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发布eosfinex——一个构建于EOS之上的高效去中心化交易场所/Introducing eosfinex——A High-Performance Decentralized Exchange Built On EOS





Bitfinex在EOS.IO Platformmedium.com构建高效去中心化交易所













eosfinex is a high-performance, decentralised exchange built on technology. The entirety of the platform will run on-chain — custody, order book, and matching engine are all part of the EOS contracts.

eosfinex combines the scalability and speed of EOS with Bitfinex’s industry-leading expertise to deliver an “on chain” exchange built around fast, transparent and trustless platform for digital asset trading.

The underlying goal of our work on the platform is to research and sandbox the capabilities of the EOSIO blockchain to meet the rigorous requirements of a high volume, blockchain-based trading platform.

Announcing eosfinex
Bitfinex to Build High-Performance Decentralized Exchange on the EOS.IO

As an entirely trustless trading experience, eosfinex will facilitate a highly-scalable network of peer-to-peer value exchange, unconstrained by borders and built around a foundation of transparency, speed and integrity.

Our underlying goal with eosfinex is to construct a fully decentralised exchange that is built around 3 pillars:

  1. Decentralisation

With eosfinex we are working towards achieving full decentralisation, including on-chain order books, matching and settlement. Our aim is to deliver a trustless peer-to-peer trading experience and complete decentralisation is a prerequisite for this.

  • Trust

The key to a truly valuable decentralised trading experience comes through eliminating the need for trust. With eosfinex, we are creating a transparent and auditable network of peer-to-peer exchange which can be monitored and verified by participants from around the world at any time.

  • Performance

eosfinex prioritises high performance with a comprehensive understanding of the demands of professional traders. eosfinex aims to replicate and exceed the current standard of cryptocurrency exchanges to deliver a new standard for decentralised trading.

eosfinex will initially list all major pairs (EOS/USDBTC/USD and ETH/USD) in order to swiftly expand with a more comprehensive token offering. The exchange contract is flexible and allows for the trading of any token created by a specific trusted contract. Furthermore, adding a new pair is trivial and can be done by anyone after the trusted contract issues a new tradable token.

eosfinex will support marketlimit, immediate-or-cancel, and post-onlyorders. EOSfinex will allow for the creation of increasingly complex order types based on user feedback and what is considered logical on a fully distributed exchange. Due to this,

eosfinex provides us with a platform to innovate within EOS, and to pioneer research within security, performance and scalability. eosfinex will alter the way value is exchanged within a network and we are excited about the opportunities this will foster.

Stay up to date with developments below as we approach our March 2019 launch.

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