News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS



EOS New Resource Model Proposal Feedback— EOS.WiKi

After discussions with the team and community members, we have the following opinions on the new Rental Market proposed by Block.One: 1. The model proposed by Block.One can effectively increase user participation and resource utilization rate. But however, what might be encountered is that the APR of the revenue of the tokens of the Rental Market is still relatively low (compared to the current...

EOS WIKI和CodeLite团队共同宣布开发CodeLite for EOS来帮助开发者更好地创建智能合约/EOS WiKi and CodeLite Team jointly announce CodeLite for EOS project to help developers to create smart contracts easier

译文/Translated: 中国,香港:EOS区块链独立主网节点EOS Wiki(eosdotwikibp)今天宣布它将和CodeLite团队一起开发CodeLite for EOS。 CodeLite是一个开源的跨平台IDE,该集成开发环境由Eran Ifrah和其团队在2006年建立,从那时起它就不断升级开发,服务C++开发者。CodeLite for EOS是CodeLite的一个官方分支,这个分支版本主要针对EOS区块链的智能合约开发。CodeLite团队会在这个版本中加入一些功能,比如代码提示和调试功能,EOS Wiki和CodeLite团队会一起开发并推出CodeLite for EOS。 “我们的目标是给EOS区块链的开发者提供一个功能完善、实用性强的智能合约开发环境,” EOS...

News.EOS.WiKi Bilingual News & Info Of EOS

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