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柏林区块链初创企业Gapless获得FinLab AG追加的550万欧元投资,用以进一步发展/FinLab AG: Further Growth for Berlin Blockchain Start-Up – Gapless Receives 5.5 Million Euros


针对用户爱好的平台Gapless成功完成了种子轮融资。在创始人CEO Jan Karnath, CFO Malte Häusler 和CTO Andreas Joegbes的带领下,这家总部位于柏林的区块链初创公司共获得550万欧元的投资。

这次融资的主要投资方是FinLab EOS VC Fund,它是FinLab AG (ISIN: DE0001218063; Ticker: A7A.GR) 和EOSIO区块链开发商、跨国区块链技术专业公司Block.one的合资公司。此外,保险企业家LA ROCA Capital的家族理财基金LA ROCA Capital 和保时捷AG从2018开始就已经投资Gapless,它们也参与了本次融资。


Gapless是你汽车的一站式app,让用户能够建立了一个完整、综合的历史,利用和汽车相关的第三方服务。“我们已经找到了我们企业未来发展的理想伙伴,那就是和Block.one风投部门EOS VC合作的FinLab EOS VC Fund。” Gapless CEO Jan Karnath对这次成功的种子轮融资是这么评价的。“我们现在在共同努力努力变成‘你的爱好平台’。2018年,Karnath和Malte Häusler 以及 Andreas Joebges共同建立了这个平台,其目标是为未来捍卫古董车的价值和情感意义。


Block.one是先进的区块链协议EOSIO的开发者。EOSIO在2018年6月发布,我们一般认为EOSIO是第一个针对企业的高性能区块链平台,现在也是世界上最活跃的区块链软件平台之一。Gapless打算把刚获得的投资用在产品、区块链架构扩展和平台用户增长上。“我们欢迎Gapless加入我们的投资组合,” FinLab EOS VC Fund的常务董事Stefan Schütze说,“Gapless展示了区块链技术怎么从头开始改变服务——展示了怎样贯彻从用户出发。”FinLab AG管理着FinLab EOS VC Fund,它是欧洲最大的金融科技和区块链投资方。


Gapless成立以来,这个总部位于斯图加特的跑车制造商就一直支持着这个位于柏林的初创公司,现在,Gapless已经有20个员工。2018年9月以后,Gapless已经加入保时捷生态,也加入赫尔辛基Slush创投大会和法兰克福IAA中保时捷创新日程。此外,它还加入了Plug and Play的全球技术加速项目STARTUP AUTOBAHN




关于 Gapless:


关于 和 EOS VC:

Block.one的EOS VC项目为利用 EOSIO的开发者和创业家提供资金,帮助他们实现以社区为导向的业务。它通过风投合作伙伴基金实现这一目标,该部门投资于大量各类利用EOSIO软件的区块链公司,从而实现EOSIO生态的可持续使用。EOS VC项目致力于通过各种活动把世界范围内各个不同领域的个体联系起来。这样的使命和愿景之下,EOS VC和区块链开发者社区保持紧密联系。获得更多信息,请访问 和


保时捷总部位于斯图亚特祖文豪森,它是世界上利润最高的汽车制造商。2019年,保时捷911、718Boxster、718 Cayman、卡宴、玛卡、帕拉梅拉、Taycan几个车系在全球共售出280,800辆,比上年增长了10%。由此,该跑车制造商的运营利润,不包括特殊项目,就共达44亿欧元,上升了3%。保时捷在斯图加特和莱比锡又工厂,在魏莎赫还有一个研发中心。这个跑车制造商共有35,429名员工。保时捷不断创新,他们很多技术源于赛车。保时捷理解我们企业责任的方方面面:经济、环境和社会。

关于 FinLab: 

上市公司FinLab AG WKN 121806 / ISIN DE0001218063 / 股票代码:A7A)是金融服务科技(FinTech)和区块链领域最初也是最大的投资人。这个背景下,FinLab关注的是为初创企业提供风投。FinLab的目标是长期参与其投资的企业,并为它们提供不断的支持。因此,FinLab在其投资公司的不同发展阶段会提供网络和技术支持。此外,FinLab也是资产管理公司,其管理的资产范围高达上亿美元。


Gapless, the platform for things you love, has successfully completed an extensive seed financing round. The Berlin-based blockchain start-up built around the founding trio CEO Jan Karnath, CFO Malte Häusler and CTO Andreas Joegbes raised a total of 5.5 million euros from investors.

The lead investor is the FinLab EOS VC Fund – a joint venture between FinLab AG (ISIN: DE0001218063; Ticker: A7A.GR) and EOSIO blockchain developer, global experts in blockchain technology. In addition to the fund, the insurance entrepreneur Kersten Jodexnis, with his family office LA ROCA Capital and Porsche AG, which have been investing in Gapless since 2018, are also involved in the financing.

The all-in-one app for your vehicle – and more 
Gapless is the all-in-one app for your vehicle – which enables users to build up a complete comprehensible history and to use third-party services related to the vehicle. “With the FinLab EOS VC Fund, in partnership with Block.One venture arm EOS VC, we have found our partner of choice for the further development of our young company”, says Gapless CEO Jan Karnath, about the successful seed financing. “We are now taking the next step together to become the ‘platform for things you love’.” Together with Malte Häusler and Andreas Joebges, Karnath founded the platform in 2018 with the aim of safeguarding the value and emotional significance of historic vehicles for the future.

Expansion of the blockchain architecture is the developer of the leading blockchain protocol EOSIO. Released in June 2018, EOSIO has been widely recognized as the first performant blockchain platform for businesses and is currently one of the most active blockchain software platforms in the world. Gapless intends to invest the newly raised capital in the product, the expansion of the blockchain architecture and the user growth of the platform. “We are pleased to welcome Gapless as a new investment in our portfolio,” says Stefan Schütze, Managing Director of the FinLab EOS VC Fund. “Gapless shows how blockchain technology can change services from the ground up – and always thinks from the user’s perspective.” FinLab AG manages the FinLab EOS VC Fund and is one of the largest fintech and blockchain investors in Europe.

Partner from the beginning: Porsche 
Since the founding of Gapless, the Stuttgart-based sports car manufacturer has been at the side of the Berlin-based blockchain start-up, which today has 20 employees. Gapless has been listed in the Zuffenhausen ecosystem since September 2018 and was part of the Porsche innovation agenda at the Slush Conference in Helsinki and the IAA in Frankfurt am Main. Furthermore, it was included in the current badge round by the global accelerator program STARTUP AUTOBAHN powered by Plug and Play.

More than 50,000 vehicles are listed on the platform 
Gapless already manages more than 50,00 vehicles on the platform, with most users of the so-called digital garages coming from the USA, Great Britain and Germany. By the end of the year, the Blockchain specialists expect up to 100,000. Further information about the all-in-one app for vehicles and other valuables can be found at


About Gapless:

Gapless is the world’s first blockchain platform for vehicle owners. On, users can manage their vehicles online and create digital, complete vehicle histories or have Gapless create them. All documents, photos and further pieces of information belonging to the car are located in a safe place and can be accessed, managed or shared online at any time in the form of digital exposés with verified historical entries. This includes, but is not restricted to, information on previous vehicle recalls, equipment characteristics data, or expenses.

About and EOS VC:’s EOS VC program offers developers and entrepreneurs the funding they need to create community-driven businesses leveraging EOSIO. It provides support through venture capital partnership funds that primarily aim to achieve sustained utilization of the EOSIO ecosystem by investing in a concentrated and diversified portfolio of blockchain-focused companies building on the EOSIO software. The EOS VC initiative is dedicated to fostering a global network of individuals from a number of disciplines through our engagement events. As part of the mission and vision, EOS VC engages with the blockchain developer community on a regular basis. For further information, please visit and

About Porsche: 

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, with headquarters in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, is one of the most profitable car makers in the world. In 2019, Porsche delivered 280,800 vehicles of the 911, 718 Boxster, 718 Cayman, Cayenne, Macan, Panamera and Taycan models to customers worldwide. That was ten per cent more than the year before. Thereby, the sports car manufacturer’s operating profit before special items amounted to 4.4 billion euros, up three per cent. Porsche operates plants in Stuttgart and Leipzig as well as a development centre in Weissach. The sports car maker employs 35,429 people. Porsche is committed to innovation, many of the technologies have their origins in motorsport. Porsche are aware of every aspect of our corporate responsibility: economic, environmental and social.

About FinLab: 

Stock market listed company FinLab AG (WKN 121806 / ISIN DE0001218063 / ticker symbol: A7A) is one of the first and largest investors focused on the Financial Services Technologies (“FinTech”) and blockchain sector in Europe. FinLab’s focus in this context is providing venture capital for start-ups. FinLab’s aim is long-term participation and ongoing support of its investments. FinLab in this regard supports its investments in their respective development phase with their network and know-how. In addition, FinLab acts as an asset manager and manages assets in the three-digit million-dollar range.

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