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LiquidApps推出LiquidLink交互式解决方案,联系了以太坊和EOS网络/LiquidApps Introduces LiquidLink Interoperability Solution, Connecting Ethereum and EOS Networks



特拉维夫,以色列/ACCESSWIRE/2019年7月31日讯:LiquidApps荣幸地宣布它们已完成了LiquidLink的概念证明,LiquidLink是能够联系以太坊和EOS区块链的交互性解决方案。有了这一重要的一步,去中心化化应用开发者才有机会把两个链的优点结合起来并扩散出去。LiquidLink基于DAPP Network,这是一个去信任化的二层协议社区,开发者可以从这里获得大量规模化服务。


LiquidLink是一个完全去中心化、双向跨链的通讯解决方案,它让开发者可以在建立应用的时候把独立的区块链联系起来。现存的交互式解决方案都需要各自的区块链才能运行,但是LiquidLink却是建立在基础层(base layer)上的 (目前是EOS和ETH),并将二者架构起来,实现大量的数据集和资源(包括代币)的去信任化转移。这就让开发者能够建立去中心化的多链应用,充分利用两个链各自的优势。比如,应用可以利用EOS已经被验证过的处理能力加快计算密集的以太坊交易,从而减少矿工费。

LiquidApps先前还开发了LiquidOracles,这也是建立在DAPP Network上的一个Web oracle服务,开发者可以从他们的EOS应用内部通过去信任化的方式追踪外部数据来源。LiquidLink则是该功能的一个强化版,区块链可以不单单和外部来源交互,还可以和其它区块链交互,而不会在系统中产生任何额外的信任。

提到LiquidLink解决方案时,LiquidApps的CEO Beni Hakak是这么说的:



DAPP Network的核心是DAPP服务提供者(DSP),他们给dApp开发者提供个性化的服务包。DSP会先选择LiquidApps的产品—如LiquidOracles, LiquidAccounts和vRAM—并选择他们想要提供给dApp开发者的服务级别协定(SLA)的条款和条件,从而完成服务包的设计。现在有了LiquidLink, DSP就可以提供联系以太坊和EOS的服务了。





LiquidLink是我们把DAPP Network扩展延伸到许多不同的区块链的过程中一个重要的里程碑。重要的dApp,不管是社交媒体应用还是p2p信息平台和外包市场都已经在使用DAPP Network规模化其产品了。



LiquidApps是由区块链行业的资深人士成立的,他们之前涉及的领域从加密到国土安全都有。该公司着力为开发者建立提供工具和服务让他们能够开发出可用的、规模化的、费用低廉的dApp。而LiquidApps开发的DAPP Network则是去中心化的二层解决方案,它将能集成所有的区块链,为开发者提供强大的服务。


TEL AVIV, ISRAEL / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2019 / LiquidApps is delighted to introduce the proof of concept for LiquidLink, an interoperability solution connecting Ethereum and EOS blockchains. This critical step creates the potential for decentralized application developers to leverage the combined benefits of both blockchains. LiquidLink is based on the DAPP Network, a trustless second-layer on which developers can access a host of scaling services.

About LiquidLink

LiquidLink is a fully decentralized, two-way cross-blockchain communication solution which allows developers to blend independent blockchains together when building applications. Whereas many existing interoperability solutions require their own blockchain in order to operate, LiquidLink sits on top of these base-layer blockchains (currently EOS and ETH) and bridges between them to allow for the trustless transfer of rich data sets and resources (tokens included.) This opens up the possibility for developers to build decentralized multi-chain applications that harness the respective strengths of both blockchains. For example, applications could utilize the proven processing capabilities of EOS in order to facilitate a computationally-intensive Ethereum transaction, reducing the cost of gas fees.

LiquidApps previously launched LiquidOracles, a web oracle service on the DAPP Network that enables developers to source external data in a trustless fashion from within their EOS applications. LiquidLink is a powerful extension of this feature, enabling blockchains to interact not only with external sources, but with other blockchains as well without introducing any additional trust into the system.

Speaking about the introduction of the LiquidLink solution, LiquidApps CEO Beni Hakak stated:

“The capacity to move value and data seamlessly across blockchains will enable each chain to focus on their core competencies and connect together to form multi-chain applications. These will boost the value of both individual networks and an integrated ecosystem as a whole. The game is on. We can start playing.”

The Best of All Worlds

At the heart of the DAPP Network are the DAPP Service Providers, which offer customized service packages to dApp developers. DSPs design their service packages by selecting from a range of LiquidApps products – such as LiquidOracles, LiquidAccounts and vRAM – and choosing the terms and conditions under which they wish to offer a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to dApp developers. With the introduction of LiquidLink, DSPs can now offer services that connect Ethereum and EOS.

LiquidApps has issued a short video showcasing LiquidLink’s functionality in action.

Developers have the opportunity to select any combination and number of DSPs, depending on the requirements of their dApp, which now includes incorporating elements from different blockchain platforms.

Ethereum developers have long struggled with the network’s scalability issues. EOS overcomes this challenge by offering quicker and cheaper transactions but has been criticized for its lack of decentralization.

With LiquidLink, developers could build their dApp in such a way that computation is performed quickly and cost-effectively on EOS, but subsequently verified on Ethereum. By allowing developers to offload computationally-intensive processes to the EOS blockchain, LiquidLink could potentially enhance Ethereum with additional scalability.

The introduction of LiquidLink represents a critical milestone in the journey towards expanding the DAPP Network across a range of different blockchains. Popular dApps, from social media applications to peer-to-peer messaging platforms and crowdsourcing marketplaces are already using the DAPP Network to scale their offering.

LiquidApps has now made dApps even easier to build, cheaper to operate, and versatile enough to leverage the strengths of different blockchain platforms. These developments are helping to engineer a blockchain ecosystem that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

About LiquidApps

LiquidApps was founded by blockchain industry veterans, with previous experience ranging from cryptography to homeland security. The company is dedicated to building tools and services for developers that make the dream of usable, scalable, cost-effective dApps a reality. The DAPP Network, created by LiquidApps, is a decentralized second-layer solution that can potentially be used across all blockchains to place powerful services at developers’ disposal.

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