库。 –一个针对95后的、非传统的加密应用,它让自定义设置和预制投资组合变得有趣和容易。

PUML – PUML Better Health是一个针对企业和品牌的参与平台,它鼓励员工过健康的生活。这个DApp把健康行为游戏化,会给会员发放奖励代币,也能在EOSIO上保护其健康记录,同时,还让会员因为自己的数据获得报酬。

Qokka – Qokka使用最高效的ML(机器学习)和NLP(自然语言处理)技术,利用大量审阅、聊天、评论、和行为数据,帮助企业零距离接触企业和客户。Qokka的产品Credible提供了所有东西的必需品,不管是社交聆听、审阅管理、反馈分析、社交认证弹出窗口和转换优化。

SnapX Platform – SnapX是下一代的“已验证的人才市场“,它利用了AI、ML和区块链技术。求职者可以使用SnapX证书创造自己的”已验证简历“,这个证书在未来找下一份工作的时候还可以继续使用,这样对潜在的雇主来说就加快了招聘流程。

Tabletop ID–Tabletop ID是北欧一个科技服务和数据分析公司,它利用进场通讯来强化实物产品。Tabletop ID解决方案提供了反伪技术,并鼓励顾客参与,同时还为直接营销和通讯提供了一个安全的渠道。

TAIKAI – TAIKAI帮助组织运行自己的黑客马拉松并开放创新挑战,它相当于一个线上协助者。它们想要创造的未来中,创新的人可以处理组织提出的挑战、呈现解决方案并因此获得奖励。

Talksho – Talksho的旗舰产品是Civol,这是一个异步视频对话平台,让各个规模的组织在应对共同面临的问题时进行讨论、辩论、和决策。用户反馈被记录在一个EOSIO区块链上,其测试项目针对新冠肺炎并很快会启用。

The Labz – Labz是一个内容协作工具生态,它专用于支持实时汇总和跟踪创意归因的过程。

The Writer Company – CryptoWriter的开发方,这是一个多层的社区发表网络,其目标是提升高信号内容,把EOSIO新闻和信息传播给更大的加密社区。

TrueOrigin – TrueOrigin提供了一个成本有效的平台,它让任何人都能创建、管理和追踪智能的、可阅读的产品二维码。企业能够加强自己的数字形象、防止假冒并奖励消费者。

Unum ID – Unum ID帮助企业即时验证用户和员工。该公司提供共享的、可验证的身份技术。他们的软件把每个人的电话转成一个虚拟ID卡,这个卡片会有关该用户的许多验证连接在一起,成为一个可以在各个业务部门,甚至整个公司,共享的身份。

UrbanChain Group – Parkingbnb应用帮助司机找到最便宜、最近、并有足够停车位的停车场。Parkingbnb的智能停车场管理解决方案让停车场所有人能够通过部署基于AI的智能相机和该停车场管理平台增加收入,这些相机能够完成车牌识别、实时空位管理和无接触支付。

WordProof –这是一个完整的时间戳生态。WordProof提供工具为内容和方法提供时间戳,让用户、社交媒体和搜索引擎能够验证任何内容的完整性。

Zumo –这是一个去中心化的手机钱包和支付平台,帮助用户无缝地储存、发送、消费和交换加密货币和传统货币。Zumo的任务是彻底提高全球支付的安全性、消费和速度。

更多关于获得 VC赞助企业的信息,请访问EOS VC网站。


Block.one的EOS VC部门给开发者和创业者提供成立利用EOSIO的企业所需要的资金,其方式是依靠风投伙伴资金。该部门投资于大量各类利用EOSIO软件的区块链公司,从而实现EOSIO生态的可持续使用。EOS VC项目致力于通过各种活动把世界范围内各个不同领域的个体联系起来。这样的使命和愿景之下,EOS VC和区块链开发者社区保持紧密联系。获得更多信息,请访问 和


Block.one是致力于高性能的区块链软件的跨国软件公司。2018年,其发布EOSIO,这是一款免费、开源的协议,其目标是为分布式数据库安全和透明的基础带来快捷的速度、庞大的使用规模和简单的使用方法。Block.one的风投部门,EOS VC会对全球各利用EOSIO软件的企业、项目和开发者进行投资。


原文/Original: Awards Grant Funding to 34 Companies Using EOSIO To Build Diverse Solutions

Blockchain software publisher today announced that it has awarded 34 grants to promote global entrepreneurship and the growth of the open source community using the EOSIO protocol. announced its EOS VC Grants Program in December 2019, offering $50,000 to qualified recipients who are contributing to the advancement of the EOSIO ecosystem through innovative products and services. The funding is intended to enable promising businesses using or supporting the EOSIO protocol to progress from ideas to innovations.

The funded projects represent a diverse array of industry sectors, global locations and varying stages of development. From developer tools to tree planting, the grantees will use the award to complete project milestones on their path to building solutions for general and commercial use.

“We believe that nurturing up-and-coming projects that are still in the early stages of collaboration is a powerful way to foster grassroots proliferation of blockchain technology,” said Brendan Blumer, CEO. “The variety of problems that these grant recipients are working to solve demonstrates the wide range of opportunities made possible by leveraging  EOSIO software, and we’re happy to continue supporting companies and projects of all sizes.”

The EOS VC Grants Program recipients include (in alphabetical order): 

AdNode –  AdNode automates reconciliation in digital advertising, creating accountability for the supply chain. The software eliminates waste in digital ad spending by rapidly identifying the costs and sources of viewability, brand safety and non-human traffic issues.

AnyLog – AnyLog is building the next generation decentralized IoT platform. Through a globally distributed peer-to-peer network, blockchain and massive parallelism, AnyLog provides a cost-effective solution to collect, store and extract real-time insight from IoT data.

BREACH  BREACH provides consumer cyber insurance solutions against cryptocurrency exchange hacks that result in the loss of digital assets. BREACH is giving customers additional peace of mind and simplifying digital asset ownership by providing the option to insure multiple exchanges and digital assets all under a single policy.

Custos – Custos uses blockchain technology to prevent illicit media distribution by embedding crypto-bounties in each video, document or ebook that is distributed.

Digital Oracles – Digital Oracles is a growth management platform offering investors, accelerators, business angel networks and their teams much needed insights and visibility on their investments and companies in their portfolio. It offers an easy way to dynamically assess performance, monitor progress, and establish valuable goal setting methodologies in early stage businesses.

EcoMatcher – EcoMatcher plants trees and complete forests with vetted foundations and NGOs from around the world. Through technology, EcoMatcher knows everything of every tree planted offering full transparency; every tree can be virtually visited. Companies can use trees and forests for rewards, loyalty, corporate gifting, employee engagement, and transparent carbon offsetting  programs.

Forkast – Forkast is a digital media platform that covers future thinking in times of change – the stories of blockchain and emerging technology at the intersection of business, economy, and politics. 

GEER   Developer of Digital Authentic Goods™, innovative digital items that can verify authenticity, drive consumer engagement, and bring real-world objects into the digital frontier. – is a decentralized platform that offers an anonymous saliva DNA extraction kit + privacy-preserving DNA data wallet to enable users to own and control their biodata as non-fungible-tokens (BioNFTs).

Genuine Way – Genuine Way is a tech service provider specializing in the development and distribution of blockchain-integrated applications for manufacturers of consumer goods in the food, fashion, cosmetics and pharma industries. Its mission is to promote conscious consumption all around the world through the use of blockchain.

Havuta – Havuta is a data collection and analysis company that provides innovative real-time impact evaluation solutions to the development sector. Its ecosystem of applications helps impact investors, development programs, and humanitarian organizations leverage the collective knowledge of local communities to drive enhanced real-time data flows. Backed by blockchain technology, Havuta makes impact verifiable and data affordable and actionable.

Herd – Herd’s mission is to make it easier for people to learn blockchain technology completely virtually.

KARMA – KARMA incentivizes users to share positive and interesting content and receive KARMA when others like their content.

Klevoya  Klevoya’s mission is to help EOSIO dApp developers deliver bug free, secure code. With its  smart contract analysis and execution engine, checking for bugs and security vulnerabilities is painless.

Laava ID –  Laava Smart Fingerprints are individually unique and counterfeit protected using EOSIO blockchain technology in each smart fingerprint to allow each item to tell its own unique story; provenance, traceability, blockchain and marketing.

LimeChain – LimeChain is a blockchain and DLT solutions company that helps enterprises and blockchain startups design, build and implement blockchain. It focuses on public and private blockchain development and provides tools development.

Magic Lines – Redefining dementia and Parkinson’s by using AR to improve the life of dementia patients. Patients will be able to tokenize their data, which is stored on the blockchain using EOSIO, and monetize this data at their own discretion.

NouGit – The team behind NouGit is building a network of community management, governance and fundraising tools for maintainers and developers of open source software.

Outplay Games – OPGames is a suite of tools that enables game developers to easily plug in competitive experiences into their games through tournaments and PvP matches with crypto buy-in and payout.

PAKT – PAKT’s Smart Wardrobe™ platform is an online and offline wardrobe management solution. PAKT provides inspection and UVC light sterilization, storage in pristine conditions and a digital inventory available on your phone with on-demand deliveries. – An unconventional, Gen-Z focused crypto app that makes it fun and easy to set up custom and premade portfolios.

PUML – PUML Better Health is an engagement platform for corporates and brands to incentivize their employees to be healthy. The DApp gamifies healthy behaviors by rewarding members with reward tokens and also secures and protects their health record on EOSIO and enables its members to earn revenue from their data.

Qokka – Qokka helps companies zero in on customers and communities by leveraging mass review, chat, comment, and behavior data, using the most efficient ML and NLP tech. Qokka’s product Credible provides the essentials of everything from social listening, review management, feedback analysis, to social proof pop-ups and conversion optimizations.

SnapX Platform – SnapX is a NexGen “Verified Talent Marketplace” leveraging AI, ML, and blockchain technologies. Individuals looking for a job can create their “Verified Resume” by undergoing a SnapX Certification, which can be reused when applying for their next job, speeding up the hiring process for prospective employers.

Tabletop ID– Tabletop ID is a Nordic technology services and data analytics company utilizing near-field communication to enhance physical products. The Tabletop ID solution provides anti-counterfeit measures and encourages consumer engagement while creating a secure channel for direct marketing and communication.

TAIKAI – TAIKAI helps organizations run their hackathons and open innovation challenges,  acting as the online facilitator. Their vision is to create a future where innovators can work on challenges posted by organizations, present solutions and get rewarded.

Talksho – Talksho’s flagship product is Civol, an asynchronous video conversation platform enabling organizations of all sizes to discuss, debate, and decide the issues they face collectively. User feedback is recorded on an EOSIO blockchain. Its pilot is dedicated to COVID-19 and will be launching soon.

The Labz – The Labz is an ecosystem of content collaboration tools specially designed to support the process of aggregating and tracking creative attribution in real time.

The Writer Company – Developer of CryptoWriter, a multi-layered network of community publications designed to elevate high signal content, exposing EOSIO news and information to the greater crypto community.

TrueOrigin – TrueOrigin provides a cost-effective platform that enables anyone to create, manage and track smart readable QR codes for their products. Businesses are given the ability to enhance their digital presence, deter counterfeiting and reward consumers.

Unum ID – Unum ID helps companies instantly verify users and employees. The company provides sharified (shared, verified) identity technology. Their software turns each user’s phone into a virtual ID card that links together many verifications about that user into one identity that can be shared across business units and even across companies.

UrbanChain Group – Parkingbnb app helps drivers to find the cheapest and closest parking with enough parking spaces available upon arrival. Parkingbnb’s Smart Parking Management solution allows parking owners to increase their profit by deploying AI-based smart cameras for car plate recognition, real-time occupancy control and contactless payment together with the parking management platform.

WordProof – A holistic timestamp ecosystem. WordProof provides tools to timestamp content and ways for users, social media, and search engines to verify the integrity of any content.

Zumo – A decentralized mobile wallet and payments platform that helps users to store, send, spend and exchange cryptocurrencies and traditional money seamlessly. Zumo’s mission is to radically improve the security, cost and speed of payments globally.

To learn more about’s VC grant recipients, please visit the EOS VC website at

About EOS VC’s EOS VC program offers developers and entrepreneurs the funding they need to create community-driven businesses leveraging EOSIO. It provides support through venture capital partnership funds that aim to achieve sustained utilization of the EOSIO ecosystem by investing in a concentrated and diversified portfolio of blockchain-focused companies building on the EOSIO software. For further information, please visit and

About is a global software company specializing in high performance blockchain software. In 2018, it published EOSIO, a free, open-source protocol designed to bring speed, scalability, and ease of use to the secure and transparent fundamentals of distributed databases. invests in companies, projects, and developers around the world leveraging EOSIO technology through its EOS VC initiative.


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